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 Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Tracks of Terror Collector's Edition
Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Tracks of Terror Collector's Edition
Can werewolves be cured, or will one family’s curse continue?
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
33 of 55 found this review helpful
Tracks of Terror? No. Tracks of my Tears.
PostedJuly 17, 2015
Customer avatar
fromHerman Munster is scarier.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
This review is based on playing the demo for the full 60 minutes on a MacBook Pro with operating system 10.9.5. Others have listed what is included in this game so I'll not waste your time repeating.
Pre-game instructions include the suggestion to use headphones for optimal playing enjoyment. I like the idea and would have even more if there were an internal volume control. Cut scene volume rose dramatically.
The game itself: I know 2 stars is a disapproving rating. I suggest you use the hour trial period for free and see if YOU like it. I did not because:
I've seen too many werewolves in game playing. Haven't they all been destroyed? Tired old storyline that should be killed off even if the werewolves haven't been. There's no mystery here. Werewolves=bad. Bad=get rid of them. Sadly, there is also ZERO terror. None.
Visual Quality:
Not unlike the storyline, the visuals are tired and old. Clunky, dull graphics which are not crisp or well-defined.
Audio Quality:
I heard every word and all the music very clearly (after all, I did use my headphones). There are a few problems here:
The voice actors are not on the same page. The deLupe family Patriarch, now dead, sounds appropriate for the mid-19th century. His son sounds like a Southern California, present-day beach bum. Not only that but he has a whiny voice that irritates throughout.
As I've said many times, soundtracks and background music are essential parts of a game. In this game the music is monotonous. Though I didn't enjoy it, I guess it does accurately reflect the game play.
Level of Challenge
There is no great challenge. The HO scenes are neither difficult nor creative. The few games I played weren't either.
I think the game wherein you time turning discs to perfectly pass a ball from the first to the fourth disc is the best game. SINCE IT'S THE FIRST REAL GAME and I didn't get to much more in the trial period. Maybe they get better. This is only minimally interesting. Fiddle with speeds a little bit and then move on. Yes "you do have start all over again if you don't get it right." Is that unusual? Notable? The game isn't interesting because it's not a multi-level challenge. It's all about timing. There is no surprise outcome nor any creative way to to accomplish it. It's simply trial and error.
Developers know that there's a free trial period. They're smart enough to show off the best in the beginning as an inducement to purchase the whole game. So if this is the best, YAWN. I actually didn't enjoy it.
This is also a CE. I dislike the game, so a bonus chapter is a real misnomer. The other "bling" is not very shiny...all the who cares additions that don't bring particular value to the table (unless you want to replay the boring HOS or listen to chamber music multiple times.
All this adds up to to a "dislike." I am happier that I didn't spend money or game credits than I am sad that I wasted my time.
I did not ENJOY. I don't think you will ENJOY. I certainly won't try to convince you this is a game worth buying. We all like different things. Some seem to like everything. Find out for yourself if you like this. You can stop before the hour expires.
I don't recommend this game.
33of 55voted this as helpful.
A series of shocking – and otherworldly – murders has struck New York City, and you're the only one who can solve them!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
44 of 73 found this review helpful
This Game is Shockingly Good!!
PostedJuly 5, 2015
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fromIs Butler County just one big trailer park?
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
My review of this SE is based on completing the CE version of the main game and the included bonus chapter on a Mac Book Pro. I will give my opinion on SE vs. CE at the end.
A. The Fun Factor is off the charts. I played this game over the period of a week and in short intervals. I’m not a fast player at all, but once I start a game I like to see it through to the end. My point is that each time, even if for only a little time, I was anxious to get back to the game. It was crazy fun. In the end, isn’t “fun” the most important feature?
B. Visual and Sound Quality:
Bright colors give life to well-drawn characters and objects. Characters are life-like. This visual tweaked by...
...What I hear: Great voice acting accompanied (With good lip-synching, btw) the great visuals.
