I had a lot of fun playing this game. Because of a technical problem I had to restart the game and enjoyed it again! Go figure. This is one of those stories where you get to like the baddie. That works for me every time. It is not a difficult game but it is very satisfying. One can get immersed into this game and that is what makes it so good. For this game I would suggest making yourself comfortable, and getting a bottle of wine or a Martini, shaken, not stirred. (That is if you are of age, like me) Otherwise a Coke with lemon and ice will do just nice.
The "no angst" feel of normality throughout the game was refreshing. Characters looked like anybody you may know; other than the janitor who in my opinion should have had more lines. The man was so random! The whole game was a relaxed trip to Sweden. The mystery that unraveled was totally plausible and there was a twist in the tale that was unexpected and which I found most satisfying. Grab a cup of coffee and a few Danish pastries and enjoy your weekend chilling and playing The Colour of Murder.