Let me start out by saying that, in my opinion, almost all of the reviews of this game are correct, even though some are wildly contradictory.
Firstly, this is a Science Fiction game. It is described as such. If you dislike Science Fiction games, then you will likely NOT enjoy this one. If you DO like Sci Fi, then, like me, you will probably enjoy it very much.
Secondly, I DID NOT play the demo. However, the plot builds up slowly. Most of the first part of the game is spent building up that plot (which I believe to be a fairly good one). Ergo, if your intent is only playing the demo, I suspect that (like those whose criticism is based solely on the demo ... or part of it) you will not enjoy it. If your intent is to play the entire game, then I suspect that you, like me, will find the experience well worth the cost, both in terms of purchase price and game time.
The graphics were very good and the music was engaging. The video was a little stilted, but did not detract from the overall gaming experience. I thought that most of the puzzles were a little on the easy side, but they were still fun and entertaining. A few of them were more complicated; especially if they were action driven. I wouldn't put any of them in the "Arcade" category, but action was still part of the repertoire.
In a few of the puzzles (and a bit more so with the HO scenes), I found myself trying to figure out what the designers were really wanting me to do. But in every case, I finally figured it out. I actually consider this a good thing. So many of these games just want the "same old - same old." When I find a game with a new puzzle gaming premise, I think it's refreshing.
AND NOW FOR AN EDITORIAL COMMENT. I do not write many reviews for Big Fish games. I DO read them, however, and rely on them when choosing my next game to buy. As a result, I found it interesting that so many top rated reviewers of this game based their write-ups solely on the demo, or even a part thereof.
I most strongly recommend that if a person does not want to go to the trouble of finishing the game ... or even the demo ... that he or she does not then go to the trouble of writing a review. At best, you will probably be considered lazy by many review-readers. And at worst, you will drive down the ratings of games that truly deserve to be played. This is one of those.
Very entertaining experience. A man is forced into a sort of "Last Person Standing" game in order to save his wife. Good balance of HOPs and individual puzzles that includes a blend of many types and styles. A mixture of horror and mystery that has numerous interactions with good guys and bad, all wound through an interesting, well written plot which involves picking cards from a magic deck. Smooth voice overs, good acting and sharp graphics are combined with nice sound effects and music.
To set the record straight ... the game is not for everyone. Just know what you're getting into. There are definitely adult themes present, to include psychological angst, marital infidelity, and other topics that are not appropriate for young audiences. But that's not a reason to give the game a poor score, when more mature players will find many appealing qualities. Far more puzzles than most hidden object games. Varying degrees of difficulty ... on average being a bit simpler than most in games of this type. HOP's are varied and original. Interesting story line that maintains cohesion. If these things appeal to you, you've found a game that's well worth the time and cost.
Great graphics and sound quality. Lots of cut scenes which are clear, well done and pertinent to the plot.
Reviewed after completing the SE game on PC. Works fine with hi def graphics monitor in 1080p (not all games do). Great sound and visuals.
Let me start by saying that I play HO games for two distinct reasons. First, I like to play some of them with my grandkids. They are wonderful for interactive playtime that involves problem solving. Second, I like to play them for my own enjoyment. This was a tremendous game for the second case, but not for the first. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND this game for youngsters. The mood is dark (as the title suggests), and there are themes of death, horror and mental illness.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I will gladly say that it was one of the better computer games I've ever played. High quality technically, well written, coherent plot, very entertaining and enjoyable from start to finish.