If you've read my reviews, you know I value background music. It can irritate, bore, illuminate and/or lead. Background music can set a tone for a game and make a good game great. In New York Mysteries the soundtrack is as good as it gets. So good, in fact, that I found myself thinking about how much I was enjoying it while I was playing the game. It perfectly accents moments which are urgent or scary or urgent and scary.
C. Level of Challenge:
HOS are well done. They are all silhouettes and each features a lot of interaction between found items. Far more than just point and click, these HOS require thought. As good as the HOS are, though, I would have preferred different styles of HOS rather than just the one.
Why the one "star" penalty? Why not 5 out of 5 stars? The mini-games/puzzles are too easy. Unlike the HOS, the puzzles offer a wide assortment of familiar puzzles...and, at times, a couple new twists to puzzles. Variety doesn’t mean difficulty or challenge, however. These puzzles need to be more challenging. Underscore this: the puzzles ARE NOT BAD, just a bit too easy.
A player is given options for difficulty that range from providing glints for action areas and a very informative map to no help at all.
D. Finally, the Storyline: it’s great. It drives the game, rather than just being a headline and then forgotten until the end. The storyline is the guiding force and is well executed. What I mean by this is that everything we do as we work through the game is essential. Mini-games and HOS help us unravel and then solve a mystery. It reminds me of police procedural novels.
Because this is an SE, not a CE, the only thing special you get is a map and instantaneous transporting from scene to scene.
In case you're wondering, here’s the CE Bling you DON'T GET with the SE:
a. Achievements (plenty of them), though nothing spectacular. Most are "achievable" just by progressing in the game.
b. There are 5 series of collectibles: sets of 4 different figurines plus 20 “slides.” The slides are easily seen. The collectibles are more difficult to spot at times BUT the cursor changes to a hand when you scroll over a collectible. Thus by design or by luck, you will find all the collectible items. Result: the challenges aren’t very challenging. This is another reason for one-star penalty for Level of Challenge.
c. That same hand replaces the cursor when you scroll over the “beyond” or morphing items. There are 30+ “beyond” items. They are always within (too) easy reach because of the hand and you will find them without challenge. Some will suggest that the morphs are slow-changing, and, therefore, more challenging. Not true. Whether slow-changing or fast, finding the morphs is not a challenge and no difficulty setting will change this reality.
d. The collectible slides becomes part of the bonus material as they are the template for 20 similar but increasingly more difficult games which are available after you complete the main story and the…
d. …Bonus chapter WHICH IS GREAT. It accounts for an additional 20% game play I'm estimating.
e. Strategy Guide which is not exceptional. Twice I tried to use the guide: an early mini-game was stumping me. (OK, at least one puzzle/mini-game was a challenge) I spent 30 minutes trying to solve it before resorting to the Strategy Guide. Sadly, the directions in the SG were WRONG!! In the end, random button pushing solved the puzzle. The other time I needed the SG was for an HOG. That sounds silly, I know. I was just blind to an object. The SG doesn’t give HOS solutions. Generally, that doesn't matter to me. When all HOS are interactive, though, I think solutions should be included. Again, randomness solved the last piece of the HOG for me.
f. Finally, you will get the regular assortment of "who cares?" extras that are normally included in a CE.
OVERALL: First off, this game, in either format, SE or CE, is worthy of your purchase. Just decide which one you want. I suggest playing for an hour on the CE for free and determine if the unchallenging collectibles and morphs are worth the extra $$. Then consider if an additional 20% of the game action (in the form of a bonus chapter) is worth twice the money.
If I knew then what I know now I THINK I would opt for the SE (the hand cursor is a serious downer for me with the collectibles and morphs, both of which are features reserved to the CE). If you’re a regular player, chances are you have a free coupon or two that you can spend on the SE. That’s what I would do. Even though I really enjoyed the additional game play I would stick the the SE. Whatever you decide, just make sure you get some version of this game, and quickly. You will not regret it. I promise.
I recommend this game!
44of 73voted this as helpful.
Your daughter's lost in the Maze of Fears, but you'll face more than her disappearance if you dare to enter.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
10 of 16 found this review helpful
I'm Afraid...
