Since nobody seems to want to be the first to rate this game, I guess I will. I now own 4 of the Castles and Palaces games. The jury is still out on the #2 game. The pictures don't seem to be as good as the 4 that I own. After reading the comments made on these games except for this game (#4), it seems to me that this is a classic case of "Sour Grapes". Granted, it would be nice if you could view a finished game when you're done, without the lines, and be able to keep the finished game as a screen saver, but this is the way it is apparently going to be, so get over it. I have very little money invested in these games and I thoroughly enjoy playing each and every one of them. I put aside one to two hours a day just for these jigsaw puzzles.
I have all three of the Hidden Investigation games. I love them all and replay them when I'm feeling down which is often these days because of the coronavirus. You don't have to be a brain surgeon too play these games for sure, but the games are enjoyable and Sarah and Sam are so funny. I like the story lines on all three games. After I bought the first two, I couldn't wait for the third one to come out, and I was not disappointed.
I was happy too see that there are other players that disagree with the Key Contributors’ comments on this wonderful game. I liked it better than the other games in this series. The puzzles and hidden object scenes were great and a lot of the puzzles I had never seen before in games by other devs...and I play a lot since I retired. I laughed out loud when they showed the dog still chasing the ball later on in the game and the detective says “I have to admire his persistence.”