Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
First of all STORY not STORIES. Second, some objects too small to see, cramped or too dark. Interesting puzzles and 5 star voice overs. Story pretty good, too bad the cutscenes can not be re-watcheched. Making the potions were fun and most of the graphics were superb. Could have been longer and bit more story to it tho. Easy jumps from locations to another via a carriage. Hint sluggish recharging and not the most helpful. Thank goodness time period correct objects (nothing more annoying than finding a VCR tape in a mid 1800's setting) I recommend this game if you can get it on sale or have a freebie coupon. Try demo first.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I had to agree with those who game 2 stars before me. Lots of same old same old items to collect, way too much backtracking (especially at the end ). Good visual but once again..... could the developers stick with the time period? Found hidden many "modern" objects in a game that was set (once again what a surprise(!) in the Victorian times. Beginning started real good, but by the third segment it started to be a bit too repetitive. Pretty good twist at the end, but the finish was weak like a fly November. Sound effects were familiar at first and if you are fan of the Ravenhurst series you will know why. Only way I recommend to buy this game if it a special offer or like me, got it in a dual pack at the stores. Otherwise..... not really worth it.
I love the game and the "remodeling HOG" sub genre. Good old familiar characters are to make Grandpa's farm even better. I wish BF would make a new sub genre files for games just like this. By the way am I the only one who thinks there is something going on between Farmer Joe and the voluptuous neighbor? She sure pops up a lot to "visit". ; D
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I loved this game! Colorful stain-glass, wood inlay and other type of "quilting" puzzles. Soothing music. A good relaxing game that can be tricky here and there.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
Oh boy! Who came up with this concept for a game? First the object are strewn all over, some hidden behind two objects and no indication that something might be hiding behind the otherwise intact wall paper. Some objects are so hidden even with the hint it is hard to figure out where it is. Some non HOs interact for no good reason at all. Confusing the average citizen at no end, expecting that might be important. No diary (or map if I remember correctly), only a line of the current task. Like, "Find Rover's tin dish". But the dish is like I said before twice hidden. First you need to collect 3 mice. On and on like that. Staff of the castle dysfunctional beyond words. Maid with nose stud big as a ring stone, butler who could care less what you need, ground keeper who wants to whoop you for no good reason. Only redeeming quality of the story is the main guy who kinda looks like Keanu Reeves and the house ghost. Voice overs are mediocre, teenage looking girl with Jessica Fletcher voice for one. Animation is nothing to rave about either. I can not write much about the game quality because there is not much of it in the game. One advice. Hint button is your friend.
This game had as much sense and story line as Twin Peaks did. Confusing,jumping from one point of view to an other. Who was the second character? How much time lapsed between the two? It had wholes so big you could drive a school bus through it. Visual is ok. Not overly jumbled and clear. The puzzles won't wrack you brain either. I only recommend this game if you have nothing better
Good game. Great VO, good acting. Good visuals. Bit cluttered here and there and some object are too well hidden. Other than that a decent game. BUT....... For Pete's sake! There were no gramophones in 1700's! Would it be much to ask from the developers to try not to add non period objects? It does put a damper on the whole feel of the game.
Not being a novice HO gamer, I still had difficulty finding some of the objects, but it was more a challenge than irritating. Great artwork, very good VO. Interesting mini games which you can find during the HOS. You have limited hints, but by collecting the Jack-o-Lanterns you can accumulate some fore emergency hint use. If you are stuck you still can hover over the clue and it will show the silhouette you need to find. All in all good game.
With 360 view and oddly hidden objects this game was no fun at all. Nice graphics of London's famous shops and landmarks, but other than that was nothing interesting here. Try before buying it. After the first 15 minutes of the demo I had to quit, it was just boring, tedious and frustrating.
Easy games to play with your kids or alone. Soothing music, not much story line, but not needed for the game. Goal is to find ingredients to make potions.