Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This is an excellent game and like others have said it is akin to the PC genre of 'god' games (think Settlers, or Sim-City), I use to enjoy these games (and still play them from time to time), because they gave you 'free rein' to build your empire, but with the added gameplay of completing missions.
This to me seemed to be almost like a 'scaled-down version of these kind of games (obviously the 'off-line' ones were more expensive thus more depth), but were much more task-orientated in that whilst you did have some 'free-will' in the order you completed the tasks you still had to complete them all to continue the game.
For a 'god-game' the story-line was slightly above average, and the this was reflected in the game-play.
I felt that it was slightly 'tongue in cheek' that as it was a 'god-game' they used 'gods' to carry the story forward, as these 'gods' were the ones that gave you your tasks to complete. As it was litterally a 'god' game, you have 'extra abiliites' such as the 'hand of god' which allowed you to extract resources more easily and it also helped you to study quicker, this all helped to drive the game along thus you wouldn't get too bored.
The visuals were pretty good for a TM game and the sound-track was nothing special but then it wasn't irritatingly annoying either, just a nice jaunty track that whilst didn't exactly enhance the game-play wasn't 'offensive' either.
As there was an 2for1 offer on was just looking for other random games to see what was on offer, I am so glad I came across this as I can see it has been out a while, but for some reason I missed it when it first came out (would have got it earlier as this is definitely more my kind of game, different from the 'moving the rubble' kind of games (though I have grown to like those also), as it harks back to 'god-games' of old.
I would highly recommend this game, especially if like me you liked games such as 'the settlers' or other city-building games
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
This like the second version was one of my faithful 'go-to' games on the PC, I still have this version and play it a lot on the tablet, and I think (for my own preference), that as this game is slightly older, it probably now lends itself better to either an older PC, or a tablet (any tablet), as as the graphics are a bit 'clunkier' then this (with reference to my PC), made the controls also slightly 'clunkier' thus sometimes I could not always control the planes as smoothly as I needed to, to get the 'supreme' score. That aside this is still a good game and if you have a slightly older PC which is maybe running XP-Vista, then this is probably going to run well.
The game-play is almost identical to the second game, and whilst I prefer the second game (read the review of that for why), this I would still recommend to people who have an older PC (though if you have a tablet, try it on that as it will probably be cheaper (sorry BF), but I have both versions for my Ipod and I am going to purchase the second for my PC, the reason is that the intemacy on the tablet is good sometimes you just want a bigger screen to play on.
I would recommend this game if you want a stress free time management, where YOU get to be the Air Traffic Controller!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I have played and enjoyed both this and its predecessor for many many years. This has always been one of my 'go-to' games whenever I just want a bit of stress-free game-play (no puzzles to solve, no 'customers' to feed), I have played this on various formats over the years from PC's to tablets, with the current Presidents sale offer (God Bless America (and Bigfish(is that blasphemous?)), then I was wondering whether to purchase either this or the first version. I have decided to purchase this version as both are very similar but this being the second has major improvements over the first outing.
The first improvement is the graphics which are more 'rounded' and less blockier then the first game. This version is also in wide-screen by default and the mouse response is a lot better, meaning that you can control the planes flight with more accuracy. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed the first game (indeed I have it on my ipod and tablet (not purchased two just one and it 'up-scales' itself :)), but for the PC I think this version lends itself better to the 'bigger screen'.
If you want a bit of light-hearted, stress-free, then I would heartedly recommend this game, as the graphics are quirky, 'planes with personality' and whilst there is not much of a storyline (but then this is a TM and how many TM have a really gripping storyline), the game is one that you can play over and over, if only to try and perfect a 'supreme score' on all levels.
I would heartedly recommend this game to young and old alike and whilst it may have been out a while the graphics are still solid and hold up well even in today's market.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
I downloaded this thinking that it would be something different, and a new 'board game' they got the 'bored' bit right, only played around 30 minutes, then stopped.
