Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough.
First, as far as "scary" and kids - they've got worse stuff on cartoons (especially if they watch anime). It does try to keep a 'creepy' feel going, though not as much as some games (Bloody Mary).
I beta tested this game way back and really tore it apart. The devs listened though, and they fixed all the issues by release. Great job of a dev team listening to feedback!
THE GOOD: It's different. In a sea of "same" HO/HOPA's we get one that isn't cut from the same cloth. That's worth a star right there.
This is much more an adventure game than a HO game. You don't interact with characters much though, like a pure adventure game (Nancy Drew or Syberia). The HO scenes are interesting: find morphing objects, or find objects with items popping up and down in the screen, and naturally a few 'interactions' for you to figure out. On hard they had sparkles, but they were light. You could miss them if you aren't paying attention.
Puzzles are great. Some are variations on standards, but there are a few that stand out as different from the normal rings and swaps. I think there are more puzzles than HO scenes, but honestly there's not a whole lot of either. You can skip puzzles in hard mode.
Journal that fills in as you find things. Pretty much everything important is recorded there, along with some of your characters thoughts and conclusions (you're a detective).
THE BAD: This is a short game. Took me about two and a half hours. I skipped one puzzle (and one other accidentally). Basically was taking my time with it. So this isn't something that's going to fill up your day.
No map. If you look at this game as an 'adventure' game, that makes sense, as those games generally don't come with things like maps or journals: that's what your notebook is for. But as a HOPA, it really could have used one. I think this game suffers a bit for being 'in between' two genres. It's also not nearly long enough for an adventure title.
If you're not careful you can click past info that doesn't repeat. Did that at a couple of puzzles and when switching screens. That and constantly backing out of HOS because items are too close to the bottom (pet peeve of mine).
THE UGLY: There's not a lot of voice over, but what little there is sounds off (but is MUCH better than it was in beta). The lip synching is off (nothing to help that, English wasn't the first language).
BOTTOM LINE: I got this as a DD. For that price, I think it's worth it. Would be a good punch card filler if you need that sixth punch. .
Because the game is different, and dared to try a few new things, I'm giving it four stars (3 1/2 rounded up). Have to knock one off for its length and they didn't really do anything with a standard story line: you don't learn new and interesting things about characters as you go on, or any plot twists.
I'm giving this game a recommendation with the caveats above. Play the demo and you'll be a fair bit through the game so should know if you want to finish it or not.
Deep in the heart of an enchanted forest, a forbidden love blooms. Guide the human Eveline as she sets out to rescue her beloved from the clutches of a tyrant.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough.
This is a game that takes a few standard plots and mixes them up a bit. Witch stole your lover combined with Romeo and Juliet, but without the cathartic ending (which is a shame, because that really could have been worked in without too much effort).
This is an Adventure game lite: NO HOS. It's nowhere near the difficulty of Syberia or Nancy Drew or games of their ilk - you still have a journal to keep track of stuff for you, and a jump map that shows active indicators, even on "Expert". The map also shows a % of game completed. Very nice.
Expert spares you from sparklies and no tutorial. You have a hint button - takes a bit of time to recharge on Expert, but there are floating spots of light that can speed that process up.
THE GOOD: Game length was a solid five hours for me. I'm not fast player any means, so your playthrough may be shorter if you don't stop to smell
Graphics are good. Cartoony, but the art style stays consistent throughout the game. The music fit for the most part . The story drifts off from the norm enough that it might have some surprises for beginning players - or especially children, since everything is still new to them.
The puzzles are forms of the standard ones for the most part, tweaked to be more challenging. There are a couple that really let you work the gray matter trying to figure them out.
Inventory can be locked. Stuff goes in your journal in the order you find it, and the first time you read a page it comes with a voice over (great for very young kids). The potion 'system' was interesting. I was hoping you'd have some choice as to which one to make and when, but they're all single use aimed at getting to the
The cutscenes are fairly well done. Not knock my socks off great, but they did help understand the game and keep the story fresh in your mind. They managed to keep a sense of urgency throughout the game.
There are 70 hidden "memos" to find. Without really trying I ended up with 61 or so.
The ending is abrupt (but complete), and "wraps" up an amazing number of issues present in the game. All were somehow magically fixed by the actions of the game. Maybe the bonus chapter in the CE tells more about the.
THE BAD: The voice overs needed some work. Also, the dev team needs to invest in a Thesaurus. Today's word of the day, boys and girls, is "beloved". They weren't terrible voice overs, but adequate.
