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Art By Numbers delivers another amazing collection of colorful paint-by-numbers puzzles.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
16 of 28 found this review helpful
Wow! Another One So Soon!
PostedAugust 23, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
I was about to buy Number 7 with a just-earned coupon and now I can add Number 8 with Bonus Monday. No spending guilt attached! I love this series so much. It is the creme de la creme of the paint by number games.
The pictures in today's release are unique and much better than in the previous two games, ranging from cute, to beautiful, to amazing. I can't imagine anyone being disappointed with this selection. The myriad of scrumptious colors make them so bright and beautiful. There's lots of detail and the itty-bitty specks and slivers of numbered areas assure us that it will take some time to finish them. Of course you can hurry the process by sweeping your mouse over the image and using hints but I prefer the challenge and making the fun last longer.
I am happy to see all the images up front, nothing locked away with that awful first-level aggravation. I love the features and tools, they add to the fun and always work without a glitch in sight. The brush cursor is cute but still a little too big, for me, I use the smaller system cursor. Options are minimal but this is a simple game that doesn't require a bunch of extras. The Free Mode is a wonderful feature, devs! Always love getting crazy with it! I also love the painting textures and the textured background choices.
Any age group can enjoy this paint game. You don't have to be an artist to create a "masterpiece". Just pick up that cute little brush and paint away your stress of the moment or the day. Very therapeutic for me and I appreciate the change from all the HOPAs I play daily. Don't pass on the demo if you haven't tried this game, I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
I recommend this game!
16of 28voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
75 of 84 found this review helpful
What's Not To Love About Pinecreek Hills?
PostedAugust 19, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
and what better time to visit than on the big reunion date? I love armchair traveling and it doesn't get any better than this. For me it's a wonderful excursion learning about wildlife, enjoying nature with everyone and taking in all the beauty.
Others may find it boring and repetitious after 11 games already but I find it perfectly entertaining every time. Nothing really changes but I don't care! I love the challenging search for all the well hidden items, animals and trash. I love the fun variety of mini-games and jigsaws, not so easy-peasy but the challenge is just right. Graphics are always top-notch, colors bright and true to the park setting. We don't want neons here!
Visitors are everywhere, each scene bustling with activity and when you take a closer look there's always something going on in the background. Along with their usual duties the rangers may even deal with an occasional emergency. The mostly real-people images make the scenes so much more interesting although the hand-drawn characters are very well done. Reading dialogue is necessary but I never find it annoying or boring. The educational and replay values make this game an even better purchase.
The CE always has lots of extra levels and games but the SE version doesn't skip a beat when it comes to a great value. Leave out the extra content and we still have plenty of everything to keep us entertained for a long time. When my budget says no to the CE I never feel like I'm missing out on anything. This is a great series for all ages to enjoy!
I recommend this game!
75of 84voted this as helpful.
1001 Jigsaw: Legends of Mystery returns with an entrancing new collection of jigsaw puzzles!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
23 of 27 found this review helpful
Legends of Mystery Number 2??
PostedAugust 18, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
After an extended search I found there was never a Number 1, unless I'm blind. Even though I quit buying from this dev long ago I still check out the demos hoping for improvements. Very surprised that I was allowed only 15 min, no time remaining, no opportunity to reopen. Hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone else! However it was enough to see that this dev is still ignoring the reviews.
The images are not as appealing as the synopsis shots or descriptions may lead us to believe. And 1001 puzzles changed to 500 long ago. Colors are always nice, graphics are sharp but the photography is boring. The subject matter always contains unrelated images. The many staged shots of people and food are unappealing. They don't belong in a collection that is supposed to feature nature, animals, sealife, historical sites, etc. The puzzles are always a big mess with the pieces all over the board, many on top of others and inadequate room to move them out of the way. The sorting option is totally unhelpful. You can adjust puzzle size but the pieces are very small if you prefer 300+.
This dev has a very poor track record for many years now, continually ignoring the numerous requests for changes, evidently none of it matters to them. Puzzles lovers now have some very beautiful jigsaw games to choose from on Big Fish and this lazy dev can just sit around and watch the steady decline of customers instead of an increase of stars.
Long ago I bought a few gorgeous games from them. I still enjoy them today. Then it went downhill, features are never updated, images often have nothing to do with the theme, number of puzzles were cut to 500, quality now missing.
All devs have their die-hard fans who love every game so they think everything is perfectly acceptable as is, thus no efforts to change anything. If you haven't tried this 1001 series or others from this dev, don't let my opinions sway you. We all have different tastes and you might really enjoy these puzzles.
23of 27voted this as helpful.
With this series, painting has never been easier! Avoid purchasing expensive painting supplies and making a mess. Just relax and enjoy!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
36 of 47 found this review helpful
I Would Suggest Don't Bother
PostedAugust 17, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
I do own Number 2 and was so disappointed. I try each demo just in case something changes. Once again, it's a no. I guess it will take a miracle. The first group of pictures were not good. One was done in 15 shades of ugly browns, every single item including leaves and flowers. Who would ever think that color scheme was a good idea?
