The game itself is so much fun to play. Yes, some objects are very difficult to find, but the game makes it worthwhile. I really like the way the character's bodies and expressions change when they are talking. When you see the map, you get to choose which building you go to. It's a fun way to relax and unwind. The biggest drawback for me is the MISSING WALKTHROUGH that is usually included with a collector's edition. In the end, I highly recommend this game.
I tried the demo and it seemed fun so I used a credit and got the whole game. Boy was I mistaken. That was nothing more than 1 wasted credit. The game has a good storyline and the audio/video qualities are very good as well. However, I could not play at my own pace, nor could I make independent moves on my own. If I could make moves on my own, I would be very happy with this game. I was very sorry that I wasted my game credit on this game and based on that, I cannot recommend this game.
I played the 1 hour freebie and enjoyed it so much that I just had to have all 3 in this series. Still working on this one before I go on to the next one(s). This game is not one that you will play to completion and then uninstall, to be forgotten. You play as the son of a man that goes missing within seconds of the game starting. You are asked to do various tasks for the people you come across, all the while completing tasks to enable you to rescue your father. All in all, you should enjoy this game. It is neither easy nor difficult. But I do think you will find it challenging. I had to restart it a few times due to poor planning and resource shortage at the beginning. But, it is a strategy game after all. When tasks are completed in the right order, it is a rather easy and fun game. You will want to pay attention to the scenery for shiny/glittering spots. In any case, enjoy.
I enjoy a good challenge. I like it when there is a game series that catches my eyes and challenges me. However, this game is the SECOND game in this series that I have had to quit playing because while I enjoy a good challenging puzzle, I am most certainly not willing to spend hours trying to figure out a puzzle. The game itself is enjoyable, the graphics & sound are good, the story line is entertaining. The drawback is that even though the puzzles get more challenging with each level, which is expected, eventually you'll reach a puzzle that can't be completed without the SKIP button. I have a serious problem with that because I feel as if I have not completed the game.
I was all set to use my free game coupon on this game. Then I kept playing and started paying attention to all parts of the game. I was very pleased that you're given a choice between playing a HOS or a Match 3. That almost made the game worthwhile. ALMOST. The dialogue and helpful notes at the top are extremely hard to read because it is so dark. And for us older folks, we need all the help we can get to make reading and finding things as easy as we can. All in all, if you can get past that, this is a good, enjoyable game.
I saw this game when I was looking for something very different from my usual fare of hidden object and various puzzles. I downloaded the demo and was soon very disappointed. If you just want a match 3 with not much else, then this game is for you, If you want a match 3 with a little story keep looking. I was very disappointed with this game. It seems that I have to keep looking for that different gamecas well.
I played this a couple of years ago and enjoyed it thoroughly. I enjoy it because you can play and get completely immersed in the story line, the quests. And the characters feel like old familiar friends after a while. I will always enjoy playing this game.
This looked like a fun game, I downloaded the trial version, played it, then I discover it is a time management game with what I consider, a small amount of time to find the differences between 2 pictures. While I was looking for something different to play, I NEVER play time management games, unless I simply cannot resist. This one, I would have been able to resist. Other than my having problems being able to get things done within a certain amount of time, this is an enjoyable game for other people. I will pay more attention in the future.
A UFO is rumored to have landed in the small town of Tundel and the mayor is trying to conceal it. Run your own journalistic investigation and learn the truth behind the event!
I downloaded the demo and this is based on it. I have played so many BFG but very few reached this level of enjoyment. This is one of those games that you play after you've had "one of THOSE" days, with rude and mean people, all of them in a hurry for no reason. This is the best hidden object game ever. When the lips pop up, you talk to people. When the sneakers pop up, you can walk in different directions to find the things you need to play the game and reach your goals. This game is a MUST HAVE when you want to escape and have fun.
I played the demo until I found and bought the game as a collector's edition. I could not believe that someone, anyone, would dare to accuse Santa Claus of such a heinous crime. I mean, why would he do such a horrible thing? He is the man who works all year long to make wonderful toys for all the children of the world. I'm not just talking about the little ones here either. Someone has to come and fill all our stockings. After he does all that work, he then has 1 night to deliver his over-flowing sleigh of goodies around the world. When the police arrested Santa, they should have asked themselves when would Santa have had the time to commit any crime? Any crime like the 1 he's being accused of requires a lot of thought. Again, when would he have had time to plan it? This is truly a wonderful, fun gamed with replay value. Enjoy.