I played the board game version and apart from nearly always rolling a three, I don't see why they needed to be this version as usually on a board game the markers on the board indicated something different, these didn't so I don't know whether the game would have played the same mini-games if you landed on the same spot when played again (quite frankly I couldn't be bothered to find out), the games were the usual mix of HO, spot the difference, 'block-slide' etc,and these were good (though sometimes the HO were a bit obscure.
The negatives though were that with unlimited hints and skips, there needn't have been a challenge to the game, and English was obviously not the developers first language as some of the grammar and wording were very suspect. These two flaws unfortunately brought to an end any chance of me purchasing the game.
Different yes but probably not for the right reasons.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I really loved this game, kind of like being a 'personal shopper'.
You had to find the different items for the customers and there were also 'x2,x3' tags thus doubled or thriced your score, thus if used wisely could help get an 'expert' score for the level. You can thus plan when to use these and in some shops these can really add 'money to the pot' so to speak. This added an extra element.
Also when a brand new shop had unlocked you had the option (and you gained an extra $50 at the start if you collected all, to find 'defective items') to 'clear the shop' as it were. This all added to the game play. But as you read on in the review (if you can be bothered), you will see where I felt the game didn't earn its '5th star'.
The graphics were good representations of the items in question, and the characters were good also.
The game whilst it lasted was good fun, but there is only 3 different areas to complete and then that is 'game-over' thus the game is thus very short (completed in around 6 hours which for me for a TM is short), you also didn't have the opportunity to go back to the previous 'zones' to re-play them. You can re-play the mini-games, but I got bored of this after 30 minutes or so, I would have much rather been able to reply the actual game (you can I suppose counter-act this by setting up a different profile, which is what I did in the end).
The sound/music/storyline about the same as most other TM (virtually non-existent), but again for TM it doesn't seem to matter.
Overall though I liked the game, though you have to play the different 'shops' twice or thrice sometimes before you are able to find all the items in the store (also when it is a very first 'look' at the shop you will probably have to use a lot of hints, just to find your way round).
The game is good whilst it lasted and as I got it at a 'special price' it was well worth the money.
I recommend this game!
3of3voted this as helpful.
DQ Tycoon
Build your own Dairy Queen franchise chain. Fast service; quick expansion. Manage up to four exciting locales.
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
Being a Brit I had never heard of 'Dairy Queen' but I liked how this game before the start of each day/shift gave you a 'fascinating fact' about the brand.
The game itself is a good solid TM game. The characters are quirky and fun and again representative of 'the people'.
The game-play itself is good and unusual from other TM in that as you progress you can then have your choice of DQ to manage for that shift each with their own goals. This was good for me as if you go onto the busier restuarants I found it a bit tough to meet the goal, but if I 'dropped down' one I managed to make it thus progress, I liked this aspect as you could then 'find your level' as it were and play within your means. As I say this is one aspect that I have not found in any other TM games, and I think it makes the game even more playable.
The story-line as usual in a TM is not the genre strong-point, I suppose in this game you want DQ supremacy, but apart from that the story-line is pretty much non-existent, which is fine as you generally don't play TM for the riveting story-lines you may find in a HO game for example.
The music is pretty much non-existent, but there is a sound-bytes. Though again TM's are not what really known for their music.
Overall though I enjoyed the game and also enjoyed learning about another 'piece of the the American pie'.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
This game was along the vain of games such as 'cake shop' series and the 'burger' games that moved along a convyer belt. That though was where the similarities ended. At least in the other games the mouse was responsive thus you could click on what you wanted when you needed to, this game you couldn't, the belt also moved extreamely fast so because of the mouse issues you couldn't keep up thus this ended in frustration.
The other problem with the game (as others have said), after the third or fourth tutorial 'pop-up' box there is no text just picture depicting what should be in the cases, I can just about forgive the developers for this as I suppose as long as you put the right items in the right case then the case will close.
