I agree that MCF does not exactly apply here, despite Epix's attempt. There were some aspects that reminded me of a time long ago, when MCF games were above and beyond any other HO games in existence. IMO, Epix made a valiant attempt to create the same type of challenging puzzles from previous MCF games and came up short. Nevertheless, the story line is engaging, the voice overs well done and the CE extras warrant my high rating. I believe that if this game did not have the Mystery Case Files heading, it would be well received. The humor, music, graphics and voice overs are excellent. It may not be a classic "MCF" game, but it is definitely a game worth playing. Have fun!
I agree with KatesMimi, the storyline is bizarre. For me, it was off putting. I still enjoy the clutter gameplay. I like the creative, fun names given to each one. They are very challenging and that is why I still recommend this game. The slider puzzles are okay, not great. The one with the blocks to put together the "big picture" is boring at this point. I have all the other Clutter games and this is the first one that has frozen up on me several times to the point where I am considering uninstalling it. None of my other games freeze on me. Would be a lot more enjoyable if not for that and the obnoxious storyline.
I have almost all of the Casual Arts games, and I cannot recommend them enough. Much has already been said about the details of the Cruise Adventure. I'll happily throw in my two cents about this game (and series) that it is just a completely relaxing, yet challenging (in a very good way) straight up H.O.G. The mini-games thrown in between the scenes are a nice touch to break up the monotony. And personally, I love it! Including the monotonous music! It's crazy, but I love everything about these games. If you love HOGs and need a day to just chill, this one's for you. Please devs, keep them coming!
Keeping this short and sweet, I am in agreement with Ziggy_Zigster .... if you loved the first Cadenza game, you will be in "HOG" heaven with this game. The graphics are AMAZING. For a Collectors Edition, it has all the bells and whistles, that I thoroughly enjoyed. Most of all, the story was logical and complete. Thank you Big Fish!
I cannot even imagine why there were some poor reviews, other than if fantasy/supernatural types of games is not your style (then, of course do not purchase). IMO, everything about Bridge to Another World: The Others was excellent. For me, having played many by now, the STANDOUT was it's uniqueness. The storyline was not terribly different than the normal "save a child type theme" but it was GOOD and I wanted to see how it ended. The HOS were outstanding. Worth it alone for me. Even in the extras, after collecting (the not very well hidden) ravens, you play a HOS that was just wonderful and challenging. There were some easy and challenging mini games. I loved the helper Troll. There was much thought and soul put into this game. You just have to see for yourself! Great job, developers!
fromThank you pennmom36! Your reviews are appreciated!
Skill Level:Intermediate
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I purchased this game a couple of years ago and could not remember much about it, having played many by now. What a great game! The SE has 3 levels, trophies (a fun "extra") and aside from that, no bells or whistles. There is no map to transport, you revisit the same scenes over and over with HOS being repeated over and over....YET...The creepiness factor is present, the story is compelling and the graphics are fabulous for a game of it's time. I am so glad I replayed it. Looking forward to the next two of the series. This is what I look for in a HOG. KUDOS to the developers!!
Without warning, a group of mysterious figures arrives and reduces your village to flames and rubble. What do they want... and who is controlling them?
I absolutely LOVED this game! I was completely immersed in it from start to finish. The developers took their time with coming up with well thought out characters who were believable and engaging. Much has been said about the storyline and game play by other reviewers, I wanted to throw in my two cents worth by saying: FANTASTIC, FUN, and a great escape to lose oneself in for an afternoon or evening. : )
You've returned from school to visit your father at his famous Jazz Pepper Club during Mardi Gras, but everyone is hypnotized. Have they heard the wrong note?
I've played a lot of these casual games over the past couple of years and this is the first time I feel the need to say, BEST GAME I've EVER PLAYED. I found the storyline to be original and it kept me wanting to get to the ending, even though I didn't want the game to end! The best part of this game was the originality of the HOG/mini games and puzzles. There's all the good stuff too, that makes it a worthy CE. Collectibles (music notes), morphing items (all in the HOGs), map that transports--easily, and great stuff in the extras, that gave this game, IMO, a WOW factor. There is a reason for why there are over 100 positive reviews in such a short amount of time. I cannot recommend it enough.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I truly hope the developers are reading these reviews. This is what an adult game ought to be, as often as possible. It takes a lot to frighten me and I was impressed. The storyline held my interest and kept me in suspense. One reviewer said you feel afraid to go through the door(s) and I completely agree. The whole "scare factor" worked. The mini-games/puzzles ranged from very easy to challenging. I particularly enjoyed the "Email challenge". As much as I like the fantasy/cutesy animal helper games too, this was refreshing. I am ready for Part Two in Fall, 2014!
I loved this game. It was really fun to play and the visual quality was fantastic. That being said, when I finished the main game, I was excited to start the bonus chapter. When the two "boxed" pictures came up, of the main female character, I chose the one on the left. It WAS NOT the bonus game. It was the start to the main game(again). IMO, it should have prompted "Are you sure you want to play this game again?" at the very least. Once you click on it, you do not gain access to the bonus chapter, unless you play the entire game again, which I did and actually, I loved it the second time around anyway! I correctly chose the right side picture and enjoyed the bonus game as well. I hope this helps. I know I'm not alone. Unless I missed something--let us know. Thanks and have fun!