i and my mum buys them games as they type of games are easy for us our eyes not that good we not like them dark kind of games i have special needs and i happy for them types of games if you not keen of them dont buy try before you by leave them games to people like us we agree with keep them comeing they are geting better each time we get them my try be fore you try
i and my mum buys them games as they type of games are easy for us our eyes not that good we not like them dark kind of games i have special needs and i happy for them types of games if you not keen of them dont buy try before you by leave them games to people like us we agree with Dash53 keep them comeing
i love them type of games i hope they will keep bringing them out i have special needs and my mum love them ones we dont like darrk kind of one if no one wants to play them dont buy try free buy ones 1st
i know theres not much to this game i love it gets bit hard with cards along away up right now am up to 55 i would of like to do more on this little game i like it i will play this agen once i done game
this is my type of game not dark people might say this way too easy or for kids it dose get harder i and mum like them ones i hope they make more of this game i have special needs i happy with they ones good luck to ones to play it
i know it wont everyones type of games i like them styles of games when they out i not like dark kind of games i have special needs and my mum likes them too and types of art by numbers ones we keep bying them when out like my mum says try before you buy 1st