It is a boring game. Goodness knows we request changes often enough but our reviews are continually ignored and the poor quality just keeps coming. I got to the other side of the first level only to find more unattractive, juvenile pictures. Each is centered on the screen with no surrounding background to make it more interesting.
The palette contains mainly dull colors, very little variation on the shades and many of the images use only a handful of colors. Whoever is responsible for the combinations for each pic doesn't seem to have an eye for color or shading. There are so many beyond-microscopic pieces to fill in IF you can spot them. The Zoom wasn't even much help so I had to use Hint far too often to finish up, plus it was necessary to click numerous times to apply the color.
There are no fun options or features except the slide bar which provides a variety of colors for the background. The numbered areas also show up in your chosen color, making them easier to see. There are 64 images. Each can be done in 5 minutes or less at a normal pace, speed up a little and 1 to 2 minutes is all you need. Zoom and hint together is needed to find the teensy segments hiding in the nooks and crannies.
This is one of the two worst paint by numbers games I have seen here at BFG. It's one of those that Big Fish will never say no to because WHY? I can't figure it out! All I know is that I will never buy another Paint By Numbers nor recommend it unless some much needed improvements are added. As is, it is not a good value even with a coupon.
I don't recommend this game.
36of 47voted this as helpful.
Take an amazing tour of Venice and solve challenging nonogram puzzles with the Walker family!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
7 of 13 found this review helpful
I Don't Get It
PostedAugust 16, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
1 / 5
I just don't! Why does BFG allow this dev and others like them to give us the same old games all the time. Have they signed a lifetime agreement, disregarding quality? The ratings are way down there and just keep dropping, yet here we are with Number 15. It's strange how they manage to survive with hardly a star to their name!
I own the first few from the series, no more are needed. I keep checking for changes but all remains the same except for the travel destinations. Changes are needed to keep it interesting and entertaining. The game is too easy, colors are borderline neon which bothers my eyes, dialogue is annoying, the trivia facts aren't always accurate. Nothing ever changes because BF always says the games are great just the way they are!
I like the dark mode it's an easier way to see the available tiles. The pictures are cute, a handful can easily be finished in the demo. There are 140 puzzles which includes the 4 bonus levels, a long game if you're not a speedy player. Earn power-ups and extra mistakes when you correctly fill the cells. Earn a yellow gem to open a new level. 2 stars on every level will unlock the bonus ones. I've never noticed any tech issues.
I can never hang in there for the entire demo, the game is just too not-right, for me. Others may find it very suitable. I hope you find the fun you expect.
I don't recommend this game.
7of 13voted this as helpful.
Pixel Art delivers even more colorful paint by number puzzles! This series makes it easier than ever to paint beautiful pictures!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
13 of 28 found this review helpful
Fading Into The Sunset?
PostedAugust 15, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
Pixel Art isn't the only game in town anymore but they seem to think otherwise as they continue to ignore our requests for some improvements, which would be beneficial to them and us. Without upgrades to their features, tools and images they will be overtaken by the more entertaining competition.
Pixel Art offers more complexity in some of their images now but the first level is still an issue and we still can't view the finished picture for more than a blink of the eye. The darkly highlighted cells makes it hard for me to distinguish the numbers, thus turning a fun challenge into a long chore. The grey to black background doesn't really matter a great deal but it would be nice to have some color options.
There are 80 images, not amazing as described in the synopsis. It does take a long time to finish one, so the game will last and last. We all like the fill tool that is a time saver in large areas of all one color. The zoom feature is definitely helpful even for my spectacled vision. There are a lot of colors for more shading and detail but the color palette isn't vibrant or varied enough to do a good job at bringing beauty into the pictures. Also, when completed, they are so small and out of focus that any detail or beauty is totally lost.
If you think these things aren't important for an entertaining paint by numbers game, then you'll probably be happy with Pixel Art. For me it isn't a good value. I've totally fallen in love with another game that I think you are familiar with by now. With that one, the entertainment is extreme and the purchases are never regrettable!
I don't recommend this game.
13of 28voted this as helpful.
Visit new worlds of wonderful artwork and let your creative side shine as you complete these colorful paint-by-numbers puzzles.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
31 of 44 found this review helpful
It's THE Best!
PostedAugust 14, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
Art By Numbers is my very favorite art game and I'm sure if anything can top it, this dev will be the creator. Everything about it is over and beyond! The games are always an instant buy.
Art By Numbers gives us 72 very appealing images, a vast array of delicious colors, it is beautiful, entertaining and so relaxing. There are textured and flat painting options, complex images with more challenge, free-color mode, features that make it easy on not-so-perfect vision and never has any tech issues.
All these great features make it a fantastic value. I hope we never see the end of this series. This dev knows how to do it absolutely right and has earned far more than 5 stars!
I recommend this game!
31of 44voted this as helpful.
Can you stop the frost curse from destroying your home in time?
