I loved this one even more than the first!!!! Great graphics, story, and clear interactive HOS! Interactive map, and extras including a bonus chapter made it worth the CE price! Nothing negative to say on this one!! Happy gaming gamers!
I bought this the day it came onto Bigfish, and it just happened to be a sale day for collectors editions! Which I took total advantage of, and grabbed this one up! I have to admit, the game did not look too appealing from the screen shots. But to my great surprise...It was awesome. The graphics were wonderful, as was the storyline. The HOS were few and far between, which I love! And their is a map, that allows you to travel and shows available actions. The puzzles are fun, and creative, and as the length goes it wasn't disappointing, especially with the bonus chapter! Love this game, and hope more publishers take a cue from this one. Great graphics, storyline, and less HOS that are interactive, ad a lock for inventory, is what we look for!!!!! It isn't too much to ask, is it? Apparently not! Get this game! Happy gaming gamers!!
A long-forgotten artifact has just resurfaced, and the race to claim it will cause a devastating war. The only thing strong enough to stop it is one woman's promise to the man she loves.
I really enjoyed this one, and am glad I finally bought it. The graphics didn't look too good to me at first glance, but I was very wrong. The graphics are done well, and the storyline isn't too drab either. I really like the flow of the game, and the fact that there is an interactive map, that transports ( very important for all the backtracking # and the inventory bar locks # an absolute must for me ) I love games where you have a lot of inventory items, at one time, and this is one of those games! You have lots of items, and it stays this way until game end. The HOS are very clear, and not too jumbled. There aren't HOS around every corner as well, which I love. I hate a game that's nothing but HOS!! And this is NOT one of them, thankfully! I also thought the game had a very satisfactory length! Every time I thought the end was near...I found out I was wrong. :) All in all, I was entertained from beginning to end, and isn't that the point really?? 9/10 score from me. Happy Gaming Gamers!!
over looked this one for a while, not exactly sure why.. But tonight I finally bought it, and found that I over looked a great game! The graphics are great, as is the storyline. There are real actors, and the HOS are easy and clearly visible. There is a map, and it transports, but doesn't show objectives...The hints are directional, which I like. And you can lock your inventory, a must for me. The length wasn't too short. I give this one a 8/10, Happy gaming gamers!
I really liked this installment, and here is why.... 1. The storyline is much more spooky than the other games 2. The HOG are interactive, and change from "list", to replacing objects my personal fav 3. There is a map, and yes its interactive...if you choose in the beginning. 4. The hint and skip works well, though I didn't need them due to the ease of the game. not too easy 5. The graphics are great! 6. I love how you are in a different setting, and help very creepy characters! 7. The length of the game is worth the CE price if you ask me 8. Bonus chapter, great! 9. Last but certainly not least....The inventory is Lockable!! a must for me! Get the game, and see for your self. Even though the wicked witch is no more, I still hope there is another in the series!! Happy gaming gamers!!
The game was okay for me. The puzzles were easy, and sometimes fun. The HOG were a bit too frequent for me though. The graphics were okay, using a mix of real people and fake. The only real issue I have is the length. It was VERY short for my taste. There is a map, and its interactive if you choose. There is a lock for your inventory, which I need! All in all , not too bad. Happy gaming gamers!!
Loved the second installment, as I did the first, The graphics were wonderful, and storyline was even better! There were very few HOS, which I really like, and the bonus chapter picks up at the start of all the trouble. Just a fun, and wonderful game, and cant wait for the THIRD! Happy gaming gamer!
I really loved this game, and all the extras make it that much better. The graphics are great, and the storyline just as good. There are things for you to find during the game for extras, and there is options in the beginning that allows you to decide which game you want, like easy, advanced, hardcore, and interactive map, if you want one. The items are not difficult to place, and the HOS are interactive, and allow you to place items in the scene. I liked the entire game, and was so happy it was much better than the first installment. Happy gaming gamers!!!!!!!!
I really liked this one, as I did the others. The games graphics and storyline are up there with the best. There are a lot of HOS, and lots of items to find in those scenes. But the storyline and ease of the game will make up for it. There is no map, but I didn't miss one. I really did not like the fact that the inventory is up top the screen rather than below, and you cannot lock it...But I am not disappointed that I bought it, and would play another as soon as it comes out.! Happy gaming gamers!!!!