THE UGLY: A few missing instructions in the potion recipes, but not hard to figure out (mainly distilling something at the end). I'll mention voice overs here again as some of them were even below what the main characters were.
BOTTOM LINE: I picked this game up with a free game coupon or a daily deal. Well worth the investment even if you pay the standard price. All in all (except for the abrupt ending) it's a very enjoyable. The voice over issues and lack of originality in the plot keeps from five stars, but it is a good game once you get into it, which does take a little bit.
Gets a solid recommendation from me, especially if you get it on one of the sale days or bonus punch Monday.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game.
The game took be about 3 1/2 - 4 hours to complete on the middle difficulty. A decent story that gets bogged down in details and poor mechanics. The menu screen and ending scene of the game were great - if only all the stuff in between lived up to that.
By todays (2014) standards, it's a middle of the road game.
THE GOOD: Before the game even starts we have Edgar Allen Poe in the menu screen - Lenore! Definite points for that. Also, being able to change the gamma setting in the game options.
The voice over was well done - but still figures with printed dialog for some people rather than cutscenes.
Lockable inventory and real widescreen. Graphics were good, art direction was consistent throughout the game. Music fit the mood of the game without getting gratiing.
Jump map with thumbnails and lists 'active' tasks.
Prose hint outside of HOS: "Go here and use this to do that."
The HOS were well drawn, simple lists. One or two minor interactions. Not so many that the adventure part was lost, but a lot more HOS than puzzles.
You get a helper - more original than most of the cute animals we see.
THE BAD: The pacing. Almost a forced sense of non-urgency. We've got to do something to save this person right now!!! But first, lets go wander around the town for a bit, opening containers and finding things so we can eventually get what we need... If someone is in danger in front of me I shouldn't have to wander all around town twice and then come back to help them.
So much back and forth. Thankfully the map was a transport style, or it would really have been a mess. Items lost when used - I think this is the first game where I found two crowbars...
THE UGLY: A couple of anachronisms and misspellings. The journal would list tasks as completed (and the results) while we're still working on the task.
BOTTOM LINE: It's not a bad game, but there's nothing that really pulls it up. The story is interesting, but gets bogged down with all the to-ing and fro-ing and The game felt like it was a lot more than a year or two old. The HOS and puzzles are simple. So much about it just screams "ordinary".
At this point (2014), I'd call it a good DD or punch card filler. The story is it's only real redeeming quality - not so much the story itself but the way it's revealed. Might be nice for a beginner. I'm going to give it a cautious "try before you buy" recommendation.
I recommend this game!
4of4voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones
Escape the cold incarceration of Davy Jones' brig and discover the otherworldly origins of his galleon in this thrilling Hidden Object adventure!
Overall rating
5/ 5
7 of 8 found this review helpful
Beautiful ending to one of the best series I've played.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This review is based on complete playthrough of the game (and bonus content).
I'm copying most of this over from my review of the CE.
My profile tells me I've reviewed 75 games now. This is the 3rd I'm giving straight 5's for (Fate's Carnival and Catch Me When You Can are the other two). This ties up everything from the first two games, with a solid story in a challenging game that doesn't forget to be fun.
First off, the CE stuff,so you'll know what you're missing: The bonus chapter took me a solid hour playing mahjong over HOS. Unlike the last game, this time the 'ending' isn't obvious (I expected something very different), but everything is still tied up at the end of the main game. The bonus is just that: a bonus.
Three types of collectibles, some achievements, and the typical "swag".
THE GOOD: The game took me a solid six hours, playing mahjong for most of the HOS rather than doing the item finds (love that choice), on the highest difficulty: almost no sparkles (some puzzles), no map markers, click penalty (the main reason I did mahjong), but you still had hint and skip available, just slow charging.
The map is a jump map, and on all but expert difficulty show where there are tasks to do. You can change difficulty level in game Not the fanciest maps in a game, but they get the job done. They fit the style of game pretty well.
Cutscenes are beautiful - the only ding's I could give here would be one scene where an animal is too realistic, and one character that is more 'cartoony' than almost everyone else. Minor stuff. The voice overs were spot on and well delivered.
The story though, is where this game shines. Why did Davy Jones REALLY go through the trouble of kidnapping you and your daughter? While the game never gives a 2nd answer, you might find one yourself before the game is over. Very well developed characters: taking from the previous two games and going even deeper.
