We played the game's full version in the quest mode (with the level map).
CAUTION! This game starts very cute with nice music and still ok graphics in a slow way. You may love this style many levels until you reached about the half of the game's map. The always ticking timer is no problem in the beginning.
NO CHANCE at end of 2nd stage (level 2-10) anymore! When you have the patience for many retries (to catch the required number of diamonds in the given time) to master the game until the end of the 2nd stage (level 2-10), which will make you hate the slow style of the game by the very slow animations (adding new diamonds and moving down blocks, one after the other) that blocks you several seconds after each match from playing and uses your decreasing time a lot and you may run out of time and fail the level then because of this! Of course there are powerful bonus items, but you need to make very long chains of matches to get them and that's often not possible!
CONCLUSION The game offers NO user profiles but a continue option and you also have to retype the name for the high score (also when you fail a level and decide to continue) every time again. We've uninstalled the game after getting stuck for many weeks of trying it.
Ever thought removing balls from a board by jumping with other balls over them is boring? NOT when you do it the (more and more) difficult JUMBA way! There are 6 different ball types with different abilities to jump including self-moving and timed self-destruct balls (for time critical action when they appear in a level). There is a overview shown every time you start a game session. READ it EVERY time AGAIN! You need to know these details in full and immediately to solve higher levels in the given decreasing time, which is often BUT NOT ALWAYS generous, so keep moving on! The board layout changes from level to level, this keeps the game play more interesting.
Every time you complete a level AND you press the NEXT button, it is recorded in your real time playing speed and available for playback later (for other players and unlimited retries) when pressing the SHOW SOLUTION button then. But after the first installation, the folder solutions is almost empty and this button won’t work (without any message!) first. You’re welcome to join the community in the game forum here to share solutions, especially when you should get stuck one day. This may really happen, because the levels are getting hard in my opinion at level 20+ of 95 (35 is my current yet). There is no step wise undo feature but you may restart and pause a level at any time before time run out. You may also skip a level after a few failed attempts.
Jumba doesn’t support multiple players per windows log in / account out of the box, but this feature may be added easily (also with shared solutions to help the other players of your team). Please visit here "Community > Game Forums Home > Jumba" for more information about the game and for more ideas in detail.
Jumba is great to wipe away the daily routine because it is hard enough to force you to concentrate on the level only by raising your creativity. The music and sound effects are relaxing and helpful. When you watch the SHOW SOLUTION after you did another level with your friends, they’ll definitely be surprised. This is - every time again - a real success experience!
This game is (after applying the required update manually) the most catchy one by the CUTEST characters ever seen and heard (there are over 70 self running story levels too), the chromates. And it’s one of the HARDEST of all my games, at least when you’re aiming for the GOLD star (complete the level by a given max of actions & grid units). Also getting the SILVER star (just complete the level) will get more and more difficult during the game (already at the 3rd stage of 32 stages: student) and requires real thinking already, at least for me ;-).
When you love real brain teasers and COUNTLESS (over 770 levels in 32 stages with included solutions plus a included editor to create your own!) puzzles which require real patience and tenacity, then this game is for you and will give a very long time to enjoy with: I assume up to a few years so far when you’ll spend just 2-3 hours per week and you’re playing the game for the first time and you’re making only rare use of the build-in solutions (which you have to play yourself after watching these as often you like). Without a photographic memory you won’t be so much faster at the next round too.
Take your time during the 24 tutorial levels by reading and understanding the instructions to continuously enjoy the game to avoid getting already stuck in the middle of the tutorial at level 15, although you have only 2 actions for your master chromate: go (grid is 1) & push (grid is always a even number and odd grid steps are rounded up). And also use the very nice UNDO feature step wise or level wise.
Please visit here "Community > Game Forums Home > Chromentum 2" for more information about the game, its options which controls GRAPHICS STABILITY and the REQUIRED UPDATE (thanks to the publisher’s still open mind), which is available only on request and needs to be applied simply but manually after installation by the game manager application.
Don’t forget to check the game options carefully, especially for [Actions/Work On] [Solutions On], they’ll help you a lot when aiming for great results and also [Eyes On] [Speech On] to make the game the cutest and most catchy one you may have ever played! The music is totally relaxing to concentrate perfectly on the puzzles.
Der SPIELSTAND ist "labil": er wird durch die "Cookie" Aufräumaktionen der installierten Browser schnell gelöscht! Daher im Firefox die Aufräumoption "[_] Flash Cookies" und im Internet-Explorer die Aufräumoption "[_] Cookies" UNBEDINGT AUSschalten. Damit der hier zugrundeliegende Flash-Player aber nicht unbegrenzt alles "zumüllt" die Speicheroptionen dort (in der Systemsteuerung) auf "Fragen" stellen und eine Website "local" mit dem Zugriffrecht "erlauben" (für ALLE lokalen Flash-Player Daten, wie z.B. von Woobies) anlegen.
Für die absolute Sicherheit nach dem Spielen den Ordner mit dem Spielstand SICHERN: %APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\{random}\localhost\Games\Woobies 2 Deluxe\woobies2deluxe_de.exe
WOOBIES beginnt einfach und zuckersüß und mit schönen, leuchtenden bunten Farben. Einfach eine Kette aus drei oder mehr Kugeln (pardon Woobies) schießen und sie fallen, mit allen was unter ihnen hängt. Doch bereits im letzten Drittel von Stufe 1 von 3 wird es beinhart und die "Decke" sinkt immer schneller und lässt das Level schnell verlieren. Hier hilft nur noch die ideale Mischung aus Gelassenheit, Schnelligkeit und Glück, da die Levels mit jedem neuen Versuch variieren. Umso größer ist das Erfolgserlebnis, wenn es wieder gelingt ein Level zu schaffen! Ausdauer ist hier wirklich gefragt!
This is true action & fun for everyone failed & frustrated in tetris so far
PostedMay 27, 2014
fromMunich, Bavaria (Germany)
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Match 3, Marble Popper, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
We were looking for a tetris inspired game, but easier and less panic raising than tetris is for us, where we fail too fast (no round last longer than 5 minutes).
This is our choice, although the very low rating of "rochdalelass" made us skipping this game a long time yet.
We love it! You build with parts in tetris style (incl. rotation) blocks of the same color (at least sized 2x2 units) which glow/disappear after a while (a few seconds). You may have empty spaces, that doesn't matter as long you keep the towers of the wall you build low.
The game helps you with several bonus items to do that, but you need to pay attention: It's too easy to have some towers raising. They will defeat you.
The sound and visual effects are great. We're happy to have the full version.