Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Another excellent game of this series! Everything in this game is well thought of and well created. The graphics are crisp and the HO are well defined and fun to look for. The level of this game is easy going. The storyline is OK, nothing new and revolutionary but OK to hold the game together. The music is pleasant and fits the game's atmosphere. Hint system is user friendly, it will give you idea to where to go next in case you're stuck. I am enjoying this game, I think that the developers of this game created a well designed HO game, and I recommend it to all that appreciate this genre.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
The game started with a story of a kid being possessed by some evil creature. He tells his mom it's his fault and he will deal with it you are there somehow, a car drives away, the kid is bye bye, evil shadow took him, Great! I didn't like him anyway...seriously, I felt like what the heck! Yet another game where I'm suppose to save a kid and I really don't care, not for him and not for what will happen with the plot next, just give me some HO scenes and puzzles and who cares for the boring storyline! The game started with bunch of finding items but no HO scenes yet. Took some time before the first scene started. The whole feel of this game was off for me right from the start. The little music in the game is annoying and during HO scenes there's a blessed silence. On the plus side, graphics are OK, but by itself it doesn't really save the game. Flower looking hint is good, tells you what you need to do next, so I guess it makes this game not that difficult. I wasn't impressed and few minutes into this grim game I uninstalled it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I'll start by saying I enjoyed playing this game. The graphics are good, clear enough, good old days concept. The music was pleasant to my ears, It is an easy to play game, HO are all over the place but it's OK makes life more interesting! The storyline was OK not something that glues you to your seat but OK enough to get you through the game without committing to focus on the plot. Yes, there's still a mystery surrounding the creature called bigfoot or yeti and some could swear they actually saw it wandering in the thick forest trying to avoid human contact. It's OK for a story, beats newer game storylines about young girls getting kidnapped and you got to save them, My suggestion: Watch the clip, play the demo, I think that for the daily deal even for a free credit you would love to own this game,
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I loved it I bought it, and I'm keep on playing it. Graphics are great, different than your usual HO games graphics yet refreshing in concept. The music almost put me to sleep, so relaxing, just like the rhythm of the game, no time pressure, play in your own pace. Very enjoyable game, I liked the potions creating scenes, something else to do beside looking for objects. The level of the game is suitable for all, kids and adults. Try it buy it you will be happy you did.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
Based on the demo. The story is of a bad guy kidnapping the most beautiful woman in all Russia and lock her up in a tower. Her kids go looking for her and you're the third one that try to locate your mom. nice try attempting making me feel sorry for the lady, but not to convincing to care, I pretty much started to skip the storyline once realized it's not something that keeps me entertained. The graphics are OK, but not mesmerizing. HO scenes are clear and no problem finding objects, some of the objects need extra assembly but it's a piece of cake...the level of difficulty is easy, at least for my taste, minigames gave me a deja-vu, been playing them in other games, nothing new here. Hint recharges super fast. Music is boring and annoyingly repetitive. I would say it's an OK game, nothing out of the ordinary nothing special just your typical HO game. I would probably avoid playing it till it's on some kind of special deal doesn't worth more than that.
Based on playing the demo, this is a HO game that has bunch of the HO scenes and the graphics in them are OK, minigames are way to easy, which leads me to think it could be great for beginners and also kids.
Travel back in time and save the ones you love in this Hidden-Object Adventure game! Switch between 1912 and the modern day as you play in 2 time periods.
If only the game developers could take off this unnecessary frame around the HO scenes because it makes the HO smaller. If only they could also get rid of the dialog that serves no decent purpose in this game. If only the game developers would make the levels more challenging because the way it is now it's for beginners even mini-games are to simple. If only they could make the graphics look more updated to nowadays standards. I uninstalled this game after playing for few minutes, has no quality to keep my interest. This boat does not float...
Clairvoyant: The Magician Mystery is a good game for beginners, the level of this game is way too easy. The graphics and art are well made, clear and well defined, there are plenty of HO scenes, however, the scene itself is not as cluttered as I expect it to be, that's why it too easy because you can find the objects fairly fast. There's no challenge for gamers that are advanced in this genre. The story is nothing you didn't bump into before. There are good voiceovers but I didn't care for them because they weren't interesting enough for me. I recommend this game only for beginners, advanced ones, keep looking.
This is another sequel to an entertaining game Flux Family Secret, I played the previous two games and each one is an amazing game. I love this series, they are well made, very creative people created these games, and they are fun to play. It is a HO game with a great storyline. The graphics of this game are great, well defined. You get HO in a list, and parts of objects in the scene once you find the pieces it makes to one object that interacts in the scene. Hint button available and rechargeable, also, if you click on an object in the list to see how it looks like. There are puzzles that are not to difficult. Music and sound effects are great too. If you enjoyed the other two games this one is also a must, and even if you don't own the other two, this game is a definite buy.
Final cut is a great game to play, the graphics are well made and the HO scenes are the way it suppose to be, cluttered, of course! but in a friendly HO kinda way, the objects are well defined, some objects need extra action taken in order to find them. There are puzzles, not to hard but not to easy either, you gotta use the think-box of yours in order to solve them. The music is good and does not taking over the game, it's a great background music for the atmosphere of this game. The voice overs are OK, cutscenes are OK too, one thing I did not find the logic behind was when the characters talk to you then turn from real actors to animation, I did not see why they had to do it, if you already have an actor playing might as well let them do the whole thing, but that's me, This game praises you for finding items. it's a good concept for some. You get awards if you find objects fast, if you do not click the hint button and also you have extra items you gotta find, pictures and cards. The creators of this game made it in order for people to enjoy playing this game, and it's noticeable, they did a great job!