It is a RARITY that I give high ratings to any game. Considering this is Big Fish, who've gone questionable over the years.
This is one of the better ones that doesn't overtly suck. It bares decent graphics with animation voice-overs. Smooth, continuous scenery that doesn't lag or become dull-normal. I've played other Bonfire demos, which were not so par. I love how this one features different areas to explore, on an actual map.
While you can't emit the captioned voice-over, it's a YES for me.
I initially bought this because the demo was interesting. Reinstalling it years later I regret doing so. The opening dragged on to boorishness. And just dragged thereafter. Nothing exciting or special that really 'popped out' at me. Despite efforts with the poisonous fog at the campsite. And while the gas mask thing was okay, it got old after a bit.
Captioned animations are the worst part of any game. The player should have the option of turning them off as I read quite well thank you. Conclusively this one is a big NO for me. I uninstalled and won't play it again.
I always give games the benefit including the older ones, as you never know how they are going to function years later. Well I went to play again and it started freezing in places. I closed out figuring it was a driver issue on my end but it wasn't as I reopened and the play became sluggish, then froze in places again. Well, at least I got my money's worth the first time around.
I seriously tried to get back into this game but The cinematic kept stalling The opening into the mansion kept stalling Guess I should've expected that with an 11 year old game
I tried to like this game again but very boring Barely got past the post office before realizing it is lame I prefer a serious challenge with real actors and voiceovers
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
Dark & Psychological Thriller or not, this game is impossible to get through ):
What ever were the developers thinking when they brainstormed this mess?
Strike 1: The Hint is not available during the endless HOPS and morphing areas--leaving you stranded or at the mercy of your cell phone to Google the walk-through
Strike 2: The cinematic Intro takes forever before the game even opens.
Strike 3: Too many glitches or bugs that freeze objects or become unresponsive such as attempting picking up red pills or scalpels that won't move
By the time I (finally) reached the Maternity Ward the idiot monitors would not function to allow the mechanical baby to birth (the one that falls down the shoot if you make an error) I had enough and backed out, then uninstalled. Thankfully I only wasted 2 credits.
I had my doubts downloading this again on my newer Windows 10 (after 6 years) And I was correct. It would not play right. Kept freezing or stalling just 10 minutes in. Didn't even complete the 1st HOP with the Hint option not reloading. Then not working period.
I seriously wanted to love this release, as I love dark psychological games. But I should have stuck with the free demo.
Most of the graphics are 1st class, but the hint feature is unavailable in many areas, forcing you to wander aimlessly. Which I hate. Many of the morphing objects are near impossible to find, without the actual walk-through guide. Because of the dank atmosphere. And apparently that's how it's supposed to be.
Bottom will need your phone on hand, to guide you through this improbable maze.
Demo version I got 20 minutes into this before realizing it wasn't for me. The graphics are great and the voiceovers impressive but the animations rather elementary. The characters, voiceovers, and objects are slow moving, along with the changing scenes, which irritated me a little. Things should move along like click speed, and they don't.
I skipped through most of the short games as they didn't make sense to me such as the first diamond matchup portrait thing where you're supposed to fit the correct eyes. At least I only played the demo version instead wasting the money.