Yawn....again a game which is many years old, dug up and brought back to "life". Please Big Fish, get some new ideas and some new developers before all your loyal clients say goodbye for good.
Please please please Big Fish STOP publishing these games that are best played by 3 to 4 year olds. This game has about the same level of challenge as opening a bag of nuts. After 2 1/2 levels, enough was enough.
A really rubbish program suitable only for 3 to 5 year olds. the image generated on level one is only recognisable if you screw up your eyes and use a huge amount of imagination. Please get a grip Big Fish and give us programs we can actually use and enjoy, not puerile rubbish like this.
I did not realise that every game (most of which are tediously simple) would involve a non-escapable Bible reading at the end. Sorry guys, but if I want to read the Bible I will do so in private, not via a ludicrously simple set of "puzzles" suitable for ages 3 years upwards.
Come on BFG, yet another game re-issued after a few weeks or months. If you can't find new games for every day then only issue them as and when they become available, not re-hash old stuff.
Once again a re-vamp of a solitaire game with exactly the same format, sound effects, and scoring system as ALL the previous releases by this developer. Please Big Fish, find some new developers and release games we can play properly without these constant re-hashes of a tired old formula that was past it's sell-by date many moons ago.
Yet another re-issue of a game well over three years old. Come on Big Fish, there must be new games software and developers around to choose from. Another subscriber hovering on the edge of continuing to pay for outdated rubbish.