This is one of the nicest games I've played. The graphics are absolutely splendid, the storyline is fantastical but good and the game play is very smooth.
Most items are used quickly and several things are done per scene rather than just running back and forth collecting things.
The puzzles are just challenging enough with the HO scenes nicely done rather than just junk piles.
There is a jumpable Map and the Hint button is great too but you probably won't need it.
This is a great game. The puzzles were challenging and the HOP were difficult but not too much so. I enjoyed the different ways that you had to interact with the HOP.
The Map was helpful as you can use it to navigate and also it can be set to tell you if you have missed the Beyond Object so it was easier to find all of them. The hint button works well too, it actually gives a real clue as to what to do next not just a "there's nothing to do here".
The graphics were beautiful and the story was easy to follow along. I also liked that even tho there was a bit of back and forth between areas it wasn't all finding one thing and then running off to find another, a lot of the things you find are used right away in the room where they are found.