pretty sure I played this game a year ago, and I do mean 2019 not Christmas 2020 . If not then they just havn't changed much for next edition and shouldn't have released in middle of January anyway.
Firstly the graphics are very poorly drawn. The English is bad. Only a few minutes into game and I had had enough when on one HOP scene they drew a sliced kiwifruit and described it as an "Avacado "(they couldn't even spell the wrong name correctly)
Some of the puzzles were very enjoyable, but some were just a bit too long ; you knew what you had to do , but doing it just took too much patience, such as the moving spiders . I didn't want to spend all my time on some games so I skipped, hoping that I could go back to solving the puzzles once I had completed the game. Unfortunately once game is finished you can't go back and do the puzzles you skipped on. That is a pity.
Finally a clutter game with new items . New types of games are good. No silly messages is good. No instructions are not good . The lack of other game types also not good. My favourite Clutter games are in Clutter IV and V. They just havn't got any better , although this one is better than the last two.
Don't usually play music with these games as its often annoying, but really enjoyed this music. The large pegboard style was distracting though. Hard to see spaces. Maybe tone that down a bit.
If you've played clutter before you will recognise all the items used.Nothing new here. New pictures in sliders but nothing to warrant calling it a new game. If you bought the previous ones this is just more of the same. Plus it crashed during a game .So not stable.
Was disappointed having purchased no 22.This one I got past the "games get harder" level. They didn't. Won't be buying any more until they can make , or allow, more challenging puzzles.
I have bought several of these Fantasy Mosaics and thought this would be even better, but it wasn't. On previous games I have gone through the series then re-played the silvers and bronzes to turn them into Golds. Hoped that these games got harder after the demo but they didn't. The puzzles are so easy you can't fail to get golds unless you fall asleep doing them as I have done. That has reduced my play experience. I hope no 23 will be back on track. I prefer challenge over more colours.