PostedMay 18, 2015
Customer avatar
fromCurrent Favorite: Anything that's NOT Sable Maze: Twelve Fears Collector's Edition.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
4 / 5
...This good idea is not well executed.
Choosy mothers choose "do not recommend," and instead suggest cooking up another goody, fresh biscuits perhaps. Other mothers place pen firmly in the "Do recommend" box and as usual give it 5 stars.
I'm the brother from another mother...this game is not a 1 and it's not a 5. That may the the most damning of all reviews: mediocre. Not good. Not the worst. Just "meh."
I'm not going to give you a laundry list of what features this game has. Mine is surely not the first review you've read and you don't need me to quote numbers. Instead, I'll talk about how I feel about the game (very therapeutic).
What are the specifics:
Fun Factor: Well it starts off fun...a cavalcade of color and a great title with the anticipation of something really scary. ALL TWELVE FEARS!! "Wow" say I with not a small dose of irony. There is nothing scary about this at all...except the idea that the father of the child who's lost in the maze seems to get mad at her for being in harm's way even though he's the one who brought her to this strange place to begin with.
When I play these games,I like the fear factor. I'm not into fairy tale adventures and princes and magic potions. I like criminals and apprehending them; evil doctors and foiling their nefarious plans to destroy the world. I love mysteries and intrigue...Think "Catch me When You Can" (I'm still waiting for another Angelica Weaver story), Haunted Halls Fear From Childhood (Exactly what this is supposed to be, but done with flair," or the Midnight Mysteries series. Those are quality games. This game offers none of that style and intrigue and NONE of the fear factor. And as soon as you realize it (sadly for me it was only AFTER my hour-long trial was complete and I purchased) you also realize that if fear is fun, this game has none.
Visually, the game is better than good in my opinion. The sound is a mixed bag: the father-narrator sounds like he's reading not acting; I'm not sure what to call the lip synching but whatever it is, it is not lip synching. It's mouths moving open and closed. Imagine a fish. The background music is good at the beginning with notes of intrigue and fear...but that dissipates shortly into the game when the sound becomes more calliope-like.
The level of challenge is poor. To me there were obvious places where challenging puzzles could have been included but instead what was puzzling simply required left-clicking and voila, puzzle solved. There wasn't even a pretense to make a puzzle in these cases. Pieces moved magically into place. This is a missed opportunity and why I say that the "idea" behind this game is good but the execution is not. Other games could be fun and challenging if they were fully explained. More often than not I found myself pressing buttons with little more order than chaos. A good explanation of not just the goal, but more specifics about how to achieve it would have been helpful. I don't mean "giving the solution," but I do mean quantifying it a bit. I hope this makes sense. A puzzle isn't a puzzle if it's not puzzling. There should be enough information to make it hard! There wasn't. One puzzle required putting a fire out and warned that the fire could re-light. Ok. Once you realize that you douse flames aiming to create a little border, the puzzle is solved. Another puzzle simply tells you that you must end with more pieces than your opponent. More pieces of what??? It doesn't say. Shortly you will realize that when you move (add) a piece it changes all the pieces within the border to the same piece. Predictably, the game ended with me victorious but feeling like the victory was hollow because the lack of explanation made it a game of chance instead of a game of wits.
Of course, the first puzzle is the favorite. When the first puzzle is the only one you reference, it usually means it's the only one you played. If you only relied on the first real puzzle, yes, you'd give the game four, not five, stars because it is a good, not great, puzzle. Choosy mothers choose 2 or 3 stars at most for Level of Challenge because they demand quality. Matching up puzzle pieces one with another making sure all adjoining edges are of the same color isn't really difficult when there are several puzzle pieces with unique color positioning. I.e., they can't possible fit anywhere else.
The HOGs: Yes, a key goes into a keyhole and that helps you progress through the HOG. Yes a planet goes on the mobile with the other planets and the star that fell is a "falling star" and it goes into the empty star slot. There's nothing original or difficult about this. It's a progressive HOG. Another, very simple HOG style is the silhouette format. Nothing new. Nothing creative. Nothing ventured. Absolutely nothing gained...except a nap. YAWN.
