The story falls flat at the start, but picks up after a while! I don't really play these games for story so I don't have high expectations in that area. For people who play for story, well, Awakening has ended! That ought to be interesting enough for you! Im not spoiling anything!
However, I do have high expectations for gameplay, and I must say, I'm blown away! The puzzles are just right, and fun. The sound is gorgeous and the graphics, well the graphics was a bit different from before, but I feel like they've improved so much.
Apart from that, the CE content is absolutely worth the money. It's got so much: the garden, puzzles to unlock items in the garden, flower breeding... The bonus chapter is also a good length of play! Wow.
It's true it doesn't have as much visual BANG as big names like Madhead games, but it has its own charm and I had fun, which is what matters. The story also isn't weird and hard to wrap my head around, which I appreciate. I'm not looking for anything too different, I just wanna have fun, and this game is fun fun fun.