I thought this game was very good. I don't understand the low ratings. I thoroughly enjoyed the zoo chapter. It was extremely compelling. It was different and unique, and took some thought to come up with. Kudos!!! I enjoyed the rest of the game too. It had enough challenge to keep me engaged, but not too much to frustrate me. I don't remember looking at the guide that much, but some parts did take a bit of thinking. I will definitely buy more in the series because of this installment.I have played about 80 of these games, and I thought this game was great!
I got this game because of the great reviews. I was not disappointed, and this is now one of my favorite games out of the 80+ I have played from BigFish. Why? It was just right.
The level of difficulty, music, graphics, storyline, pace, number of HOP, everything was just right. I am more into the adventure aspect of gaming, and the storyline from waking up in the hospital to the end was exciting, easily followed, involved without a ton of reading or backstory, was logical and the music was fitting and ...just right.
I can take or leave HOP but these were well done, challenging without being frustrating, and the number of them was not intrusive. They were just right.
The puzzles, my least favorite, had GREAT directions (which is a refreshing change..half the time I can't even figure out what a puzzle's objective is with some of these game developers), and though I skipped a few because I just don't like to do them, they were different from the usual fare. I very much enjoyed the 80% I didn't skp.
There is a map but it's not interactive or is much use, though I found I didn't need one. I remembered how to get everywhere I needed to go. They did a very good job with this.
I'm a CE lover. I like collectibles and morphers. Those would have gotten in the way in this excellent game. Moving on.
I really can't say anything bad about this game. It would have been nice to have voiceovers, but honestly didn't care by halfway through.The game was great anyway.
Loved this game. Did not want it to end, could not stop playing it, will definitely do the next in the series. There is much to like in this game, mosty that it is obvious the developers know what they are doing, and spent a lot of planning to create a game that stands out among the rest. Awesome job, Gunnar Games!!!!
I Liked It, Dont Think It Deserves The Low Ratings
PostedMarch 7, 2017
fromOhio, USA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I don't understand the low ratings. I played the first of this series and really liked it, and waited somewhat impatiently for the sequel. I don't think this game was quite as good as the first, but there is a lot here to love and I wasn't disappointed. Yes the storyline is a bit fantasy/magical. Normally that's not my thing. I don't do gnomes and fairies and this game doesn't have that. Flying lions and big monsters with octopus legs and one huge eye, yes. Loads of findable objects, a great map and guide, pretty good voiceovers, and a game play that keeps at a good pace is very entertaining and enjoyable are what's here. I've played FAR worse games than this, and this game stands out of the 80 HO games I have under my belt. This game is a four star for me, and that's a very high rating, as I hardly ever give up a 5 star. I was entertained every minute of this game. Some games are a chore to get through and I just want them over. Download the trial and see for yourself. I was a bit leery of buying this game without the demo but I am glad I had faith in the developers! The only not so great parts for me were the graphics wen't awesome. A bit on the grainy/blurry dull side sometimes. Also I couldn't make sense out of some of the puzzles and/or they were annoying so I skipped them. The HOP were almost always on point, different enough to keep me from being bored. Give it a try!
But this game deserves it. Fun, good pace, great graphics, more adventure than constantly having to search for junk pile items and stop game play for irritating puzzles. Not the same old formula. HOPs were integrated into the story line well, GREAT story line, excellent character, loved the sarcasm, chuckled at times, just VERY WELL DONE. Played Acts 1/2, then the second game 3/4. Loved both. Hope they release more like this.
I really liked this game. I'd give it 4.5 stars if I could. I really debated my 4 or 5 star rating. I loved the cut scenes and cinematics. Some people might hate them. But I get tired of endlessly traipsing about, with endless tasks, endless inventory items too many HOSs, and no real storyline as many other games of this type. I thought the balance between finding things and using items from the inventory, the cut scenes, and HOS was very good. I didn't get impatient or bored with any of them. For me the storyline was exciting and very good. It kept me very interested, as I am a bit of a horror/sci-fi fan this was up my alley for sure. I loved it. The only thing I didn't love were some of the puzzles. Many of them were tedious and I ended up skipping them. i liked finding the collectibles and morphing objects, overall I felt it deserved the 5 star rating just out of the fun I had playing it.
