I have always loved the Beautiful Earth series games. They are not very challenging but when I have a headache or don't feel particularly well that day, they always make me feel better. I'm glad they figured out that unicorns are NOT pegasus and their identification of other things has improved. They kept all the games I liked in between chapters, but the Majong was one I had to skip over because the falling leaves were particularly distracting. Can't wait for my husband to open his darned wallet and let me buy this. .
I have loved all the "Beautiful Earth" games that have come out. I do have a problem with companies labeling things incorrectly though and this game is no exception. They need to learn the animals if they are going to produce a game featuring, well ... animals. For one, a morning dove is NOT a pigeon, a tortoise is NOT a turtle (tortoises live on land, turtles live in water) and a pegasus in NOT a unicorn. You think after #3 they would have learned that but sadly they have not. If they want to hire me I can correctly identify every single animal in the game.
This game was fun until I reached the fire section. The instructions don't make sense and my time ran out before I could figure it out. Up until then, I would have bought it but I'm not going to buy a game that I'm stuck on. I think clearer instructions are needed
I completed 3 pictures because I have a panic attack if I start something and don't complete it. After 3 pictures my carpal tunnel had gathered the muscles and tendons and they all were boycotting, my ligaments were still on my side. It would be much more fun if, as other reviewers stated, you could drag through the colors and not have to click on every single number. I can't imagine what the last few pictures must be like. Try the demo, to some it might be relaxing but I would prefer to keep my arm firmly attached to my body, thank you.
I played the demo and liked it so much I bought it without waiting for it to go on sale. I stopped playing the game because I got a migraine (which I am prone to). The next day I started playing it again and started feeling like I was coming down with a bug. I played it the third day and realized what the problem was. As you play the game, the background moves (kind of fast) behind the game. I was getting motion sickness (which I am also prone to). Now, the game is not at fault, but if anyone suffers from migraines or motion sickness, be warned. The only thing missing is a game that simulates heights, triggering my fear of heights.
Very childish visually. I wish it had the option to complete the games without a timer. The games could be fun if given enough time, It plays very slow on my computer. The music has the option of full blast or off, I turned it off so cannot comment on the music. If you don't complete a game in the time allotted it flashes "YOU FAILED" on the screen, not very encouraging for younger players.
When you find an item that matches you have to click 10-20 times to collect it. It is exactly like "The Devil Wears Prada". Too much conversation with no voice overs and items are very difficult to find given you only get a small piece of the item in view, the rest is hiding behind something. Others seem to like it but be sure to give it a try with the demo before you actually buy it.
If you have #1 or #2 then you are familiar with the game play. Its a typical HO but the puzzles in between levels are unique compared to all the other HO's I have played. This game is nice in that the objects you are looking for have the correct description. In other games when you are looking for a crab, it's actually a lobster. I can't comment on the music since I don't listen to it and I don't pay any attention to the storyline. This was an instant buy for me since I really like 1 and 2.