Mira's team is working on a fun project. Wouldn't mind trying it myself! They are using gears and mechanical parts to build mechanical animals. I have no idea what they are, as I saw only the horse. There's a long tutorial which can be skipped. Characters' lips move but dialogue is written. The cursor is huge! I'm glad it can be dismissed.
Nothing fancy in the 6 designs of tilesets but I try them all in any mosaic game. The music is soft and pleasant and can be adjusted. Casual and Advanced difficulty modes are available. I usually play both, but favor Casual if a level gets over my comfort zone with challenge. It eliminates some of the replays and frustration. We have a max of 4 mistakes. Over that and it's replay time. Of course, I'm not happy when I'm usually quite far into the level when the big disaster happens! My skills are improving, though, just not quickly enough!
There's a variety of Spot the Difference games, they are locked until you have reached the required number of levels to access. They are one of my favorites but I never got to play any in the demo. Earned coins are used for parts that need repairing. They vary in cost, can be replaced at any time and can be combined with any unlocked parts. The horse is the first project. Parts are shown on the right of the screen. Hover your mouse over the diagrams at the bottom of screen to see where the parts will fit. We don't earn many coins for each level and the parts are pricey. I have no idea how many animals there are to build.
The graphics are big and colorful, artwork is very well done but not so much aimed at adults, IMO. The pictures are not greatly detailed like in some of the other mosaic games, they are cute and recognizable, they are labeled, the colors are not vibrant but pretty and do the job well enough. Average looking characters make up the workshop team. No penguins or robots! That's a plus, at least for me.
A fun idea, building an exhibition of mechanical animals. I'm interested in knowing what they are and how many within the 150 levels. Unfortunately, I failed to stop the demo when my kitties decided to interrupt with their antics. So I will be purchasing this game to see how it goes. My short time was fun and was just different enough to pique my curiosity. It didn't come with any fancy features and I don't even know if there is a Hint or Bonus if needed. I'm hungry for a new mosaic game that is worth the time and $$, hopefully this is it. My purchases have been practically nil for the longest time in this genre due to nothing new or poor quality.
The entire demo was spent on finding items I needed in absurd places and collecting multiple pieces to open or assemble something. The worst was coming up with a hidden smoker's pipe and using it with a pants belt to open a garage door! I guess we can't expect logic anywhere when it's ONLY a game, but a little sure would be nice once in a while!
The Plague Doctor, called so because of the Medieval beaked mask he wore, made a couple of appearances and committed another murder right under my nose but I was too busy trying to get through the front door with the missing part. That's where I had to use the old pipe and belt trick to enter through the garage. Alas, by then the fellow was dead and Melinda and I continued on the trail of the killer.
He told his story of woe via a storybook HOP. Melinda, the determined policewoman, was shot in the arm. We went into a dangerous underground area and found his hiding place by performing more tedious tasks for further evidence and to keep up with Mr. Looney Tune. That is it, as far as the action goes in the demo. Not much there other than a few HOPs and puzzles. I liked the puzzles more than the HOPs, they were playable in Easy and Hard Mode. The Easy was a little more difficult than in past games but both modes worked for me. Still, I think there are too many puzzles here and I never have the patience for them all. But each HOP and game was fun. The Skip Feature is accessed by clicking the Hint and in Custom Mode both can be reduced to zero seconds.
The graphics were exceptionally nice and I wasn't bothered by any garish colors, they were fitting to the surroundings. I thought the characters were well rendered and the voices were appropriate to each role. Facial expressions were a little stiff but that did not spoil the appearance of anyone. The attire was also in line with that era and the autos, home interiors, office equipment, etc also seemed to be. A little authenticity always helps!
As usual Domini has given us their old reliable package of collectibles, including lots and lots of notes. And today we're using our tokens to obtain 15 items for the Office. The building figurines are placed on a city map, the newspaper clippings go to an evidence board. The helpful side-tab for keeping count of our finds is again present, I had no difficulty spotting any of them. Never any challenge when it comes to Domini's collectibles.
I imagine getting to the meat of the game will take quite a while. Based on the demo I can see where this might turn into a 10 hour game, as one reviewer suggests that is. I found the pace to be incredibly slow with so many tasks plus there are a lot of mini-games to take up even more time. At the end of the 90 min I had made no substantial progress though I did catch a glimpse of what might be waiting, just not enough time to get there which is too often the case. If I played at a fierce pace maybe I could've had a more satisfactory experience. But speeding through isn't fun either. Shouldn't have to rush.
In the demo I wish the devs would let us get more into the story and meet more of the characters, to give us a better idea of what to expect. It is just too risky these days to buy a game. Just because it's a particular dev, the storyline grabs you, it's a favorite subject matter, or how they elaborate in the synopsis, there is still a good chance of disappointment. Too many poor quality games for a long while has changed my trust in BF and some devs. I purchase much more cautiously now.
