=======> GET THE COLLECTORS EDITION OF THIS GAME!! you won't be disappointed <==========
This game definitely has it all- it is a -=>MUST<=- buy. You'd be doing yourself a disservice by not purchasing the collectors edition. Absolutely worth the money.
This is NOT kid/family friendly. This is absolutely an ADULT game. The warning is there for a good reason.
Wow! A stunning game. This is one of the best games I have had the pleasure of playing! A must play, hands down.
All is not what it seems, the twists and turns in this game will leave you guessing, "but... what about..." Its exciting, enthralling and very intoxicating. I played this game with no breaks and I didn't want to take a break!
The story in this game really grabs you and holds on tight leaving you wanting to know more behind all the mysteriousness you're experiencing. You really feel like you are in the game; which this is the crux of the game. You not only feel like you are making the decisions for yourself but you really feel connected to the character as "yourself".
The graphics are just amazing, very vivid and crisp (in a dark, dank, depressing atmosphere), the ambiance is creepy, grim yet compelling. The developers did a fantastic job on this.
The sounds just made the game come together; making my heart race and my mind think. The creepy "hint" button doll could have made some noise to add to the "creep" factor but I understand the devs were more focused on the game than a hint button.
The game took me about 6.5 hours to complete fully- quite a bit of back and forth but the hint button will tell you where to go if you get a little tripped up on the all the back and forth and to and fro.
The HOGs were very nicely done. The scenes really kept you involved and not wanting to hit the "hint" button at all. you get the feeling of wanting to find the objects on your own. I hardly ever hit the hint button not because the objects were easy to find but because the game pulls you in so much that you really don't want the help.
The mini games were varied; puzzles, putting together pictures. They weren't the highlight of the game tho. They were interesting, not too hard at all but not extremely easy either.
The ending is like, "omg! really?!" leaving the entirety of the game open. I'm not going to spoil it for you because the ending is what really puts the game into perspective.
========> The only way to play this game is by the Collectors Edition. You'd be doing yourself a horrible disservice waiting for or even buying the Standard Edition. <========
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
This game really sucks you in! We all know how it ends, why would it end any other way? The only difference is what is happening throughout the game. The game has real people portraying the characters (Like Mystery Trackers and Mystery Case Files) which really adds to the ambiance of the game. The little girl is kidnapped (not an original idea) and you must save her (Oh no! me?? Why me?!).
The creep factor is high and the imaginations of the developers has no limits or bounds. They really pulled out all the stops on this one!
The games range from hard to easy and are real 'thinker' games. Some are just plain aggravating (in a good way!). There is a bit of back and forth but you're not all over the map (which I don't remember- i don't think there is a map to show you where you are). Everything makes sense though and the game has a very curious flow to it.
The hint button though is useless. It doesn't direct you anywhere and only helps when you are in an area that you have something that needs to be completed. I had to constantly look at the walk through to figure out where I needed to go next. That was the only real debbie downer I can think of.
Length? I believe it took me 4 hours with a few breaks here and there to complete the game in full. Had I known this game was so great I would have bought the CE (I suggest buying the CE- even though I didn't).
The music is fantastic! It pulls you into the game as if you really are there. It is very tastefully done and not overwhelming to the senses, there aren't any loud obnoxious noises that scare you; just 'whats next?' and a little heart pounding excitement!
Most of the games on this site typically have the same idea behind the story. This game is somewhat different in the story. You are investigating the mysterious phenomena in Fort Nightingale. There are a few twists in the story that makes you say, "Oh wow!" but overall the story kept my attention and I wanted to keep playing to see 'what happens next?!'
>>>>The length of the game is moderate- it doesn't drag on and it isn't over before you get intrigued. It took me about 3 maybe 4 hours to complete the game, playing on Casual Mode.<<<<
The HOS are the right amount of easy, tricky and hard. Some items are in plain sight but you don't realize they are there because they blend so seamlessly into the scene. The game isn't overloaded with them and each scene produces an item to which you need to continue with the task.
I did have to use the hint button a few times only because I wasn't sure what should or needed to be done next. In the scheme of it, it didn't matter ( just me being a little OCD).
There is quite a bit of back and forth in the game but I like that since it keeps my mind sharp and forces me to pay attention to detail. The flow of the game is quite connected and there isn't hardly any (if at all) jumping around from one task to the next- they all work their way into the next one. You don't have to stop one task, start another, then another then finish the second task and third just to finish the first. You pretty much finish one thing before the story and game moves you on to the next task. I never like having to hold on to (lets say) a screwdriver that I need to use 20 scenes later. The developers did a magnificent job at keeping that consistent and together.
Overall, I definitely encourage you to play this game! I enjoyed it very very much =)
This game is pretty short, I finished it in about 3½ hours. There was an enormous amount of HOSs and the story was slightly dry.
The graphics are the same throughout the entire series (I've played all 4 games), not like extremely great but I like it, a lot!
There are no voice overs so you have a lot of reading to do. I personally like voice overs because it really brings you in the game (the other games in this series have voice overs)
I do recommend playing the game just because playing this game will put the other games in the series together. The other games in the series are excellent!
I somewhat enjoyed the game. I gave it five stars because the game really did get you involved in the story its just the story wasn't 'exciting', to me. It takes place in the 1940s, Europe.
The graphics were beautiful and very stunning! I enjoyed all of them!