Storyline: Well the story LINE IS great. If you like scary you're gonna like "facing your fears." This is not an original idea (we've seen nightmare/bad dream HOG/Adventure/Puzzle themed games many times before). I'm all over that stuff. But the end result must be scary. This is not. Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story is scary. This is something other.
This is a collector's edition. That's only important if you're enjoying the game. Otherwise it makes the drudgery last even longer. Yes there are collectibles. The thing is, if you don't collect you can't's not difficult. It's a requirement to finish the game. No special achievement. Oh. Yeah. Achievements. There are several. What does it matter? Completing HOGs without a hint or completing puzzles without skipping...those aren't achievements. That's what you do when you're trying to get your money's worth out of a game you've bought...but wish you'd not.
Moment of Zen: the "developers' diary" is included as an extra. It's 18 pics of the team on...wait for it...a merry go round. Yes, standing in place but going in circles.
Avoid this. You will NOT enjoy.
I don't recommend this game.
10of 16voted this as helpful.
Stop a madman from taking over a city using a mind control device!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
1 of 2 found this review helpful
My Lord, YES!!
PostedApril 10, 2015
Customer avatar
fromI urge you to get this game!
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
I gravitate toward CEs rather than SEs almost exclusively and have let many free game certificates expire as a result. Determined not to let this happen again, I sought the advice of reviewers I trust. If JusttheFacts, Nilosh, Dancemom and Stevesan like a game, chances are good I will as well. BINGO. 3 of the 4 reviewed this game and so I jumped on it.
This game is over a year old and my experience is that HOGs do not typically age well. Games from years past generally seem well past their expiry date. Consequently, I was concerned about getting Alex Hunter. There was no need for concern.
The game is fun. The visual and sound quality are great. Visually, the colors are deep reds and browns and befit a mystery. Aurally, the voiceovers and background music are perfect for this game. I always think background music is important because it sets the tone...quietly, usually if, well, in the background! In Alex Hunter the ambience is crystallized by the music.
The game is challenging: Hidden object scenes are deceptively difficult and in each one you'll find yourself working hard to discover one or two of the listed items. The games, a pleasant combination of old and new, are also challenging.
At the beginning of the game, the narrator, Alex Lord himself, shares an idea that this caper would be easily solved earning a tidy paycheck for little work. I expected much the same of the game: not much of a challenge and nothing notable. I was WRONG.
This game is not flashy. It's kinda like comfort food: it doesn't overwhelm the senses. Instead, it makes you feel at home, bundled up, as with a good mystery novel on a cold rainy day, that you can't quite put down. That's what my idea of entertainment is and I don't think I can give a higher recommendation.
Above and beyond the quality of the game there is the consideration of value. While sold as an SE, all that separates it from being a CE is a bonus chapter. Lord of the Mind has collectibles, achievements and an interactive map. There are no morphing items, but so what (have you noticed a disappointing trend lately: basically giving away the morphing items by switching to the "hand cursor" when you scroll over them. Doing this eliminates any real challenge making it a :who cares" NON-FEATURE!!). In sum, this game is far more CE than SE, so from a value perspective it's offering great game for little cost.
To me, FUN, HIGH QUALITY AND A GREAT VALUE PROPOSITION found together in a Hidden Object Game add up to an unbeatable combination. I think you'll find this to be the case with Alex Hunter, Lord of the Mind and so I strongly recommend it for your gaming pleasure.
I recommend this game!
1of 2voted this as helpful.
Investigating her parents’ deaths, Edwina rekindles a centuries old tale of love and revenge. End the curse of the severed heart!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
9 of 9 found this review helpful
Quite Possibly the BEST Game I've EVER Played. Wait. It IS the BEST.