There were about 26 scenes in this game, give or take, and I spent a lot of time exploring scenes just to find there were one to three things to do in all of them. There was a lot of traipsing around seeing if this or that worked. For me, there were too many HOS, and they were junk piles. There was a click penalty to, so I was forced to play through them to progress through the game. Gameplay was slow and tedious, and there was no map either, so I had to draw my own to get around, which also meant backtracking and traveling 12 scenes or more manually, instead of transporting. It took a long time to play, but I got so tired I had to turn it off for awhile. I thought the story line was ok, but the sound track was very limited. It was just not up there in quality with many other games I played. I'm glad I got the SE with a token.
This game stood out far from the pack of over 70 games I have played from Big Fish. Story was interesting and unique. The map was really good, it showed when you found all the collectibles, if there was a task to be done, and where you were. It was also clickable so you could go to the map location. There are custom difficulty settings so you can choose how you'd like to play as well as choice of tutorials to get you started. Voice overs were pretty good, and there was just enough interaction with people and objects to be interesting, it did not slow down the game, Overall very creative, different. It definitely came off as a professionally created game, and that the makers put thought and effort into making the game logical, interesting, and working and flowing well.
There are morphing objects, puzzle pieces, and collection items in every scene. They are not difficult to find, as when your mouse moves over them, it turns into a pointing hand. This may be a turnoff for some people. I could not find a way to shut this off except maybe to shut off the custom icon all together for the whole game. But even with the map and pointing hand I managed to miss one from each group of collections.
The HO scenes were challenging but not impossible, and were varied so they didn't get boring. There were combination tasks in them as well as in plain sight objects, as well as special tasks within the scenes.
The puzzles were not the same old ones you find in all the other HOG's, sometimes putting together the items to solve a need took some thought, it didn't just hand it out to you.
The game was nice and long, and the bonus game was a good length too.
Soundtrack and graphics were nice. All in all, what this game is, is what I would love to see in all games. The only thing I thought was missing was a gamma slider. Though, the game was very playable without one on my monitor. I didn't have too much trouble with the scene visibility, however, some of the HO scenes wee a bit small in size, they were only a pop up scene, not a full screen.
One of the best games I've played in quite some time, very much worth buying the CE. I hope they do more in this series, and will look for more EleFun games.
Too Dark, No Music, Kind of Boring, Could Have Been Better
PostedAugust 20, 2016
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
The first thing I noticed when I started this game was how dark it was. First thing after the intro, I went to look for a brightness/gamma slider for the game, but none existed. In short this game strained my eyes so badly I had to see an eye doctor for symptoms. No kidding. I have played over 70 games from Big Fish, all HOG's, and this is the only time I've had a problem like this. Some scenes are so full of black I could not find the collectible hearts at all, and I had to limit my playing time.
Apart from that, here are my thoughts.
The good, when they can be seen well enough, are the amount of collectibles, and achievements. The idea for the storyline is good. The game is long and will take up a decent amount of time to play, or at least it seemed that way to me.
The bad is about everything else, I'm sad to say. There were hardly any sound effects or music all through the game, which made it a boring play. I turned my volume up, but I still could not hear much of anything. I heard everything else on my computer just fine at the same volume. There were all kinds of things other than ghosts. Mechanical objects and such that just didn't mesh. I wasn't grabbed at all by the story line, it just could have been better all the way around. I'm glad others liked it though.
I'm not done yet with this game, I am slogging through but am on the verge of quitting. I was annoyed at the start because it couldn't handle my display settings in Windows 10 and refused to display correctly until I changed my graphic settings to satisfy it. The graphics are overly blue and green, too dark and grainy, and the HOG scenes are a chore to get through. The tiny items are hidden in shadows and I would have never found loads of them without the slowly charging hint system. There is also a click penalty, so I had a lot of waiting for hint charging and penalties just to get on with the adventure part of the game. I groan every time I see an HOG and there are tons of them because many inventory items are necessary from completing them. The music is repetitive and boring, there are no voice-overs, only text to read, and the only story line you get is a lot of reading in the journal. The navigation makes no sense sometimes, and there is no map or strategy guide. It glimmers everywhere. It's pretty awful. I'm at least halfway through and it's not getting any better. I would have abandoned it long ago but I hate quitting a game I have paid for. I have over 80 HOG games under my belt and this one is driving me to my limits of frustration. Just not enjoyable for me. I don't mind hard HOG scenes, but in this game it is overdone and slows game play too much. Can't wait to be done.