I found the review by jojo_the_joyful to be bang on, with one qualification for some players. This is yet another game that will not work with a left-handed mouse.
Farm Fables may not require the frantic clicking that's necessary for the Frenzy games, but even the early levels have far too much clicking to be comfortable if you're forced to use the wrong mouse configuration.
For anyone out there who's a beta tester--if you would consider spending a few minutes with each game you test making sure it's works well for left-handed players, I for one would appreciate it!
I'm going to click 'yes' for recommending it, but that's ONLY for right-handed players.
Quick summary: Won't play left handed. Tiny graphics. Really annoying, constant cloud cover. Irritating sqeal when you build a tower. Slow, slow, slow money accumulation, which means slow building. Poorly differentiated towers. At least one frantic, non-tower defense themed mini-game.
No left-handed play is the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned (it was also an issue with Weather Lords--what's wrong with these programmers?), but I wouldn't have rated the game so low just for that, since it wouldn't affect many players. Unfortunately, it was only the first of many things I dislike about Island defense.
On the plus side, there's a fair amount of tower placement strategy involved in defending such a large board from somewhat randomized attacks. Unfortunately, this plus doesn't offset how irritating it is to peer at the tiny images, or try to click on the even tinier treasure chests. This problem is made worse by the constant cloud cover, which cannot be turned off.
It takes so long to accumulate funds that I found myself doing other things at my desk while I was in the middle of an attack. I also found that in practice, the differences between the types of tower were pretty trivial. I didn't see any solid benefits to combining different types.
Play it with the sound off. You'll thank me later.
Island Defense continues the unfortunate trend of including at least one mandatory frantic clicking level. This is pretty much the exact opposite of the thoughtful, strategy based clicking that make tower defense games so much fun for me, so I see it as an interruption to the fun and a significant negative.
I love tower defense games, and I really wanted to like this one. I fully expected to buy Island Defense. If it had had a minor problem or two, I'd still have bought it, but as it is, I'd rather just go play Cursed Treasure again for free.