PostedNovember 3, 2014
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fromIn the Pantheon of Great Games
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Fun Factor: From the first moment I thought this game was exceptional and very fun. I am NOT kidding: you begin the game with a track of music that would be a Top 25 hit upon release, I believe, That's just the beginning. While it has no bearing on how good the game is or isn't, how many games have you played that have a a SONG to introduce the game? The quality started at the top and just distanced itself from the rest of the pack as the game went on.
Visual/Sound Quality: Incredibly well done. Think the best you've played and then give it an up'll be approaching the level of Curse. I'm feeling like a shill with all the superlatives, but....that's the way it goes. I was enthralled by the detail of the visuals. Never so busy as to be distracting. Always throbbing with intensity, however.
The Sound Quality is unequaled. Begin with the music...not just the theme song, but the background music and sound effects were superior...poetic rather than prosaic. The lip synching is as good as it gets. Even when seen at a distance you could tell the characters lips looked as though they were really speaking. By the way, the voice actors are as incredible as every other detail of this game.
Level of Challenge: I have never played more difficult nor well designed HOS. The level of difficulty did not cause me to be frustrated. Rather, I looked forward to more and more HOG. I've never said that before. I can't explain why it's so good other than to say that was the plan. The scenes aren't "crowded." So often, items are poorly drawn and that causes the difficulty in finding them. Not so here. Drawn items seemed almost photographic and were perfectly hidden.
Storyline: A young lady's' parents have disappeared and she's summoned to help find them. Through magic and mystery she does just that. Helped along the way...but also interfered with (by surprising adversaries), she accomplishes her goal.
I don't have to think twice. This is the best.
How long it will maintain this position I do not know: I'll be playing the sequel next.
Get this game. I can't figure out how you'd not like it.
Typically, I go for police procedurals. This is not that at all. I was not disappointed.
I have not gotten to any of the CE "bling" yet but I'd be surprised if there's a sudden drop off in quality. Not surprised. Flabbergasted.
I recommend this game!
9of 9voted this as helpful.
 Shrouded Tales: The Spellbound Land Collector's Edition
Shrouded Tales: The Spellbound Land Collector's Edition
Your magical powers have finally awakened. Now you have the strength to free your mother from the Shadow Realm!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
The Tale is Shrouded, though I was NOT Spellbound.
PostedNovember 1, 2014
Customer avatar
fromShrouded Tales needs one more spell: the Disappearing Game Spell
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
I was motivated to try this out by the preponderance of high star scores and positive reviews. Now I'm not sure what was being reviewed...certainly not what I played. Like another reviewer, I couldn't wait to hit the exit button.
I think rescuing a previously kidnaped mom is goal of the protagonist. To help, along the way you're given magic spells. Collect runes, solve a fairly simple puzzle to close open ends of pipes making one continuous figure and you're awarded with the power to use the spell. The first one repairs broken items (like a tea cup). The second spell is described as enabling the life and growth of plants, foliage, etc. What's odd is that the first two times it's used it actually destroys vines which are blocking entrances. Hmm. I never got to a point where I saw it "encourage" growth.
FUN FACTOR: Well, I didn't understand what was going on so I can't say I had fun. And I couldn't wait for the trial period to end so I don't think the Fun Factor is high. By the way, yes...I could have stopped playing at any time, but I was hoping that the lightbulb would "go on" and I'd understand what was "going on." This didn't happen.
VISUAL/SOUND QUALITY: I didn't see anything that stood out and made this special. I didn't hear anything special either. I found this odd: at times there was lip synching, average at best. At other times there were characters on screen and a soliloquy but no synching. Why sometimes and not others? I don't get it.
LEVEL OF CHALLENGE: It was challenging, though mainly because I couldn't figure out WHAT to do next on my own and MORE IMPORTANTLY, once I did (by way of a generous hint system) WHY to do it. There's a series of disjointed activities without clear purpose. One act doesn't follow on another, IMO.
Sorry...I don't get it.
The embedded HOGs were OK, by design, but not difficult enough to to be considered challenging or fun. In other words, they had the right idea...find matching items for which silhouettes are provided...but it was too easy. From reading other reviews I understand there are other types of HOGs. I also have the impression from the reviews that HOGs are the highlight of Shrouded Tales.
