Not only are the graphics absolutely stunning, the storyline is enjoyably intriguing, the voiceovers are magnificently perfect, the animation is brilliantly fluent and the music and sound effects totally captivating, it also has amazingly versatile puzzles which make the game stand out greatly among others of this genre.
It is also extremely intuitive and I find that very important in a game (Yes, I was able to figure out the story myself, but aren't we all detectives and alchemists?). Needless to say, after playing the 1 hour trial, I didn't hesitate to continue the adventure. (To be perfectly honest, the cuteness overload of the kitty convinced me from the start).
I'm a person with a very keen eye for detail (and sadly a perfectionist as well) and I don't think I've ever played a game where I haven't found all the 'collectibles' etc. on the first try. But here? OK, I missed one fairy, I'll admit, but I wasn't able to find almost HALF of the changeables needed to unlock the whole story. And believe me, I've looked. And if in fact they're all there and I'll find more on the next go, I didn't find any bugs at all (except for the beetles in the hidden object scenes, but I'm pretty sure those were intended), which would make the game flawless and that's a word I very rarely use.
Great for people that enjoy thinking! Not for those with a "I like staring at the screen and want the game played for me" attitude.
An absolute must have for HOP junkies like myself.