Fun minigames, albeit some is somewhat easy, but the story is extremely good an very much in line with the story of Grim Tales. Graphics extra ordinary good, so is the acting and the game play. To me it's a must buy.
Best game for at least the last 6 months. It actually feels you are investigating, the story is interesting to, even if a little confusing in the beginning. The voiceacting is also top notch. And also better than the majority from the last months. And the minigames are also better than normal, although one seems to have a wrong solution (according to the hint), but not a big problem, when the game is as good as this. But try the demo first, though, since remarkably, I seem to be one of the few that likes this game. But totally recommended by me.
Dissapointing and boring game with mediocre out of place minigames and some rough edges
PostedApril 14, 2023
fromLiving in Denmark
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
2/ 5
Why this have gotten so great reviews is beyound me. A very confusing start, with a messy intro to the case, and very repetitive miniquests, seen way better elsewhere. The voice acting is okay, the visuals also okay, but quite dated. Morevoer the story, although it make since, is illogical, and the minigames is also illogical, and do not feel connected to the game. All in all a sub-par game, which also doesn't seem completely smooth. No atmosphere to speak of either, which makes this a very dissapointing and dull game
I love the way this is buiid up, and I actually don't care if you can get all the cards of the boards or not. So many options to get a good score, and in many cases also a perfect score. The graphics is top notch. The only slight drawback is, that it might be a tad easy at times, but that does not detract from the score. A must-buy for me.
What a dissapointment. An average game (dissapointing in it self) marred further by the worst minigames i have ever played
PostedNovember 22, 2022
fromLiving in Denmark
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
3/ 5
See subj. I had high hopes for this, considering the last one was quite good, not as good as the best: Dire Grove, Sacred Grove and Fates Carnival, but still. But oh boy, this is bad, not only does this just feels like a bunch of screens you wade through, but the minigames, the ones, I encountered was all the ones I hate normally, and in version there were even worse. But if you like games where the minigames only is abot guessing and try again and again, then you migh like it. I hated it. And will be the first MCF game I don't buy.
Annoying, confusing mess of a game that could have been so much better
PostedJuly 31, 2022
fromLiving in Denmark
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
2/ 5
Bad start that give no indication of what this mess of a game is about. And confusing mess continues with no explanation of what is happening or why you have to do what you do. Very different kind of "game" I will give them, but not a good one. The unfortunate thing is, that it could probably have been a LOT better with more explanation and background. But as is a defnite no-buy for me.
VERY good game, thank god I didn't read the reviews ;-)
PostedFebruary 9, 2022
fromLiving in Denmark
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Everything is very good, albeit a bit confusing, but when minigames are fun and logic, the voiceacting terrefic to, then there's no need to hesitate. Not the best in the series, but in no way bad, albeit a bit confusing. And the atmosphere is good to. An to me it's a BIG bonus, that there are no minigames, with only relies on trial'n'error kind or simple luck, with to many games have been polluted with. So for people who likes (not even love) Detectives United, this is a no brainer. Buy it.
Mediocre game ruined further byt technical faults and badly designed minigames
PostedFebruary 4, 2022
fromLiving in Denmark
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
3/ 5
This is worst Domini Games in a while. They were starting to make decent games, but is a mediocre game,with no redeeming features. And the two minigames I encountered in the demo was incredibly bad designed. The graphcis is not very good either, just the same boring Domini-style, which is getting very tiresome, noting specail aboot the voice acting etiher. The story line was almost good. But all-in-all a bad game, that cannot be recommended.
Normally they make exellent games, but this is a subpar gamem in almost every aspect, apart from the okayish storyline. Everything apart from the horribly designed minigames (The first one unwinnable on Hard,and the SG only has help for easy one, thats really dumb, since its not clear at all how you win that minigame), dated gfx, sound and animation. Plus the Storyline has been done 1000 times before (more or less), but still the best part of the game. But all in all, a subpar game in any aspect, unfortunately. Why this quallifies for a 5(!!!)star rating is beyond me.
Good game, which I do find xmas-y. The minigames are diverse and interesting, and NO trial'n'error or guessing kind, so that's a big plus. The gfx and sound and voice acting is very good to, the only slight drawback is the storyline, but not more so, than I wholeheartedly recommend this game, since the gameplay is so good, which is very important to me.