I hope this game turns out to be a winner. We certainly need one to make up for the duds we've been given on a pretty regular basis. I am quite interested in this new series but will wait for the SE if I purchase. Domini is no longer my top choice in devs for several reasons, but that's just me. I know they have many fans who wait for each new offering and especially a new series. This one might be just what you're waiting for. I recommend it with 3 stars because of the storyline and the fun HOPs and puzzles I played in the demo.
2 Pixel Art games for Thanksgiving and 50% off sale. As usual I try the demo but never find any improvements. In Number 20 there are 2 very juvenile images and 3 of food in the first level. Not off to a good start. There's never any hope of getting to the next level within 60 minutes so purchasing is always a risk that I'm not willing to take anymore. Learning the hard way that only disappointment awaits, I quit buying long ago. And, yes. I'll keep submitting negative reviews when I see that no changes are made, the pics are still blurry, too small and disappear within a nano second of completion. It is tedious and boring, for me, to spend so much time filling in all the cells only to be rewarded with no satisfaction to show for it!
This game offers no options or features to make it fun. It really surprises me that the dev thinks it is okay, that everyone loves this "bare bones" game just the way it is. Granted, not everyone can be pleased, as we all have different tastes. But at least eliminate the finish-the-first-level issue and make an effort to enhance it with better pics and some features to show the game is worthy of purchase. There are other paint games available on BF with great variety of pics, gorgeous colors and fun features. There is no need to settle for less, unless painting is just something to pass some free time and keep your mind busy. Art makes me happy, everything about it brightens up my day, Sadly, Pixel Art just doesn't work for me.
Pixel Art may appeal to you in every way, so I won't not recommend it. You just have to experience it for yourself, if you've never tried it before.
In the very beginning of the MCF series the games were awesome, challenging, full of fun. Over the years changes have taken place and not for the better. I do still play my favorites from yesteryear and the difference is quite noticeable. There isn't enough in today's game to call it a CE, but with MCF that really shouldn't matter much because the story and activities were always the strong points.
The variety of HOPs and mini-games are good and they are entertaining. I always love the interactive HOPs and the morphing scenes were a fun treat. I enjoyed the games but I'm not crazy about the ones that put my brain in "overload" since I'm not a genius puzzle solver that can whisk right through them and I usually encounter a few that stop me in my tracks!
I really like the storyline. A misguided scientist is nothing new but the distorted mind-set always leads to an interesting plot and bad results for everyone with Mr. Scientist enjoying every moment. This one happening in 1920 makes it more interesting for me. I love the visuals in the scenes and the hotel had more character than one of modern times. The story went well by involving a hotel caught up in lots of paranormal activity. I can imagine that in 1920 the whole idea of the paranormal was just too much to grasp for most people.
The graphics are not the best however the darker tones suit the atmosphere and spirit activity. Brighter colors wouldn't have worked as well with this story. The tasks weren't as boring as in most other HOPAs. They required a little head scratching which kept the tedium from setting in. The characters didn't stand out much although their attire and voices were well suited. I didn't care for the music but that was easily remedied. There were no tech issues. I played the entire demo and was mildly entertained and may purchase the game in a good sale.
MCF games may never be of the same caliber as in the beginning. The quality seems to dwindle when the series is passed around to other devs. The style and consistency of what made it so special is compromised, I think, when each dev puts their own spin on things. Sometimes what seems a good idea just doesn't work out well. GrandMA, however, has put more life back into it with "Incident at Pendle Tower". But is it enough to revitalize this once fantastic series?
Die-hard MCF fans are likely thrilled with this game and it will probably pick up some new fans, too. I own many of the old ones and was happy to see this one pop up today. I hope the popularity of the series can remain in tact. Big Fish has us in such short supply of quality games and hopefully that won't be the case forever. I hope you enjoy the game!
This is more than just a painting game – explore incredible artwork and let your creative side shine as you complete these colorful paint-by-numbers puzzles.
I was so happy to see this when I checked into BF today. I passed up Number 9 because I didn't like it as much as usual, only because I'm not crazy about wintery and Christmas images. But this one made up for it. I do own numbers 1-8 and I'm adding this to the collection. This series is so enjoyable and offers so much to make painting a fun experience. A sure winner!
The multitude of colors are vibrant and in just about every shade imaginable. They make the images so beautiful and the shading is a really nice touch. I love the textured and flat finishes but texture is my preference. The Free Play mode is lots of fun because I can let my imagination run wild.
