This is a real favourite of mine, I could play it all day. And I could indeed if I wanted to, this game takes a while to complete.
The book on which this game is based used to be one of my favourites as well, yet this game managed to go into a very innovative direction but with enough nods towards the book for those that know it.
Mina is a very sympathetic figure, I quite liked her, she has character. There are so many things to tinker with in this game, so many ways to reach a goal, it's real fun trying to find them all. Learned some chemistry on the way too. Good mix of puzzles and actions and even some fighting.
The artwork scenes, instead of video scenes really worked for me and added a lot of charm to this game. That's maybe the best way for me to describe it; it's a lovely and charming game.
I once bought this game together with 'Return to Mysterious Island'. I loved the other game but, alas, couldn't get the 'Voyage' CD to work! So I was over the moon (heheh) to find it here on Big Fish some years later.
It did not disappoint, even if it had some high expectations to meet after my long wait. I liked how the storyline was adapted from Verne's work and how it tied in with the other game. I've had hours of fun with it.
I recommend this game!
11of13voted this as helpful.
Overall rating
3/ 5
PostedOctober 29, 2012
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
Er is veel te zeggen voor dit spelletje: het is spannend genoeg, de tekeningen heel mooi, ik heb het graag gespeeld. Maar het heeft GEEN einde. Het avontuur en de reis is maar pas begonnen en poef! gedaan. Ik heb het twee keer gespeeld om te zien of ik me niet vergist had, maar helaas. Geen ontknoping, geen idee van hoe het verder gaat. Zeer teleurstellend op dat vlak. Ik veronderstel dat er een vervolg is of moet komen, maar voor mij hoeft het niet meer.