Really enjoyed the first game of the series, then I played this one second (although it is the 3rd in the series). The two games have are awfully similar, and there wasn't much to advance the story beyond what we already learned from the first game. There was a good plot introduction at the beginning, but then a large chunk of the game in the middle was puzzle after puzzle (which were all very good) with little or no story, and then things picked up again at the end.
I enjoy playing Big Fish titles because they typically have a nice story element that enriches the game beyond the average hidden object game. Lost Town was still a lot of fun to explore, and the puzzles were all excellent (a few were quite challenging), so I enjoyed the play-through, but overall it felt like a weaker game than the original... especially if you focus on the story element of these games. For me, that's one of the main reasons to purchase 4 games in a series... to get the rest of the story!
If you loved the first, you'll still enjoy this one, but if the first title wasn't a hit in your book, I doubt you're going to like this one any better.
Very fun game with a great atmosphere. The theme is a bit spooky, but not overly dark -- I really enjoyed it!
The game itself is a very pleasant level of challenge... it was a tad on the easy side, but the play-through was so enjoyable I didn't mind that I was able to advance from scene to scene so quickly. I enjoyed exploring so much that I was glad I didn't get stuck anywhere for very long.
If you haven't played it yet, you really ought to check out this title as a great game that will launch you into a (so far) fantastic series.