I have all these games but I dont like how this one works!! I just finished the third level with 57 pieces of crystal, 46 pieces of wood and 2 food items. Each task required 10 or more food items but there is never enough to complete the task. The game is structured so you will always be short of one item, I found it annoying and I no longer want to finish the game. I had previously played Witches Curse and Legacy of the Valkyries and they dont use this structure as much as this game. To those of you who play in 'expert' mode, mad respect!! I played on 'relaxed' mode and it took ages to finish the level. For the first time ever, I dont like this game BUT, this is my experience and yours could be completely different.
I have become used to the 'new' Domini (and grieve for the old one) so my expectations are not that high BUT when you get halfway though the game and can't go any further..that's a problem. Like others, the Stars are so unnecessary and to me child like, please stop including them. I did like the graphics and I think the story line is ok, a bit Halloween -y but its ok.
Sigh...another Domini Game that is just boring. Whats up with the big gold star and LEVEL COMPLETED, seriously! Please whoever is releasing or making these games, listen to the players, and go back to making the awesome games we know you are or were capable of. For me I am not paying $26AUD for this type of..game. So annoyed! Bring back the great games that BF was known for, not this snorefest!
I was excited for this game but quickly disappointed. As another OP wrote, lots of reading and conversations, it was annoying, then you can earn crystals for a super hint. This is a HO but not the sort of game I like. The art work looked dated to me and I just couldnt get into it. You may like it though.
I agree with others, Elephant Games decisions makers should be embarrassed. This game is boring and is another example of back and forth finding small items over three scenes. I deleted it before the end of the Demo. I cant believe how bad BF has become, seriously! I only play older games from my own collection because I wont waste $20 on rubbish!!
I agree with another reviewer regarding the mind numbing HO's, I dont think Ive hit the Hint button so many times in a demo. Lots of video and chat. It feels like DO is extending their games by making HOs hard to find and back and forth. This series has potential but for me, it misses the mark (again!) I was bored with it and didnt purchase it.
Well the first 5 minutes! What is happening?? Elephant, I am shocked and disappointed, this is NOT an Elephant game, its a cheaply made cartoonish HO. So, so disappointed. When will this stop?
I had hoped this game would be a good one. Not so. As mentioned by others the choices you make are supposed to change the ending but not as you go along. One of the HOs had words in there from another language, they were dark so finding items was hard to find. Lots of back and forth and time finding bits and pieces to make something. Ever since BF was sold, the games have gone downhill and sadly Domini Games one of the greats, has gone down too. I used to buy without trialing now I hesitate before doing that. Thankfully I have a lot of the old games to replay. Sad times.