The game wants to repair C++ programmes but it will not complete that task. So halfway through the game a help arrow appears showing me how to look into the porthole at the items I have found and then will not go away so preventing any progress. I have tried all the help topics and troubleshoot on the game exe. To no avail. I do wish i could turn off these help arrows as I do not need them. The game is same people and looks identical to other versions but I did not mind that. However, I have not been able to play this game I have purchased and will not buy Cruise Director again ever. It does not look like it is compatible with Windows 10 ?
I have also restarted a few times...first I thought level 8 was hard...then it took days and days to get past level 9 ....restarted many times. Level 25 is just plain difficult. I restarted so I could amass points but they soon went and no luck. 700 points for just 5 moves is useless! I am not sure this is fun, but like another reviewer I shall keep trying and then park it for a long long while...SOME HELP would be appreciated from the developer PLEASE....