THE BAD: Almost nothing. The mahjong is about as easy as it was in Siren's Song, but I still love the choice. The 'wavy' motion sickness inducing click penalty I could do without.
THE UGLY: The series is over. Wonderful ending though. I'm going to be keeping my eyes out for titles from these guys.
BOTTOM LINE: If you're not going to get the CE, then get this. You should play the other two games first though, as the story really does build on what happened in those, and the title character's "arc" won't have nearly the impact without having seen him twice before.
I recommend this game!
7of8voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones Collector's Edition
Escape the cold incarceration of Davy Jones' brig and discover the otherworldly origins of his galleon in this thrilling Hidden Object adventure.
Overall rating
5/ 5
4 of 4 found this review helpful
Beautiful ending to one of the best series I've played.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This review is based on complete playthrough of the game and bonus content.
My profile tells me I've reviewed 75 games now. This is the 3rd I'm giving straight 5's for (Fate's Carnival and Catch Me When You Can are the other two). This ties up everything from the first two games, with a solid story in a challenging game that doesn't forget to be fun.
First off, the CE stuff (or "Why should I pay double for this game?"): The bonus chapter took me a solid hour playing mahjong over HOS. Unlike the last game, this time the ending isn't obvious (I expected something very different), and brings some new stuff to to story.
You've got three types of collectibles again (and again, I failed to complete any set, but I got close on all of them). Not as many achievements, but the ones that you can get mean something for the most part (rather than just being a checklist of how far you got in the game). Then the typical 'swag' stuff: some wallpapers, soundtracks (all very similar, not as good as Siren's Song), and concept art.
I only checked the SG once, but looking through it afterwards it seems very well done. Clear pictures along with enough description that you should find whatever help you need.
Now for the game:
THE GOOD: The game took me a solid six hours, playing mahjong for most of the HOS rather than doing the item finds (love that choice), on the highest difficulty: almost no sparkles (some puzzles), no map markers, click penalty (the main reason I did mahjong), but you still had hint and skip available, just slow charging.
The map is a jump map, and on all but expert difficulty show where there are tasks to do. You can change difficulty level in game Not the fanciest maps in a game, but they get the job done. They fit the style of game pretty well.
Cutscenes are beautiful - the only ding's I could give here would be one scene where an animal is too realistic, and one character that is more 'cartoony' than almost everyone else. Minor stuff. The voice overs were spot on and well delivered.
The story though, is where this game shines. Why did Davy Jones REALLY go through the trouble of kidnapping you and your daughter? While the game never gives a 2nd answer, you might find one yourself before the game is over. Very well developed characters: taking from the previous two games and going even deeper.
THE BAD: Almost nothing. The mahjong is about as easy as it was in Siren's Song (gets a bit harder in the bonus). The BC antagonist could have been fleshed out a bit more, but it was still done much better than most games.
THE UGLY: The series is over. Wonderful ending though. I'm going to be keeping my eyes out for titles from these guys.
BOTTOM LINE: Totally worth the CE price and label. Great game and conclusion to one of the best series I've played yet. It's a story I'm going to remember. My new favorite.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
That's what this game is for. I haven't played tower defense in a while, got hooked for a bit before CWA shut down, so it's been a while.
This is just a good, simple fun game. Buy your units, upgrade them, if you lose, go back and upgrade some more. Think quick, plan a bit, and wreak some carnage!
I recommend this game!
0of0voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I'm copying this (and editing it a bit) from my review of the CE version.
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game and bonus content.
First up, the CE stuff, so you know what you miss getting the SE: I was critical of the first Nightmare's for lack of 'bling' - they brought it in barrels for this title. Three kinds of collectibles, not easy to spot - I only found half of the morphs. Achievements, from basic gameplay to 'Do a mahjong level in a minute'. The usual swag package of art and redoable puzzles and stuff.
The bonus chapter took me a bit over an hour. The main game ends conclusively, this adds a bit more information to help set up the next title. Heavy on the HOS and a few puzzles, light on story/plot, but it was interesting and enjoyable to play.
Now for the main game: I played on expert, the highest of three difficulty levels (can be changed in game). No sparkles anywhere, no objectives shown on map (they are for the first two). The map is a 'jump' map, and the diary fills up with useful information and tasks, crossing off the titles of the sections you've completed.
