This once intriguing and pure adventure series is no more. I loved Cards Of Destiny and Hunt For The Puppeteer they were true pure 3rd person adventure games! Not This One! I am SO glad BFG had a trial version for this or I'd be one upset customer! Based on the trial Version: I played with headphones on wow didn't need those! The other low reviews are absolutely correct I wish I read them before I even tested it! I quit with 28 minutes left! They took out all voice over's added one HOG after another. I HATE HOG's.. To top it off some are timed with nearly impossible to see objects that IF you don't find them all by the time the hour glass run's out.. You have to start over!
I couldn't see anyway to actually move her yourself to locations like the other games I mentioned so they also removed 3rd person.
The Story line: I just marked OK because I didn't get far enough to give a real opinion!
The Soundtrack: It doesn't fit the scene's at all! Example: A senseless HOG in a scrap metal pile with what sounded like Oriental music? Nothing Oriental about the scene at all! Then as you try desperately to find the tiny invisible objects like a dead fish/pillow etc.. The soundtrack just goes to an irritating sustained musical note!
Don't buy this if you played and loved the beginning of the series because this is nothing like them! This doesn't even seem like the same developer made it. What a disappointment!
I find it hard to believe any expert level game player and "Key Contributor" recommended this and gave it 5 Stars? Based on just the trial version.. I found it a very silly game! Glad i tried it first.. Maybe it's because I just finished the most challenging adventure game I've ever played and is my current favorite. Or maybe it's as silly as I found it to be. I suspect the later.
1. I'm sure kids would enjoy it around Halloween but not this adult! Mr. Creepy is anything but creepy and everything from finding objects to the puzzles is far to easy! One of the worst parts for me is NO VOICE OVERS and a hint button. Personally i can do without hints. I sure wouldn't waste a dime on this and I'm annoyed it was even listed as an "adventure game" ...
2. I really, really wish BIG FISH would have a straight forward "Adventure Game" Category that did NOT include any with HOGS yes, this didn't have any but still. It gets so tiresome searching here for the right kind of game for my personal taste! I may repeat part 2. with every review in the future. Can't hurt us adventure lovers! :-) Okay, my rant is over....
Based on the completed game .. Actually it never completely, completes. :-) It took me 11 day’s to finish this game.. No, I didn’t sit all day everyday playing it.. But still.. Very well worth the money!! I gave up so many time’s on this but kept coming back, I hate being defeated. I received a score of 608 better than I thought I would get! Highly recommend as other’s have to play part one first. “Return To Mysterious Island” .. Yes, it picks up exactly where that one leaves off and I played them back to back. It makes you eager for part 3. However I read some pretty negative reviews of part 3. Part one is much easier than part two FYI! I had a lot of problems with the flickering shaky screen running Windows 7 64bit in both the beginning and the end. Not sure why the middle was okay? It’s still a huge challenge even with a walkthrough! If you can finish this game without any help, you must be super human! No real spoilers but I had to go way back to a saved game because I used up my clay.. DO NOT use more than one piece of CLAY for all the pottery! Also I thought about just not finishing because I didn’t have the seaweed anymore and needed it to finish. I searched everything online to no avail! I just happened to have Mina go to the inlet out of chance after the green fog set in and valla.. There was seaweed!! So other than the Clay that you cannot get more of.. Search every nook and cranny if you don’t have something! Another tip. I spent a day trying to figure out how to clean the sphere (found no online help) almost gave up again. Once it’s all put together just push the red button. Duh. Hope anyone who’s playing this as many years late as I did enjoys this. For being as old as it is, it’s laterally the most challenging game I’ve ever played! That’s a good thing. I hate HOGS love pure adventure and this is it!
I’m close to a decade behind everyone on playing this game but WOW.. Based on one completed game. This is a great story that sticks with you throughout the game. You always know what your mission is. Big kudos on story-line development! Minimal Game play info: Yes: I saved dozens of times to consult a walkthrough but it didn’t take away from the game. Oddly it was the (small stuff) I needed help with not the puzzles! This May Help If You Haven’t Played or Gave Up: I wish I had known that you do not need every single item listed in those walkthrough’s to advance depending on how you choose to play it! Example: I used my 3 wicks right away and thought I needed another to finish. Nope…. I spent hours trying to find a wick reading walkthrough’s to no avail so I just gave up and tried moving on. Turned out that I never needed it because of the way I had played it; this holds true for many other items as well. I had countless objects left I didn't need. :-) But pick up everything since you just don't know. My advice is if you absolutely can’t find an item.. Try moving on! There are so many way’s to play and finish this game that the replay value is nearly endless! It’s really a great game I only wish there were dozens that play like this in here. I’m an adventure-lover HOG hater which presents a challenge for me with BFG, finding what I like. Needless to say this was perfect for me! More like this, please!!
