The Egg Cannon is the fourth attempt of earth is needed to be destroyed. In Rookie Mode: Try to get the Neutron weapon firepower 10 or more or try the Photon Swarm weapon. In Veteran Mode: Your weapon's damage gets less than the Rookie ones. Try to get the Utensil Poker (Fork weapon# max power #get it in the unlockables with 200 keys# or the Neutron weapon max power #20 firepowers# only not less could more. Now in Superstar Hero Mode: It gives you a very low damage weapons. The only way to beat the Egg Cannon is: 1-Utensil Poker #Fork weapon# max power 2-Neutron Gun weapon max power. Concentrate, any lower than that does not exist to win. Remember that: When you destroy 20% of the Egg Cannon after it fires chickens it fires lasers it the metal weapon #Up, middle and down# Then at 40% it fires red plasma weapons at you #try to go up to down or the opposite# After that at 60%, you know..... like the Mother-Hen Ship without the yolk. Nearly at 80% it fires orange lasers straightly any where. Be careful in the Superstar Hero Mode, it is 43% to win if lower weapon not what I said so 10% #No chance to win) Good Luck then.