THE GOOD: The main game took me about six and half hours to play, with me playing mahjong instead of the HOS (misclick penalty starts sending me seasick). I'm a slow player, I like to enjoy the scenes and look for the collectibles and move around the map, but you are definitely getting your money's worth in this game.
The HOS are the 'very interactive' variety - get this, use it there, find these, do this with them, eventually you reach the end and get your object. Or you can do the mahjong.
Directional Hint, lockable inventory, well written journal and just general UI and game mechanics goodness.
The music: Play with your sound on! They didn't call this Siren's Song for nothing. Beautiful, haunting, charming, emotive music.Voice overs were good, too.
The story starts off strong and gets you caring about the characters. They also did a great job of keeping a sense of urgency through the game: yes, we know we have all the time in the world to play, but it shouldn't _feel_ that way - and it doesn't.
THE BAD: Mahjong could have been more challenging. They went with a very simple tileset (simpler than in the last title) and still auto-shuffle, so no real thought or planning required. I get why they do that (you have to 'play' the game in reverse to build a for certain winnable level, and that can take time, especially on mobile platforms). Still, that was the only 'ding' I could find.
That and the misclick penalty - It goes with the nautical theme, but seasickness isn't my thing.
THE UGLY: Nothing. Seriously.
BOTTOM LINE: Tough call, but I'm listing this as my new favorite over Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can. This is how you do it. If you don't care much about the collectibles and achievements, then the SE is a great buy. The game ends solidly, there's nothing 'required' in the bonus chapter either to complete this game or to understand the next.
I don't give five star reviews often. I save them for games like this. Unequivocal recommendation.
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game and bonus content.
First up, the CE stuff (or "Why should I play double for this game?"): I was critical of the first Nightmare's for lack of 'bling' - they brought it in barrels for this title. Three kinds of collectibles, not easy to spot - I only found half of the morphs. Achievements, from basic gameplay to 'Do a mahjong level in a minute'. The usual swag package of art and redoable puzzles and stuff.
The bonus chapter took me a bit over an hour. The main game ends conclusively, this adds a bit more information to help set up the next title. Heavy on the HOS and a few puzzles, light on story/plot, but it was interesting and enjoyable to play.
Now for the main game: I played on expert, the highest of three difficulty levels (can be changed in game). No sparkles anywhere, no objectives shown on map (they are for the first two). The map is a 'jump' map, and the diary fills up with useful information and tasks, crossing off the titles of the sections you've completed.
THE GOOD: The main game took me about six and half hours to play, with me playing mahjong instead of the HOS (misclick penalty starts sending me seasick). I'm a slow player, I like to enjoy the scenes and look for the collectibles and move around the map, but you are definitely getting your money's worth in this game.
The HOS are the 'very interactive' variety - get this, use it there, find these, do this with them, eventually you reach the end and get your object. Or you can do the mahjong.
Directional Hint, lockable inventory, well written journal and just general UI and game mechanics goodness.
The music: Play with your sound on! They didn't call this Siren's Song for nothing. Beautiful, haunting, charming, emotive music.Voice overs were good, too.
The story starts off strong and gets you caring about the characters. They also did a great job of keeping a sense of urgency through the game: yes, we know we have all the time in the world to play, but it shouldn't _feel_ that way - and it doesn't.
THE BAD: Mahjong could have been more challenging. They went with a very simple tileset (simpler than in the last title) and still auto-shuffle, so no real thought or planning required. I get why they do that (you have to 'play' the game in reverse to build a for certain winnable level, and that can take time, especially on mobile platforms). Still, that was the only 'ding' I could find.
That and the misclick penalty - It goes with the nautical theme, but seasickness isn't my thing.
THE UGLY: Nothing. Seriously.
BOTTOM LINE: Tough call, but I'm listing this as my new favorite over Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can. 100% CE worthy game. This is how you do it.
I don't give five star reviews often. I save them for games like this. Unequivocal recommendation.
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
This is copied and edited from my review of the Collector's Edition.
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game and bonus content.
First, the CE Stuff, so you know what you're missing getting the SE: The bonus chapter took a little over an hour, and was basically a short epilogue to the game - a lot of HOS and a few puzzles, no real story. The main game ended conclusively, this just added the obvious details and a whole lot of HOS to play.
No morphing objects, no achievements, no collectibles. Some wallpapers, concept art, and you can replay the game videos and HOS (but not the puzzles). I'm rating this game in 2014, so I have to judge it by 2014 standards, and the bonus comes up weak.