Hate to insult this game at all because you can tell the developers really put a lot of work into it with the exception of the entire story that is. Don’t let the title fool you; “New York and Mafia” are pretty much MIA. Reminds me more of the Midnight Mysteries Games. I don’t like Morphing Object’s/Collectible's etc.. and this game has 4 different kind you need to find to unlock all of the extras at the end. Great graphics and I did enjoy the cut scenes. Sound tracks are not annoying . I HATE HOG’s so I do prefer this find the objects in shadow at the bottom and combine them to find others. It was a relatively shorter game too. If I can play an entire game in a day it can’t be very long! Puzzles were pretty easy some fun with the exception of a couple I did have to skip. Strategy guide is a handy click at top left if needed. Map lets you know where tasks are and you can jump from place to place. Hint recharges fast. 20 achievements are possible, I got 9, (Oops) Pro extras are: 26 mini games 5 Puzzles All that wallpaper and other stuff I don’t use. Some of the above extras do not unlock without finding all those odd ball objects however. Back to the story-line.. It was a mess of strange, I literally forgot what the story was supposed to be as I moved on. Not giving any spoiler’s but without the bonus chapter the whole story can’t even end. I’m sure I’ll play it again down the road. Glad I got it free as a replacement for one that didn’t work! I’m a straight up adventure game lover so I’m actually surprised I’d recommend this game at all. Please get more “Adventure Games” without any HOG’S in here.. I struggle to find anything I like and keep canceling my membership
I recommend this game!
0of0voted this as helpful.
Sherlock Holmes VS Jack the Ripper
Sherlock Holmes faces off against England’s most violent and mysterious killer in this thrilling Hidden Object adventure game!
Overall rating
5/ 5
4 of 4 found this review helpful
Older Game's Are The Best! This Is A True Gem!
PostedJanuary 19, 2016
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I’m so glad I ignored the low review’s and persevered past a glitch and didn’t give up on this game because this was the first game in years with extraordinary graphics and such an intense story-line that once it grabbed me I couldn't stop if I tried and I remembered the entire story once I was done.
BE WARNED.. This is very graphic and down right gross at times yes is about Jack the Ripper after-all but some topics are beyond just that.. If you'er easily (yucked) by things DO NOT PLAY this game.. Most stuff doesn’t bother me but I cringed a time or two.
The title from a one star review I do agree with is "Impossible Without The Walkthrough" Some mini games are truly impossible without cheating. However some I gave up on I suppose if I read the dialog's /document’s and such enough the answer’s actually are there but most did elude me to be honest. I just used those time's to save the game and take a break. I hate HOG’s and look for game's without them and this has none. I’m a fan of the older gritty graphics too so that didn’t bother me at all in fact it was another big plus. I enjoyed wandering the streets of 1800’s Victorian London to the sound of voices and hoof beats in the distance with people of all walks of life wandering up and down the streets. There are countless character’s everywhere and all can be approached some may not progress the game but then a lot do, you can stop if you want or just walk past them.
Yes, at first you do wander a lot but as you find locations or Holmes comments on them they’re put on the map so you don’t have to try and find them over and over but I did choose to walk it often just to see all the area‘s and graphic‘s. This is the 3rd Sherlock Holmes game I’ve played/playing and was thrilled that it had NO timed mini games since I started with and have yet to finish (Silver Earring) I do have to give 10 star’s to the developer's at how much work went into this game they didn’t miss a thing re-creating this era. The visuals from the countless character‘s wandering the streets of Whitechapel day & night and how they turn, look and acknowledge each other is amazing. How just an expression on Sherlock Holmes’s face tells a story in itself to the cobblestone streets, this game is visual perfection. The relationship between Holmes’s and Watson is portrayed exceptionally well too and at times is humorous.. If you'er up for a challenge, want your money's worth and are sick of HOG's give this older game a chance.. It seems like so many games now are just bright color’s, hint, skip very easily forgotten if ever understood, that's NOT this game.
I recommend taking the time to watch the end credits they explain where this version of the story came from. Enjoy...
I recommend this game!
4of4voted this as helpful.
Gardenscapes: Mansion Makeover™
Welcome back to Gardenscapes! Turn the hall into a masterpiece!
Overall rating
5/ 5
1 of 2 found this review helpful
Never ending fun. Clever and creative game!!
