I've played the demo first. Well, for me that was the best part. Music seemed all right, and the graphics are very beautiful.
The full game was quite a disappointment, except for the graphics: They are of a very high quality, and there a not many very dark scenes like those that occur in other games. The HOGs were not very clear. Sometimes there is just a small part visible, so in hindsight you say, "yes it is there, but I would never have found it". The music is most of the time not in context with the scene. Honky Tonk piano in the middle ages etc. I've played the game with all sounds muted.
I've rated Visual/Sound Quality as 'Excellent', but that only goes for the Visual Quality. Would I've rated the Sound Quality instead, then it would have been 'Awful'.
This is the second game in years I regret buying to some degree.
Pros: Beautiful graphics
Cons: Poor HOGs Very repetitive Annoying music Story line very not logical to me A lot of crystal ball-spirit-witch-magician stuff, although some people will consider that a pro
I really enjoyed playing this game. There's a lot of HOGs (which my wife likes), and there's also some adventure stuff in it, what I like. You cannot compare this game with the classic one: That game is 100% HOG as far as I played the demo.
The scenery is very nice. This is one of the reasons I like this game.
Music is also nice. Not to dark or creepy, just fit for the game. The story line is not very deep, but good enough to keep you going.
The game in not very difficult, but it took me long enough. Some of the puzzles do come back a number of times and are IMO too easy.
I wanted a game not as the usual games. Well, this game definitely qualifies. I've just begun the game (have been busy some hours), and I like it very much.
The puzzles are not easy, but it is nice when you've solved one. Some puzzles do have a quite unusual interface. Can't explain that in detail, because it would spoil your game, but you'll like it IMHO.
I've played this game in the DVD version. It is a good game, lots of puzzles to solve, not truly mind boggling most of the time, though there are some tricky ones.
My main complaint about this game is, because of the story line: Sinking Island, your world gets smaller all the time. This reduces the fun, because there is nothing new to discover.
That said, the price you pay at big fish is that low, that it is quite affordable. I would not spent $ 40.00 on this game, but for $ 6.99 you get many hours of puzzles...