The learning curve was too steep, usually on TM games you are able to get the 'master' (or equivalent) score on the first few levels to ease you in, here I was lucky if I got the bronze, this doesn't really give me any incentive to continue. Also it seemed to be unrealistic when you needed some items for cases and there didn't come up on the 'belt', thus you had angry customers through no fault of your own.
One tip I will give is if you really do want to pursue with the game to try and alleviate some of the mouse problems, try the game on a lower resolution to the one the game puts you in (though be aware for me the first time I did this I had to reboot my computer as it kind of did something to my graphics/monitor, but second time it did help), though to me it just proved how 'not very good' this game actually was.
I would not recommend this game to anyone, as along with the sluggish mouse controls, the unhelpful 'help boxes', the frustrating gameplay, unrealistic targets, poor music, what is there to say that is good about it?
As the title said the game is departing terminal 5 (forever)!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
The title says it all really. The game is a good concept (kind of reminded me of the 'HO scenes in games like 'farmington tales', in that you had to find items for cash. The problem was the time meters for the customers went down very quick and the items were small, and some blended in a little too well with the surroundings, on top of this some items were obscured so you had to move as well as the other problems listed.
Another problem was that if you got several bonus items for a 'bonus customer' the timer went down quicker each time and after about the third or fourth time the 'collect' bubble didn't go off the screen so that you can see the next item, thus stopping your bonus for that customer.
I can't really say too many positives for this game, the concept was good, and the music was ok (didn't get too annoying, but then I could only manage around 15 minutes), the story-line was a bit iffy, but TM story-lines are never the best.
Overall I would not recommend this game unless you had really really good eyes.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This reminded me a bit of the 'Haunted Hall' games, the difference being in those games the CE version had VO, this CE game does not. As this was the main reason for me to ever get a CE version, I think I will skip this and just get the SE version (even though the CE is on offer).
The game itself as I say is similar in vein to the Haunted Hall games but to me don't somehow seem to be as polished. The music and atmosphere is there but somehow it just doesn't seem to have 'it' (can't quite put my finger on the 'it', but whatever 'it' is this game doesn't seem to have it.
The storyline is a bit creepy (and again this is one of the times when I wish BF made more of thing about theme-content/and possibly put an age recommendation on the game 'detail page'. This is something I feel strongly about as some of the games (maybe not the graphics per-sa but the themes are certainly not suitable for young children, but if no warning is given then how are parents/grandparents suppose to know what is suitable or not. The detail-page is going to make it sound as exciting as possible but that doesn't really reveal what the actual game play is. I mean you can have 'joke-horror' theme games such as 'grave-mania' series of games or 'plant v zombies' that have 'scary' themes but these are cartoony and light-hearted and meant to be that way, this game whilst PC graphics, is not the the theme is dark and the graphics match the storyline thus creating a very dark game overall.
Sorry I have laboured the above point I just wish that BF would start categorising and putting 'PEGI' age ratings on games thus you know exactly what you are downloading.
As for the game overall, I will as it is a reduced price (despite the constant feeling of claustrophobia from being in a 'lift' (elevator) all the time, still buy it as the the story overall is good, but will be purchasing the SE edition for the reason stated above.
I would recommend this game but only if you fully aware of the dark nature of the storyline, I wouldn't say that this is 'family entertainment'.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I can seen the good in this game and how it has got such 'high praise' but the problem for me is that it is too similar to others that I have already got in my inventory (such as Royal Envoy and Kingdom Chronicles), to warrant me purchasing it. If I had a free game credit or it was in a sale (or in about five years as DoD) then I may think about it (or if I got bored or finished the others), but for me for now, I am don't think I will. The game itself is good and has a good storyline and has a bit of 'magic' thrown in, you can't go wrong with all that I know and I wish it was an 'instant buy' for me, but as at the moment I have the others I think for now I will say no.
But in complete contrast I do recommend the game, just perhaps if you have the others, to trial before purchase but for others who are trying to decide (or have not got either of the other aforementioned), then I would definitely consider it.