There isn't much challenge to the painting, but it really doesn't matter to me. I do have trouble spotting all the teeny specks to be colored in sometimes, a couple are always hidden very well, but I know the Hint Feature will fix that in a jiffy. The options are great, features always make it a fun experience. The 72 levels are full of interesting pictures to brighten up with all those wonderful colors. There's usually a very good variety of subject matter and always at least one pic that is juvenile and extremely quick to finish. The first level is not that annoying problem that still plagues other paint games.
We're all familiar with the fine quality of Art By Numbers and the elaborate artwork that is so interesting with all the shapes and patterns within the images. The devs certainly know how to make us happy and keep us entertained. I just wish that they would give us more levels. 72 just don't last very long when they are so easy to paint. My big challenge in this game is to just slow down and also to save some of the fun for another day. It's easy for me to get carried away and finish the game in one sitting.
We all have different tastes and everyone might not love Art By Numbers as much as me. But if you haven't tried this series before, please check out the demo. You may be very delighted with what you find.
I really enjoyed the previous game and this one is also delightful. The little storyline line adds interest to the game. Last time we had the case of the missing necklace, this time we're searching for missing ballerinas. It's a relaxed game with no timer and no misclick penalties to fuss with. It's the same setup as before with very scant instructions, no extra options. All sounds can be muted so that should please a lot of folks.
Find part of the magnifying glass which goes to bottom left of screen, the collectible items go to bottom right. The Hint Feature will definitely be used and it recharges quickly. The dialogue is easy-reading, it cannot be skipped, but there's not a huge amount. I never felt the urge to skip any of it.
The hidden objects are list items. If unable to find the item in blue print, there are 3 other possibilities, click on the word until the right one pops up. The Zoom Zone doesn't automatically disappear as in other games, so some HOs might still be there. It's an extra little challenge that I enjoyed. The Zone is accessed by clicking on the little "bubbles". The map appears at beginning of game and the search starts at the Opera House, a big arrow at bottom left of screen will take you to the next level when all has been found. Progress will be lost if you leave a scene before completion, so don't exit too hastily.
The graphics are colorful, big, bright and clear. There are just a few items at a time on the list and disappear as soon as they are found. I didn't come across any labels that were misleading which is a problem in some of the other hidden object games. The scenes were full but not cluttered which I appreciated. This cute little game looks like a "piece of cake" at first glance, but I did not easily find the HOs in spite of the bright colors and images that were not the typical tiny size. All seem to be hiding right there in plain sight, so the devs worked a little magic on this game to make it fun and challenging without everything blended into very dark areas as we know can be very frustrating. It is such a downside of many other HO games that I have played. Thank you devs for that extra little touch that makes such a big difference, at least for me.
A journal keeps you posted on the activity, the achievements are displayed in Mr. Fox's office. There were no tech issues. The demo was fun. I think this game will appeal to most HO lovers, no matter the age. Not once was I bored, there are lots of things to find in enough levels to keep me busy for many hours. But I usually don't play through an entire game in one sitting so it will last even longer! I was happy to be unable to progress through the levels at an easy-peasy pace. The fun challenge is there, making this a worthwhile HO game and after the demo I was eager to purchase.
I never pass up a demo because you never know what is going to be a disappointment. I like this type of HO game but this one falls short of my idea of entertainment. The graphics are sharp and colorful but don't let that fool you. To start with there are no options to add to the fun level and fun is really what's needed here.
The 2 tourist girls quickly became annoying. There's a ridiculous amount of dialogue, far too much! Thank goodness it can be skipped, none of it is important, game can be played without it. There were 28 separate pcs of dialogue in one of the scenes! At least there were no voices to cause further annoyance.
The brightly colored scenes are deceiving because they do have dark areas lurking in the background. Many of the hidden items are blended into them so well that they are quite difficult to spot and a hint is often needed to carry on. Also some of HOs are stuffed into a cluster of something, for instance a big bouquet of flowers, with none of that object poking out. The only way to locate a too-hard to find item is to just click on everything in sight, eventually it will magically pop up! To me that is not a fun thing and it wastes too much time and it's frustrating.
There were different styles of HO scenes in the demo, each had it's share of challenge but not the fun kind of challenge. I accidently discovered that the mouse will zoom in and out to help in your task. Free Play is available but I wasn't able to get there within the demo time, so not sure what is involved, don't remember seeing any reference to it before beginning the game. There seemed to be no set sequence to the scene numbers, the first one I could enter was number 12 then 13 and back to 12. So that was a little confusing.
I encountered a few games in the demo. A square tile puzzle which was very easy and small, a coin matching game which played like Mahjong where the top coins must be removed to get to underlying ones, and a card match which was a bit challenging because the images were very busy and similar making them harder to distinguish from each other.