Mini-Games, the few provided in the trial period, were also very easy.
It appears there are several extras provided in this Collector's Edition...but the final challenge is called a "Final Quiz" or something like that. You must finish the bonus chapter to enable this last game. Obviously, I didn't get to that point in the trial period and this game wasn't motivating enough for me to consider using a certificate or credit when the the standard version is released.
It's possible that it's me...maybe, like so many others have said, it's great. I don't think so though.
I don't recommend this game.
3of 3voted this as helpful.
 PuppetShow: Lightning Strikes Collector's Edition
PuppetShow: Lightning Strikes Collector's Edition
The women of Paris are being turned into puppets! Can you find out who's pulling the strings?
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
5 of 11 found this review helpful
Good Thing the Description says it's Paris. Otherwise I'd be Completely Lost.
PostedAugust 22, 2014
Customer avatar
fromThings that make you go Hmm.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
I played the one-hour trial period in two segments on a Macbook Pro.
I'm lost.. I have no idea, none, what I just did for an hour. There were playing cards with drawings of women on them. There's some guy talking nonsense...I have no idea what his point is. More importantly, I have no idea what the point of the game is. Women are going missing in Paris and turning up as puppets...or so says the description.
In the hour I played the trial It seems I've muddled along at a very slow pace and made very little progress, if any. Somehow, at the beginning, i was in craft, perhaps a flying boat? I am not sure. My lone companion on board was hanging on for his life by the length of a rope. He was overboard and close to death. We crash landed, per his instructions, in an effort to save him. After the crash he was nowhere to be seen...but wait...he reappeared, giving instructions. Once again, I don't know what happened. Play the trial hour for yourselves and see if you can figure this out. I'm afraid I'm not much help.
Fun Factor: Guess.
Visual/Sound Quality:
a. Sights: I made very little progress. Consequently, I saw very little. What I did see didn't impress me much. It was dark and dreary. Not in a scary way. Nothing to write home about.
b. Sounds: Well, you know what happens when you "assume." We are in Paris and I figured the natives would speak French, or, for our purposes, English with a French accent. No. I don't know what the accent is, perhaps it's a British accent or just a stately, wealthy person's accent (whatever that is...the Monopoly guy with a top hat.) That's what the accent is. It was out of place.
I thought these were puppets. Turns out they're mimes or ventriloquists. Their lips didn't move but sounds come from them. This would be the opposite of lip synching. Not good. Not even an effort was made.
Level of Challenge: I've said in the past that the challenge was sticking with the game. It's true of this one too. I literally had no idea what was going on and I just kept doing whatever it was I was doing until finally, mercifully, the clock ran out on the trial.
Storyline: I think I provided what I understood it to be at the beginning. Sorry. No more to add.
Please play the trial. Review the game. Explain it to me. Don't buy it, though.
I don't recommend this game.
5of 11voted this as helpful.
Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis.
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
11 of 14 found this review helpful
Eternal? I Didn't Think it Would EVER End
PostedAugust 19, 2014
Customer avatar
fromCaution: Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery While On This Game
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
1 / 5
In 2012 I purchased Salem Mystery Trials, Penumbra Motel, Final Cut: Death on the Silver Scree, Rite of Passage: The Perfect Show. This is not a complete list, but it's enough to illustrate a point. I looked back to my purchases from 2012, when this game was produced, to see if these other games, highly rated, were similarly boring. No. Eternal Journey is over two years old, yes. Games of that era do not have to be bad, boring, BORING, MORE BORING, MOST BORING, BORINGEST, BORINGESTER, BORINGESTEREST...Games of that era can be quite good. Just not this one.
I'm not sure how this game got to be so highly reviewed. 216 out of 226 recommended this game. I'm at a loss for words (and that just doesn't ever happen... if you've ever seen my reviews you'd know). I don't remember playing a more boring game. Ever.
Fun Factor:
Is Zero a factor? 0 times N is (Empty Set) right? Well that's the fun factor of this game.