The music was gorgeous and I loved most of the voice overs, except the sister Yvette. Her voice was horrid, like nails on a chalkboard :(
There is A LOT of back and forth, with no map to 'fast travel' to a location. I enjoy that sort of play so it didn't bother me at all. The hint button really wasn't a whole lot of help and I had to use the walkthrough quite a few times.
It took me around 4 - 5 hours to play this game and I did have to skip a puzzle or two because the tediousness of it. Some were easy and actually mega fun while others were just more wearing thin on my patience.
I recommend this game, absolutely, but suggest you play the demo first to make sure it is your type of game. The one thing I really disliked was the menu, hint and inventory bar were at the TOP of the game not the bottom.
Now the HOSs were very nicely done and it was a challenge but not so hard you just gave the heck up! i got a little mad with myself when I was struggling to find that last item, to hit hint and guess what? Its right in front of my face!
I very much enjoyed this game! The graphics were just stunning and very captivating! I couldn't have asked for a better quality of graphics for a game.
The game took me about 2 hours and 41 minutes to play, not skipping any puzzles and only needing hint maybe 2 or 3 times for those items that are in front of my face screaming at me but I totally missed. The game didn't seem like it took almost 3 hours, seemed a lot longer.
The puzzles are anywhere from easy to quasi hard; There is a lot of back and forth throughout the game but I don't mind that and somewhat enjoy it; so it didn't bother me.
The story line at first seemed interesting but as it went on it seemed more dry and as if an amateur wrote the lines the characters said. Although I did enjoy the story, there was a lot more that would have been done to make it grab my attention more. The ending was shocking and really left the game open for a sequel which I will most likely buy and play (I really like seeing 'what happens next').
One thing I really did not like is that the hint button does not help you if you get lost and can't figure out what to do next (THANK YOU WALK THROUGH!)
Overall I definitely think you should buy the game, at the very least try the demo!
I was thoroughly impressed with this game! The storyline is magnificent and builds in such a way that you aren't exactly sure what might happen next. The ending is a shocker!
The graphics are just amazingly beautiful with impressive definition. The cut scenes really put you there and gave you a feel of being a part of an elaborate story.
There is a tremendous amount of going back and forth throughout the game, I don't mind that stuff so I enjoyed it. The hint button does come in handy when you aren't sure of exactly what to do next or where to do because the game is huge (map wise and areas to visit). There is a lot to do throughout the game and definitely no lack of play/puzzles/HOS; all of which range from easy to medium to semi-difficult.
I was impressed with the length of the game, took me 6 to 7 hours to fully play the game. This is definitely a game I could and would play multiple times!! You should definitely buy this game!
This game picks up exactly where the first one, The House of a 1,000 doors: Family Secrets, left off. The story line is just as engaging as the first game! The journal in the game even starts where the last game ended. The story really intrigued me as each chapter built onto the last until the end; which even though the ending could have been a little better done, the bonus chapter made up for it. The ending really leaves Kate open to almost anything and I'm wondering where the House takes her next!
The graphics are stunning! Beautifully done and at times during the cut scenes very realistic!
The game is very long, well worth the money! It took me around 10 hours to fully complete the entire game, broken up into 3 sittings.
For people who don't like the backtracking over and over again there is a map that will 'transport' you to the different locations. I admit I did get a little 'done' with the backtracking and used the map to just 'go' to the next place I needed to go.
The Bonus chapter really turned the tide of the game and even though I kind of knew what might happen I'm still left wondering whats next. Can't wait for the next chapter!!
This is a definite buy! I wouldn't wait for the SE, the CE is well worth the money and time!!
This game is absolutely stunning! It picked up right where 'Shadow Town' left off. The story was fantastic even though at times I was a bit confused, it still left me shaking my head in disbelief because the ending was nothing like I expected! The ending left an opening for a 3rd installment of this series and I am crossing my fingers there is one!!
This game took me around 6 hours to complete, there is a lot of back and forth (with no map, but the hint button will guide you on your way) but I enjoy a game like that so it didn't bother me.
This game is not your normal run-of-the-mill 'escape from a mental ward' game, as if you haven't played 'Shadow Town' it is advised to play that one before this one to get the whole story and effect (and to understand what is really happening, otherwise you will be lost)!
I was surprised at how quickly this game captivated my imagination and had me dying to see what happened next; it was just like 'Shadow Town' in that I didn't want to stop playing until the end and was still wanting more when it was all over.
Not what I expected AT ALL! Excellent game! This game took me about 4-5 hours to complete (and that all depends on how you play) but it was well worth the money! The game starts off somewhat boring but very quickly grabs you and reels you in. The whole story really had me wanting to know more and see exactly what was going to happen next- its not what you expect!!
The graphics were pretty nice- I've seen better but at least it wasn't extremely dark to where you couldn't see where the hidden objects were. The HOSs were done very well, no 'junk' thrown in there for filler- everything was pretty much meant to be in the scene.
There is a lot of back and forth but I enjoy that sort of thing so that didn't bother me too much. If you get stuck or can't figure out where to go next the hint button will guide you to where you need to be.
I am VERY excited to play Twisted Lands: Insomniac, I got Insomniac as a bonus game when I bought another game and after reading all the reviews I immediately bought Shadow Town to play before Insomniac. I'm very much anticipating Insomniac because Shadow Town was excellent and it can only get better from here!!