This one is fun but it only gets four stars from me due to game play being kind of sloppy with so many pop up windows in it that interrupt clicking. There has got to be a better, smoother way. Graphics design seems outdated, too (think Flo). The whole game feels old. Nevertheless, I bought it because overall it is a fun TM.
Great mosaic puzzle game. Beautiful puzzles, Very peaceful and relaxing game play. I've been waiting for something like this to come out and here it is, thank you Big Fish Games. The quality of this game is outstanding. I didn't hesitate to buy it, it's well worth it.
I'm still playing the CE. So far it's enjoyable. I am totally in love with he kitchen depicted in the game. That's like almost my dream kitchen. I also loved the fridge HO, The terrific graphics made all of the fruits and veggies looked so yummy. Great job on the kitchen and fridge visuals. I want that kitchen!!
Game mechanics are great, too. Smooth, sharp, and fast. I like that.
The most horrible game I've ever played from BF. Two levels in I stopped and deleted it. I game to have fun, not to want to throw my laptop through the window. This game is so aggravating it made me want to do just that so poof...the game is gone. Deleted. Graphics are good but come on, no one wants to see so much red in happiness bubbles so fast and so constantly no matter what you do. No fun at all. And the waitress and cook are far too slow.
This game is addicting. I played a couple levels and loved it so much I bought it even though the CE doesn't have enough extras to really make it worth the higher price. It's so fun though! I played late into last night until I couldn't keep my eyes open then finished it this morning. I'm replaying each level now to max out all of the upgrades. Love the graphics, they're cute! Some of the higher levels are difficult to not lose patients without upgrades but one thing I like is that you aren't penalized when some of them walk off. You just don't make as much money in the level. Worth the buy for me. Really enjoy it.