This is a really fun TM baking game with unique graphics that are kind of anime-style. Very nice graphics overall, and the gameplay is lots of fun. The game is a bit like Cake Mania meets Burger Shop. As the game progresses, the types of baking goods you can make gets more complicated and varied.
Sadly for me it stopped working out of the blue (as someone else mentioned.) I am fairly certain this is to do with Windows 7 and its automatic updates and not the game itself. If you have Win 7 and you auto update, beware, but otherwise, I highly recommend this game.
I'm hoping I can get it working again on my PC, but until then, I'll be buying a new one for my Macbook because this is really a cute game!
Skeleton Pirates is a strategy game very similar to Plants Vs. Zombies. The graphics are a pirate theme, so the colors aren't as bright and the graphics aren't as "cutesy" as PvZ, but still very well done.
When I first started playing it, I wasn't so sure if I was going to enjoy it but bought it anyway. As it turns out, just like PvZ, this game is lots of fun and very addicting. A must-buy for all strategy/tower defense game lovers!
What makes this game so awful is that there are no instructions, they don't instruct you or assist you on the moves your troops can make or their range, making it impossible to strategize because almost every move is a guess. And of course you can only "undo" the last move you made (useless, might as well not be able to "undo" at all) and your moves are extremely restricted.
So its a strategy game that makes it impossible to strategize, unless you play the same level over and over and over (and over) until you figure the rules out on your own.
Great concept, poorly executed. Two thumbs down. What a shame!
I played almost the full hour. This game is absolutely terrible. The game is kind of like playing Risk against the computer, except that you have almost no chance of successfully winning anything, ever. It seems that every element about this game is weighted heavily against the player, and since the tutorial is useless and there are no instructions or help, its impossible to win. If you like to fight losing battles and enjoy struggling in vain, this is the game for you! Otherwise (like your player will often do in this game) beat a hasty retreat.
I suggest saving yourself plenty of frustration and don't even bother with this game. Wish I had a third hand so I could give it three thumbs down.
This is an excellent strategy game. The premise is that your island castle is getting attacked by an onslaught of enemy ships, and you have to defend your castle by placing towers and enabling special abilities to shoot them down. Each map is different, and the enemy changes it up with every "attack wave", so you have to strategize your best means of defense with the arsenal you have at hand.
This is challenging but a lot of fun and very addicting. It's a really long game, too.
The negatives are that there is no real story line to speak of; the mini-games are dorky and not fun (and rarely present, so no big deal); as someone else mentioned, there are clouds in the sky that move around and sometimes obscure your view and there's no way to get rid of them. The most heinous offense to this game is honestly the obnoxious *CHIRP* that sounds every time you click on a tower. Its loud, its high pitched, and I don't know why on earth anyone would pick that sound.
Other than that, great game and I highly recommend it for all strategy lovers.
I'm not a HOG fan, primarily like TM/strategy but this was a fun HOG, and I enjoyed the hour (although I played about 30 min's in). I liked a lot of the vintage items pictured, but it would have been nice if they were high quality images. I'm sure most HOG fans will love this because it has lots of variety, and really clever, different and interesting mini-games.
My recommendation to the developer, if you'd like to sell more games beyond the usual HOG crowd, get some good graphics. Not just the images of the "clutter" themselves, but the menu, the pop ups, everything. The graphics were cheesy, low-quality and a little bit horrible. It seemed like a video game from 1992.
Even though the game was a lot of fun, I couldn't stand looking at it any more. I would definitely have purchased this if it had nice graphics. I still give this a recommend for HOG fans and people that don't mind or notice the visuals.
Cute graphics and seems like it would be a fun word game. Unfortunately, this game doesn't seem to work. Dragging the letters to the spot you want to take them to is mostly impossible; for some reason I don't understand the letter blocks get dragged to the wrong spot or a letter you were about to use gets moved/swapped unintentionally. Very frustrating. If only it worked properly.
The original LQ was great, and this one is even better. If you bought and enjoyed the first one, you are going to LOVE the sequel. It was definitely made to be replayed (over and over), and this game takes much longer to finish than the first without being repetitive or boring.
This is a really fun game and they made some nice changes from the previous game. In this game you have to figure out how to make friends (some people are easier than others), you get bonuses for doing it (unlocks new avatars) and you can become mayor of the town.
I love that you can unlock new avatars and outfits, and I love the trophy challenges. Overall a really great game. Well done! I love it.
This is an interesting and unique adventure game. You start out in a motel room, you don't know who you are, but you know that you're a wanted man.
You can choose to play casual (hints galore) expert (small hints) or with no hints at all. Some of the puzzles are easy, some are more difficult. At one point I was desperate for a hint and sorry I'd chosen "expert" but I managed to solve it on my own. ;)
The art is different than every other casual game I've played, but its very well done, and gives the game a sort of "x-files" feel.
I played the full free hour and it went by very quickly. The story line is excellent, its very intriguing, and although I'm not an adventure fan I did purchase this one because I need to know who this character is and what happened to him.
I honestly I can't think of a single negative thing about this game. It's not the greatest or my favorite, but its a good one, and definitely an original in my opinion.
This is a really fun time management game that's unique because part of the trick is memorizing the recipes. That sounds simple enough but it can get complicated and challenging in the later levels. This one is a lot of fun, I love that purchasing the upgrades has no limits per level (so you can upgrade whatever you want as long as you have the money for it) and I love that the money you make carries over to the next level/restaurant. That way you can really max out the upgrades very early on in the next restaurant with saved money from previous levels/restaurant. To me that makes these type of games a lot of fun.
The only negative is that it can be a bit repetitive. There's no other mini-games or anything to break up the non-stop sushi rolling. But, there are always new recipes to learn. This game is a lot of fun and definitely worth the purchase in my opinion.