First of all each scene gets played a lot which means you can remember where to go and for what - this is an enormous bonus for me as I can get lost and wander about for ages trying to backtrack or find where a particular thing is! The graphics are good - the story is sound - the added feature of collecting cards adds to your overall interest in the game and the hidden object scenes are EASY so you can get on with the gameplay - personally I enjoy the interaction far more than hidden object scenes. Just one downer for me at the end of the game - you cannot play the bonus or get to the "extras" until you complete the game which includes finding all 52 cards - I ended up with one missing - read through the strategy guide and still could not access it - it could be because the window on the scene closed with the card in it. But hey ho - will replay some time in the future with particular care regarding finding the cards and the quality of this game makes this a future joy to be had.
50% hidden object and 50% puzzles makes this game up. The graphics are good but not pretty or attractive to look at. I bought this on special offer for $3 and it was worth that to me. The storyline was good and wanting to know what happened in the end pushed me to play it through. Not replayable for me but a decent hidden object game to play during a dry spell. It did not require too much backtracking and wandering around either as the objects were generally in the three last places you had been - just a couple to go back more than 4 pages. Recommending as it is good to fill in a rainy afternoon.
Now I am all hogged out and enjoy games with more puzzles than hide and seek and this one fits the bill. It also has beautiful fairy tale graphics and extremely cute faced individuals to meet. BUT I found it not intuitive with lots of wandering backwards and forwards to complete tasks. Being a bear with little brain I also found myself forgetting here to go back to and there is no map. The puzzles appears repetitive and made me skip quite a few as the feeling of "oh no not again" hit me. It did take me 6.5 hours to complete the game which is a long game for me - however, towards the end I have to admit wanting it to end! Cannot put my finger on it - but it just didn't ignite my enthusiasm but having said that, it is extremely visually pleasing. Whether to recommend or not is a difficult one - if you love fairy tales and beauty in graphics you may love it - if you find hitting the hint or skip button due to not knowing what to do annoying - then you may not! Recommending due to the graphics.
Hidden object is not my favourite genre and this game comes under the heading of more adventure with a few HOG scenes thrown in. The graphics are breath-taking, the whole atmosphere of the game makes you feel involved and actually there. Egypt is one of my favourite themes and the puzzles, stone movement and crypts all fit in beautifully with the setting and story. There are numerous slider puzzles and matching colour balls with their partnered background. I skipped quite a few but the game is that good that I shall be immediately replaying it to complete all the puzzles. The bonus content is well worth the extra money with a full chapter which although not that long, maintained the stunning background and graphics. All in all - one of the best games to come out of recent.
Absolutely fell in love with this game from the get go. My personal preference is not of the hog genre and more of the puzzle and adventure and this fits the bill enormously. Played the trail, bought it and five and a half hours later - some housework actually got done! Could not put it down. Love the detective angle, the murder scene and the large showy house you get to roam around in. In adventure games I tend to get lost or forget what I am supposed to be doing - not in this game - it kept me right on track and did not give me so many open scenes at one go. Not much tooing and froing. Absolute gem!
This game is amazing - excellent story - good character interaction - more puzzles than hidden object (at least 10 to 1) - graphics crisp, detailed and atmospheric. The puzzles are different, each one gets you thinking - I skipped two in total and will probably replay to try and get them all. The chapters are of a good length and keep the overall story going. My interest in hidden object games has almost disappeared but this game had me enthralled and determined to finish the game.
Loved the first of this series and replayed it many many times. So excited to see the second one arrive BUT very soon into the game you have to race to eliminate the smoke. This smoke makes the game visually disappear! Not fun - instead of thinking through strategy (the higher levels do need some deep thought) - you find yourself playing a board where you cannot see what you are doing at all. Who thought that folks would find it fun to only have half the board visible or at the start of a level work out how to keep the board visible as opposed to playing a bright matching game based on moves? So looked forward to it and so let down.
This is from my point of view - am sure if you find it a twist on the normal game play you might enjoy it. Difficult to recommend or not recommend!
Here you match three balls of the same colour (rather like Oriental Dreams) in order that they explode. When they do explode you blow up surrounding scenery such as trees, houses and land. Underneath you find coins, gems (of which you need to collect in order to complete the game) and from time to time there are fellow furry creatures to speak to. Having spoken to them secret levels open up. It can become quite boring but something makes you keep going back to it. The graphics, although dated, are easy on the eye and the game play gives a strategic edgy to this game.
This Match 3 has it all! Beautiful graphics, interesting and involved story line and builds up the power ups and differences between levels. As an added bonus there is timed or untimed modes. On replay value it comes up trumps as you do want to revisit the unique game play and graphics. There is something magical about it as opposed to your usual run-of-the-mill Match 3.