PostedJune 14, 2013
fromMN Land of 2 Seasons! Winter and Road Construction! :-p
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
I've been hooked on intense Adventure Games for quite awhile.. When this game popped up as a DD I bought it on a whim! So glad I did, it's such a relaxing and refreshing idea for a game! Excellent graphics, from the Dog (you name) to interactions with Austin! You can have Austin do pretty much whatever you want him to do by clicking on an object in the mansion! Dust, play piano, watch TV, clean windows, toss a stick for the dog etc.! His comments are so funny too, especially if he’s reading the paper and you click on it or when you make the phone ring! Ha! I keep hearing him say new things, so far I have no idea how many comments are programmed into the lovable character! It’s so much fun to decorate and the possibilities are literally endless! You can change each item you buy anytime you want! Buy lamps you decided you don’t like? Have a sale and buy different ones! It would take me forever to exhaust every combination of décor you have to choose from! It's just a really fun stress free never ending game you can easily walk away from and come back to later!
I’m not going to bother setting the scene for this mistake! When I got this quiet awhile ago I was weary of games so similar to each other with to many HOS. The title is what sucked me in.. The saying “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” or Game in this case, sure holds true with this one! I assumed this game would be interactive with things to do like roaming the manor, secret passageways, searching for clues to help solve the "Secret".. NOT AT ALL!! It's just another repetitive HOG! Search the same rooms, piece together a ripped letter supposedly that tells a story however the story doesn't seem to matter to the game that I could see. After you play a level you get a stone try it in a locked door to see if it fits there are dozens of pieces you have to put in and they always fit. I'm assuming once you fill the door with all the stone pieces you "Solve" the mystery if there is one? I played it for hours searching the same locations for the same hidden objects. Once in awhile it says you've unlocked a "Bonus room" so you can play it. It's JUST one of the same rooms you've already been in!! I thought it might be fun at first when it started with the Thunderstorms and Howling Dogs… you soon find out the soundtrack doesn't fit the game and actually distracts from the mood you would expect with a Haunted Manor. It’s like cheery amusement park music! Monotonous, no plot, repetitive HO’s and a boring waste of time.
This is the 13th game in the series so it has the larger newer format and updated electronic gizmo's. Excellent game from start to finish with all the twists, turns puzzles and hidden passages we've come to love and expect! I want to re-play it since I wrote this but just started Phantom of Venice! I should write these as soon as I play them because my re-call isn't very good, but here goes.. Game setup.. Lori Girard Is a wealthy, spoiled, bored girl who loves attention and finds a HUGE train at her fathers new place of business, Huh? Okay, it is a game so it’s possible.. Anyway, she insists her father restore it, he does! When it’s ready she plans a trip to search for the lost gold of Jake Hurley the original long gone owner of the train in Copper Gorge, CO! Jake's wife Camille is supposedly still haunting the train.. ehhhhh!
The train includes: The caboose, sleeping car, dining car, Camille's car, Jake's car, bar/ lounge car, engineer's car, coal car. As well as the long halls on each side of each car.
Lori invited the following guests on the voyage.. The Hardy Boys: Who invited Nancy and Lori wasn't very happy about it! I think this is the only game Nancy is not the distinguished guest but more of an unwanted guest! Frank and Joe’s first visual appearance too, I think? Charleena Purcell: A romance novelist who specializes in the Old West! That pops up in a few ND games i.e. Shadow Ranch. John Grey: Has a TV show about Ghost Hunters and is a Scientist. Tino Balducci: A bumbling Chicago detective who thinks he’s superior! Nuff said.. Bess and George: Are phone contacts Nancy can call if she wants for hints or just chit chat. The Engineer: I can’t remember if you see him but Nancy does call him .
All aboard, the cast is gathered around the table just as things get underway the lights go out for a split second and Lori disappears and launches what is reminiscent of a locked room mystery. So now it’s up to the invited guests to figure out what happened to Lori, solve all the mysteries of the train and find the treasure? As usual that means Nancy does all the work while everyone else just sits around in separate cars on the train. Has to be that way so when she needs to speak with one she has to do a lot of back and fourth! The train is visually pleasant from the cars, long hallways and the ever loved hidden passageways so it’s easy to take a wrong turn and end up back where you started or I did many times! There are things like a giant mounted Deer head when you open a door that should make it easier to know if your going the right way! SHOULD!! It’s packed with non mind numbing yet fun challenging puzzles and everything we expect in a fun ND game! And don’t JUMP to high when you see something in the window of the moving train, is it the ghost of Camille? You’ll find out!