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
71 of 102 found this review helpful
The King Is Dead
PostedAugust 12, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
and so is this game! I found nothing enchanting about this installment of Enchanted Kingdom. Yes, the story seemed interesting but as I played, it soon fizzled out. The tasks kept me busy looking for all the usual missing, hidden, broken, stuck or buried riff-raff. All found in unlikely places.
The graphics were nice and clear but blue was everywhere. The characters were okay for the most part. Voices weren't bad but the pitch of the villain's voice made him sound silly rather than a convincing evil-doer. But poor voice-acting seems to be the norm in most games.
The game started out at a good pace but ran out of steam the longer I played. Hunting amulets became boring, the search for collectibles was definitely challenge-free and 70 of this, 15 of that gets old after a while. The morphing objects and purchasing aquarium decorations didn't help in the fun department.
The HOPs were beyond easy and the puzzles seemed all too familiar. However, there was a decent variety. Hint and Skip recharge can go down to zero seconds in Custom Mode which is ideal for the demo. I played in a couple of of the difficulty modes and didn't find much difference in the challenge. The game should be easy play for all skill levels. I think the story will appeal to everyone looking for a basic fantasy.
Domini is not the shining light anymore. Their games, in my opinion, become weaker with each new release. The stories lack substance, too simple, little action, disappointing endings. It's no longer "hurry up and buy it." More often disappointed than pleased with my purchases for quite some time.
Hopefully Domini wakes up and smells the coffee before it's too late to save their reputation. We have so few devs that deliver quality entertainment and satisfying CEs. Even Elephant Games is sliding downhill. What are we left with if BFG doesn't bring new, creative devs through the door who put serious effort into their product?
I don't recommend this game.
71of 102voted this as helpful.
Modern Art is back with a new set of beautiful image puzzles for you to bring to life!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
18 of 35 found this review helpful
The Perfect Stress Buster
PostedAugust 10, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
I don't think I need to go into detail about Modern Art. By now, we all know the highs and lows. Right now I should be jumping for joy with Modern Art 7, but find myself hesitant to purchase. I do own the previous 6. Not too keen on the first set of images. It makes me wonder about the remaining levels. Do I want to chance it? Usually I don't hesitate to buy.
Of course I love the color palette. It has every shade possible to bring an image to life with depth, detail and subtle shading. But many of the pics are usually done in many monotone shades of brown, beige, grey, black. Hopefully that won't happen in Modern Art 7. The textures are always a beautiful touch, the subject matter has improved and many images are more complex now except for the usual few first-level ones.
Modern Art has a lot going for it with its special features. It's a great escape from the stresses of the day. I love a little painting just before bedtime. Yet I am, again, majorly bugged about the first level issue. Buying is always a leap of faith and with only 64 images I don't want to paint an entire level because of this stupid feature. I want to save them for later.
If you like extreme ease there is no challenge. Painting can be done swiftly with no thought at all, maybe even blindfolded by sweeping your mouse over the image. I tend to do that often to avoid the tedium of coloring every teensy segment individually in the more complex pics. That means the game goes quickly, especially if you marathon because you enjoy it so much. I liken it to having an ice cream cone that melts away after the first few tastes.
When a game has such a short life it isn't a good value, at least for me. I have to decide if the fun outweighs the dollar. I may pick it up with a free coupon later. Modern Art is a beautiful game, rivaled only by Art By Numbers which I never pass up regardless of my frustrating budget.
I recommend this game!
18of 35voted this as helpful.
Enter the mystical and entrancing world of alchemy and complete challenging solitaire puzzles that span a wide range of game variants!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
43 of 48 found this review helpful
More 8 Floor Garbage!
PostedAugust 9, 2021
Customer avatar
fromOcala, Florida
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
1 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
Should have known better than to expect something entertaining from this dev, but was hoping for the positive. I played 10 levels and that was quite enough. The backgrounds are dark and ugly, the cards are ugly, the game is boring. There are 20 locations in each mode. In Newbie any level can be replayed, in Professional only the entire pack can be replayed.
Each game starts off with a fat deck, little good that is when nearly every card you flip is useless. Also, it's difficult to progress when you have 5 and 6 of the same numbered cards on the table, giving you few chances to make a move. Right away I feel doomed to failure. When all the gold cards, usually more than a couple, are removed the game is over. I try to avoid them but ultimately they have to be played. In most cases there are lots of cards left on the board. This gold card thing is a definite game spoiler that needs to be eliminated.
If you want to Undo or Shuffle you must take a trip to the pricey Shop where you can find them along with the Jokers. That is a big turn-off for me. I think Undo and Shuffle should be included for free with the option to buy extras.
In my opinion, 8 Floor should consider another line of business or hire someone skilled in creating good entertainment. It's not just me, so many others agree that something has to change but our requests and suggestions are always ignored.
But then again, this game might be perfectly fine if you want a simple solitaire and think the gold cards are spiffy, just needing a little escape from the usual games we all play every day.
I don't recommend this game.
43of 48voted this as helpful.
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