Absolutely great game, I loved playing different types of HOS The good: Story is very good, if you have played other games form the series Secrets of the dark you’ll now that it’s always about destroying evil and the dark Graphics are awesome, beautiful cutscenes, clear images Music is also quite nice Hint is recharging quickly and it’s usable during the gameplay not only in HOS Strategy guide HOS are fantastic, two types of them, classic with listed objects and those with misplaced objects ( my favorite) Puzzles are challenging, for some you have to think a little bit, pure entertainment The bad: No map
Amazing game with excellent story, I LOVED it! The good: Story is great, this is one perfect adventure where you will visit many different places, cities and beautifully designed locations Visuals- so cute and colorful, bit cartoonish I really liked the music- relaxing and perfect for the atmosphere During the game you can collect special items and for each one you earn one extra hint HOS are absolutely fantastic – good visibility, interaction ( sometimes you use objects from your inventory), sharp images, and also what I liked the most is that level of chilling varies from one to the another Useful map The bad: Puzzles are quite easy, really nothing special No voice overs
Very interesting game with many different things to do, I really had a good time! The good: Story is great, interesting, you are on a mission to stop evil and mad wizard Graphics are amazing, beautifully designed locations Music is really good, it really made the atmosphere Puzzles are quite good, not so challenging but entertaining You have a notebook, some sort of book of potions ( with recipes ) that you make along the way, I found that very entertaining Hint system is helpful The bad: No map, you are constantly going back and forth HOS- a bit boring, no interaction, some scenes are dark and blurry
Interesting game to play, but too many HOS for my taste The good: Mystery, crime and horror story Music nicely goes with the whole ambient You have a notebook with shown objectives and map, along with a detailed journal Puzzles are rare but enjoyable The bad: Graphics are nothing special, locations are too dark, in some parts visibility is bad, character design is not to my likening, due to the creepy/funny mix HOS besides being too many, have no interaction except in the search for the final object; in spite scenes being overloaded you can easily spot most of the listed objects, but some of them are barely impossible to see – very frustrating
Wow, fantastic adventure, with challenging puzzles! The good: Story well developed, mix of adventure and mystery-horror, you inherited an old mansion with a spooky secret.. Music is well chosen Graphics are top notch, cut scenes are with real actors Tasks are shown, there is a map( indicated locations with HOS and available action) journal HOS are with lots of interaction, clear, sharp, it’s been a while since I’ve played so good HOS Puzzles are amazing, lots of challenging ones, some are new and refreshing some are well known but fun to solve Hint us really helpful The bad: no remarks
I had a blast playing this game, magnificently done. All of you that have interest in mystery adventure with a little horror should consider playing this game. The good : excellent story keeps your attention from begging to the very end( by finding VHS tapes you reveal part of the story) nice graphics, lots of interesting locations( almost every location has light and dark side, so basically by switching lights on or of you have two different locations in one) challenging puzzles, mostly brainteasers hidden object scenes- 2 types- standard( find listed objects) and one where you have to find right place for displayed objects the bad: no map constantly consulting your journal for codes and similar music is annoying, a bit monotone
I had a some fun time, but really nothing special.. The good: Graphics are nice, I must say that locations were beautifully designed Voice overs are excellent as well as the sound in the background and music it self Story is nicely put together, you must find the way to break the curse and save one little girl form it There is a detailed journal Puzzles are fun, mainly easy but comparing to HOS I enjoyed playing them The bad: HOS are interactive but besides that everything else was bad, too dark scenes, blurry, some objects are just impossible to find Hint button recharges very slowly even in regular mode..so it’s frustrating especially if you are not able to find several objects in HOS No map
I had a blast playing this game, magnificently done. All of you that have interest in mystery adventure with a little horror should consider playing this game. The good : excellent story keeps your attention from begging to the very end( by finding VHS tapes you reveal part of the story) nice graphics, lots of interesting locations( almost every location has light and dark side, so basically by switching lights on or of you have two different locations in one) challenging puzzles, mostly brainteasers hidden object scenes- 2 types- standard( find listed objects) and one where you have to find right place for displayed objects the bad: no map constantly consulting your journal for codes and similar music is annoying, a bit monotone