Also a pleasant stop at Buell's Museum and Taffy Shop in Copper Gorge where you get off the train stretch and go in the shop. Of course there are more puzzles and arcade games to play but still enjoyable! Don’t forget to buy the Taffy on a stick!!
Pros: The game is so good it out weighs my cons below.. Cons: Creepy Doll Puzzle-Game at Buell’s which requires quick reflex’s and the worst one with Sheet Music playing the piano… Must piano playing be in nearly every Nancy Drew Game? On that “Note” No pun intended ‘-) YES!
This review is based on Junior Detective level.. Don’t expect to see the lovely sights of Ireland you never see daylight!! I wanted to Love this game so much I bought it and saved it for when I was really in the mood for a gripping ND game.. Darn!!
The Amazing Cast-Yes, that was sarcasm. ’-) Kyler- Bride to be- Dull as dishwater personality.. Matt- The Groom to be- Missing.. Alan- The Best Man a voice by phone. Kit- Matt’s Best Friend, not Best-Man. Sits on a cot the entire game drawing. Donal-The caretaker of Castle Malloy spends the game nodding off drunk at the Screaming Banshee Inn! Fiona- I’m still not sure what she is/was/is/was/is? And how she did what she did given how they portray her at the end? And I just finished the game.. Ned, Bess and George-Via phone at a pool party back home not much with hints!
Soundtrack.. Non-existent except for some crackling fireplaces if you are near one! And some creaks and eerie sounds few and far between. To dark visually and just the entire feel of the game! The graphics were dark and gritty! Why would anyone want to spend a minute in that dump they call a Castle let alone invite people there for a wedding? Yes a zillion years ago part of it blew up but the very minimal parts used 3 areas inside if I remember could have and should have been visually tolerable!! The Grand hall you enter through the huge castle doors looks like a homeless shelter or military barracks with cots lined up in a corner for the Wedding Party and guests?
I wish they had NOT used the creepiest looking room in the entire place "The Baby Nursery” where Matt was supposedly staying (No-one would stay in that room) good grief what were they thinking using a gloomy depressing room and deciding to make it the nursery? Why not the Study-Den-Library? Anything else!
The story was disjointed form the start.. The tasks Nancy had to do some were just bizarre filler for lack of a better term? The 4 characters you visually interact with were not fun or interesting at all! I avoided any unnecessary conversations!
This is how much I disliked the Castle and lack of secret passageways! My favorite parts of the game were drumming/difference detectives and above all mixing ..None alcoholic the Inn! By the end of the game I think it said 45 in my coin purse I racked up after not needing anymore money! I just kept going to the Screaming Banshee to get out of the doom and gloom mood of the Castle!
Nancy didn’t have a room in this game or cell phone hers was destroyed when she crashed talking while driving, serves her right! All Phone calls are made from the phone booth with her International calling card! No calls were any fun either! And apparently the entire game took place in one night which would be impossible in real life considering everything she did! I wasn't a fan of actually seeing Nancy either, that’s been a big part of the mystic of these games, and that you are Nancy.
The Chemical puzzle everyone said was hard, was and wasn't! Fitting them in was easy compared to de-coding the codes in the codes within the apparently hidden codes! I did blow up 5 times, but was expecting that. The bewildering part of the game wasn't the moving of the chemicals it was worse!! I easily looked at the chart and wrote down the same list for all 3 categories that’s on every single walkthrough in the www I found out after! 6 chemical codes for category 1! Not hard to figure out by just taking the time to look at the chart on the wall.. However when you start the puzzle there are NO.. Na, Al, Ag, C, Ab, Cs. etc. on it! Lots of I, k, h, f, n, p and so on that apparently make up codes within codes on the chart they don’t tell you how to do? Word of warning there are not simply 6 chemical codes to move into category #1. There are 13 separate ones for that category alone! I would have quit the game right there if I hadn't found the only you tube video that went nice and slow and showed the real chemical codes that go into the slots on the puzzle! I’ll be the first to admit I am not good with Science but this seemed like an out right mistake!
Breaking down codes from the Chart could have been a very good game and something that I would expect in a Nancy Drew game, but do we really have to be rocket scientists to further break them down to play?
My last gripe/gripes, the ending was utterly ridiculous!! I’m still not sure what the entire purpose of that “Blast Off” without giving it away but it was sure over-kill in my opinion. And I didn't see the door get unlocked? Odd way to save the day? What went where at that moment and why it was necessary, will confuses me forever! However, after all the whining I did, I’m still a major Nancy Drew fan and like em or not I’ll never quit playing! Just won’t play this one again other than to Mix non-alcoholic drinks and see how fast I can rack up tips to play difference detectives and maybe try darts again! :-)