Now the main game:
You start off with a 'choice of evils' before you even start: Do you want glints or a misclick penalty? A motion-sickness inducing misclick penalty I might add. Fortunately, you can play mahjong instead of the HOS, so that's what I went with. The mahjong layouts were surprisingly good, except that some were unwinnable without a reshuffle (shuffles automatically when out of moves).
THE GOOD: The game took me more than five hours to complete, even with more than a few hints along the way. The story starts up right away after a brief 'normal' introduction (the old 'fairy tale' pattern). Quite a bit of 'creep' as well, though that wore off as the game went on.
Maps (which you find) show your location and where active tasks are. No transport. Your journal lists the main events and tasks, but is pretty hit or miss with a lot of the smaller things: some get recorded, some not.
Graphics and video were great. They went with a 'cartoonish' CGI type thing rather than live actors, and it worked well - blended right in with the rest of the game. The sound never got grating, which is really all I ask of a soundtrack. Just background music and sounds to set the mood. Voice acting was spot on.
There are a lot more HOS (or mahjong) than puzzles, and even fewer inventory items. So it's primarily a hidden object game, but with enough puzzles and 'adventure' to justify calling it a HOPA.
THE BAD: The layout of the maps is VERY linear - basically a long "hallway" with a couple side steps here and there. You travel this route a LOT going back and forth between 'tasks' and scenes. A little more creativity to make a more 'branching' map would have done wonders for the game.
Even in Expert mode the HOS have sparkles.
THE UGLY: No bugs, the hint worked, everything ran the way it was supposed to.
BOTTOM LINE: The main game has it all. Solid five star game - nearly perfect. The bonus chapter doesn't add any real story elements so you can go right to the next game in the trilogy (just imagine the obvious continuation / ending). In 2014, the CE isn't a bad game (I didn't feel cheated for getting it), but it doesn't bring enough to the table - morphs, collectibles, achievements, etc... compared to what we get now, IMHO.
Hale and Hearty recommendation, mateys!
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
This review is based on a complete playthrough of the game and bonus content.
First, the CE Stuff (or "Why should I pay double for this game?"): The bonus chapter took a little over an hour, and was basically a short epilogue to the game - a lot of HOS and a few puzzles, no real story. The main game ended conclusively, this just added the obvious details and a whole lot of HOS to play.
No morphing objects, no achievements, no collectibles. Some wallpapers, concept art, and you can replay the game videos and HOS (but not the puzzles). I'm rating this game in 2014, so I have to judge it by 2014 standards, and the bonus comes up weak.
Now the main game:
You start off with a 'choice of evils' before you even start: Do you want glints or a misclick penalty? A motion-sickness inducing misclick penalty I might add. Fortunately, you can play mahjong instead of the HOS, so that's what I went with. The mahjong layouts were surprisingly good, except that some were unwinnable without a reshuffle (shuffles automatically when out of moves).
THE GOOD: The main game took me more than five hours to complete, even with more than a few hints along the way. The story starts up right away after a brief 'normal' introduction (the old 'fairy tale' pattern). Quite a bit of 'creep' as well, though that wore off as the game went on.
Maps (which you find) show your location and where active tasks are. No transport. Your journal lists the main events and tasks, but is pretty hit or miss with a lot of the smaller things: some get recorded, some not.
Graphics and video were great. They went with a 'cartoonish' CGI type thing rather than live actors, and it worked well - blended right in with the rest of the game. The sound never got grating, which is really all I ask of a soundtrack. Just background music and sounds to set the mood. Voice acting was spot on.
There are a lot more HOS (or mahjong) than puzzles, and even fewer inventory items. So it's primarily a hidden object game, but with enough puzzles and 'adventure' to justify calling it a HOPA.
THE BAD: The layout of the maps is VERY linear - basically a long "hallway" with a couple side steps here and there. You travel this route a LOT going back and forth between 'tasks' and scenes. A little more creativity to make a more 'branching' map would have done wonders for the game.
Even in Expert mode the HOS have sparkles.
THE UGLY: No bugs, the hint worked, everything ran the way it was supposed to.
BOTTOM LINE: The main game is five stars. But I'm rating the CE, and I just can't give it that on the strength of the bonus chapter alone. If you get CE's for things like morphing objects and achievements and collectible bling, you'll be disappointed.
The bonus chapter was good enough that I can still recommend it, but if you go for the SE you aren't missing out on any story elements (just imagine the obvious continuation/ending) so you can go right to the next game in the trilogy.