Shadows, missing people, but not scary. I would recommend this game for children (the hero is a child), but some of the puzzles seem a little difficult for children. The artwork was dark but not atmospheric. It was two dimensional, which, if done with imagination, can be interesting; I didn't find this game interesting. Mini-games were typical, nothing new, and HOs were sometimes grainy and it was difficult to determine what the items were.
Talk about atmosphere! I actually felt chilled when I played this game!
PostedMarch 1, 2015
fromDes Moines, Iowa
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Another gold feather in the caps of MCF production teams! This is a GREAT game. Believable storyline, I cared about the characters, and the atmosphere, WONDERFUL! The mini-games were challenging, the HOG's were fun without blinding me, (items were clear and identifiable) and it was LOGICAL! I highly recommend this game, it's so much FUN!
Although sometimes frustrating, really enjoyed playing this game!
PostedMarch 1, 2015
fromDes Moines, Iowa
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I thought this was a very clever yet simple game. It didn't need all the bells and whistles. No cute little bunnies, fairies, or talking animals! The sound effects were enough and, no pun intended, VERY effective! The sound effects added most to the overall mood. Ya have to THINK and look! I recommend this game!
Artwork is beautiful. Mini-games are predictable. Storyline- another fairytale. Images were also storybook style. Same-o script; simple and unbelievable. Don't recommend this game for adults.
Who is this game for? I'd recommend it for boys 7-10 except
PostedMarch 1, 2015
fromDes Moines, Iowa
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
for the hero's mom is ripped to bits by a bear! The story line is infintile, the script is worse, the mini-games are the same few games over and over with new color, images, sounds. There are lots of cute little bunnies and baby animals; Thank God they don't talk! Artwork is commendable. Had a few tech gliches on my windows 8. I can't recommend this game.
Classic Hidden Expedition/Smithsonian but was lacking
PostedFebruary 1, 2015
fromDes Moines, Iowa
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
I guess I was spoiled by Solomon's Crown. I didn't feel that this game was up to Hidden Expedition/ Smithsonian standards. There are some innovative/creative HO's and mini games but the storyline was worse than a after school cable movie. I found it boring. Even the information cards were lacking. I SO LOVE these games, I hope this is just a misstep.
This game is GORGEOUS! BUT based on the demo, this game is not at all up to MCF standards. You go from scenario to scenario collecting things for your inventory. Yawn! It was very boring!
Based on Demo, this game is beautiful; very colorful and children will love it. I wonder why the producers of such games don't make the hero/heroine children instead of adults. It's childish on all points; storyline is old, level of challenge is nominal and I believe that most adults would find it extremely boring. I can't recommend this game for adults.
I've only given 5 stars to 2 games. I loved this game! It was so much fun!! The storyline (which I usually hate) was minimal -TG! and when you had to endure it you generally received a reward. I loved all the mini-games, a lot were interactive, and especially loved the inter-active dioramas. The artwork was great! This game was LOVED by it's designers; some one took a lot of care and time. This production team were artists! Done in old timey style reminiscent of the early carnivals; they didn't take themselves so seriously. Every type of mini-game was represented! One of the very few games I didn't want to end!!! highly recommended! What FUN!!
I didn't want it to end! It's one of the few story lines that I thought was entertaining; it pulled me into the mystery. The characters, the music, the graphics all pulled me in and I actually felt like I was solving the mystery. I wouldn't say it was easy, I had to figure out how to reach the next objective but all the clues were there, I just had to pay attention to what the characters were saying and what items were in each scene. The game does offer hints after I tried several times or you can skip it, but it was so much fun I solved all but one myself. I had to THINK! I highly recommend this game especially for moderate or serious gamers. You'll love it!