Visual/Sound Quality:
Visuals: This is the best feature of the fact the only positive one. It was easy to look at.
Sounds: The music did seem strangely appropriate for Mars and for a space station. It was well chosen. And, like the rest of the game itself, boring and repetitive as all get out.
Level of Challenge:
HOG and Puzzles: Both the easiest, least challenging, least exciting I have ever played. I know this is a review and I should give a description. What do I say about a terribly boring game? I yawned. I had several really good yawns. I've been having a hard time sleeping lately. Not tonight.
Storyline: You'd think that in 2114 life would be more interesting, right? Sadly, whoever put together the story board for this game does not. Yikes, another yawn coming on!!!
This game is a CE. Press the Extras button and you'll see what you get for TWICE THE PRICE: Concept Art and Wallpapers. There's some form of a collectible, but it's a video that you don't even search for. I'm not sure if this is a product of CE or if it is also included in the SE.
There is a built in strategy guide...which I used once, just to see if I was close to the end of the game. I was only halfway through so I aborted the Mission to Mars. (Remember that "ride" at Disneyland? It was more exciting than this and it was the least exciting ride ever at Disneyland).
So verdict: Don't buy this game. Not even if you're desperate. And if desperation drives you to buy it, absolutely do NOT get the CE. Talk about a COLOSSAL waste of money.
Just to be clear: I didn't buy this two years ago, play it and then return to play it again. I bought it and sat on it (I don't know why) until now. I was going through all my games looking for the highest rated ones so I could resurrect old favorites or find hidden gems. This was neither.
And one more, final point: Sometimes reviewers will say that a game is good for beginners. That's really code for "this game is too easy" or "this game is boring." This game is not suited for beginners. Beginners aren't immune to boredom.
Sorry kids. Wait a minute. I'm not mom. You're not my kids. If I were I'd have given it 5 stars!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I don't recommend this game.
11of 14voted this as helpful.
Put the pieces together before time runs out and save yourself from being lost within the shadows of New Orleans!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
Just Leaving Downtown Mad as HADES and coming up on West This Was A TOTAL Waste of a Coupon-ville
PostedAugust 17, 2014
Customer avatar
fromHey mum, stop telling me a game is great when you've only played 10 minutes of it.
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
1 / 5
A. The positives. Oops. The Positive: A definite creep ambience if you like that sort of thing...and I do.
B. The Negative:
1. No instructions playing the puzzles thus far.
2. No Strategy Guide: yes, there is one for PC but not for Mac.
3. I wasted a coupon because I listened to the review of a TOP CONTRIBUTOR who referenced a great game that was almost missed. Only to find out that the puzzles used as examples for the whole game were found in the first 10 minutes of the game...and guess what? It goes downhill from there.
I don't mind that it is HOS after HOS. I kinda knew that when I started. What I didn't know is that the very difficult HOS are not so because of really great blending and subterfuge, but instead because of sleight of hand. A DARTBOARD the size of a dime. This is not a fair representation and it's not nifty or creative drawing. It's only difficult because it's misleading. Changing "perspective," i.e. changing size to something which doesn't represent reality is not brilliant developing, it's just disingenuous. I'm going to ask for my coupon back. I'm also going to suggest that reviewers clearly state how much of a game they've played while posting a review.
I don't recommend this game.
3of 4voted this as helpful.
Get tips and hints from our handy Strategy Guide! Follow our crystal clear instructions and helpful tricks to succeed!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
PostedAugust 17, 2014
Customer avatar
fromMy exact location: Just went through Downtown Mad as HeCK and headed toward West Renounce my Membership-ville.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
1 / 5
This poor excuse for a game, IM (NOT SO HUMBLE)O, requires a strategy guide.. The puzzles, which some seem to think are so pedestrian, are anything but, to me. I spent a coupon on the game. I was about to spend another on the SG, but guess what? It doesn't work with MAC. SO a game with no instructions and an instruction book that's incompatible with my computer.
I don't recommend this game.
1of 1voted this as helpful.
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