There were 13 minutes remaining when I exited the demo, but I'm sure nothing would have improved within that time. I strongly suggest not buying until you try it first. Some players may very well enjoy this edition of Faircroft's Antiques but I found nothing entertaining about it and can't honestly determine if it is worthy of being labeled a CE. We all have different tastes, for me this game would have been a very disappointing purchase. Hopefully you will have a better experience with it.
For me, this game doesn't quite put me in the holiday spirit. There are pretty wintery scenes and lots of Christmas things to brighten the holiday setting for children and adults. Although the graphics are quite nice, I don't think they are especially cheery or colorful. The demo moved along at a good pace because the game is very easy. I met no challenge along the way. I liked the music. No glitches in the demo.
The 15 HOPs and 21 puzzles may deliver a good variety of styles, but the demo allowed only a smidgen of them. They were fun but far too easy. For a change, I enjoyed the puzzles much more than the HOPs! When the challenge is missing I really have no inclination to play, would rather skip them all.
This is a lovely game for the entire family and the subtle message of redemption is a nice touch to the story. The characters are nicely done, I thought their attire was well suited to them and the season. Glu, the helper, was a sweet addition. Cute little guy who gives a hand when some items are out of our reach. He was fidgety, standing there in the corner, but not annoying. The 4 usual play modes are available, making this game enjoyable for any skill level. The children, with a little help, can play as well.
There is very little, in my opinion, to make this a good CE package, I also feel it will be rather short for a CE. Wasn't really much to keep me interested enough to purchase. I'm sure the missing Yulemen will be rescued from grinchy Hans Trapp and brave Asdis will have everyone home in time to celebrate Christmas. The adventure will please all who enjoy this kind of holiday adventure. It's nice to see a tale without evil spirits and demons to spoil the beauty of the festivities.
I've always passed this game over, thinking it would be tedious and chain matches are not to my liking anyway. However, today, thought I'd give it a try, looking for something different to pass the time. I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was, the demo seemed over in a flash.
The instructions were very easy to understand, had no problem catching onto how it works or how to employ the explosions. I found that strategy plays a good part in your success. The tile images were cute, the game was very colorful, the goals were not unreasonable in difficulty. The minimal tools were enough to get me out of a couple of sticklers, but I really was able to maneuver the game quite well on my own. I enjoyed the challenge of bringing the fire to the dynamite . Also keeping the fire tiles going was a wee bit taxing until I understood the gameplay a little more.
Just as I was ready to make the big "tah-dah" and pat myself on the shoulder for job well done, the demo ended. So I think I'll be buying this game and hope it picks up where it left off. It is claimed to be 10-12 hrs long, not a bad value but a perfect chance to use an expiring coupon.
It was fun, I was okay with the chain style, the game was not boring as expected, nice bright graphics, no glitches. I'm glad I tried the demo and found something a little different from my usual preferences that wasn't a disappointment.
I almost didn't check this out because the picture with the synopsis is so juvenile. What a surprise to find this game loaded to the max with puzzles. There are so many options and features, great soundtracks, superb variety of categories, even has 6 choices for screen background. Before you jump into the fun, do take the time to acquaint yourself with the instructions and all the options.
This game has enough to keep any puzzle lover happy and busy forever! Choose Tile Swap, Tile Rotation or Split Tiles. There are 126 categories and over 3000 HD photos. You can also add an image from your own photo collection. Create custom photos. A clock keeps track of your solving time but it isn't a beat the clock timer, so no pressure. You can restart a puzzle whenever you choose. There are 8 difficulty levels, so even the kids can join the fun. Each puzzle size comes with a different challenge, pick what is comfortable or test your skills.
I like the calendar which gives you a new puzzle for each day, this is in addition to the puzzles in the huge variety of categories. There are 7 fruit icons at top of screen. Click on one to reveal 18 categories of all sorts of things. I don't care for some of them but there is such a selection that it's easy to find something that I really like. Food and building interiors are always a no-go for me and there's lots of it here but other subject matter was readily available to make up for what I passed over. This game didn't skimp on birds, animals, nature, flowers, cultural images, either, so I was very satisfied.
There are 4 display modes: Small, Medium, Large, Full Screen. No one is left out. The graphics are stellar, every puzzle is crystal clear. The colors are gorgeous. The beautiful music was soothing and the selections were all pleasing. This puzzle game has so much going on that I cannot cover it all sufficiently without writing a too-lengthy review. I know others will supply more info that I likely forgot to mention.
I think this is a most excellent value and I purchased right after the demo. Give it a try and see what this developer has done with "Photo Puzzles HD". I am so happy to add this to my puzzle collection. It's rare that I can submit a 5 star review in this genre and this game is very deserving of a top rating.