Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I would prefer to rate this 3 1/2 stars but since we can't do halves, I'll have to give a 3.
I really like the game and will buy it but I had 2 bones of contention.
The first is that only 1 or 2 areas are highlighted at the start of the level. You have to click first to see the entire level clearly. That's a problem for me because that activates the timer.
I prefer games where I can come up with a plan on how to attack the level BEFORE the timer starts. This doesn't allow that. I could sit with my nose 2 inches from a dim screen but I'd rather not.
This segues into problem #2. The items that you must build (kitchen, gold mine, workshop) are not easily spotted. I've had to restart levels because certain buildings were not built on time. I literally did not see them.
I do recommend the game. I just hope that if there is a part 2, the developers will consider our feedback.
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management, Large File, Strategy
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
5/ 5
I loved the original Moai and was extremely overjoyed when I saw the sequel.
That joy vanished soon after playing.
The timer NOSEDIVES. Even on the first and 2nd level when it is walking you through the game, the timer is going down super fast.
You can't even multiclick or send another worker to do something while you are doing as instructed.
I am so disappointed with this game. =( This timer RUINED the game. Not only do I feel rushed but I feel extremely frustrated. That's not on level 30 or 40 but on levels 3 and 4.
When you have to replay a really low level like 3 or 4 because of the vanishing timer, it is a NO BUY.
I'm not going to be frustrated the ENTIRE game.
The bonus levels are a joke. I couldn't even do the first bonus level within the time period. Wasn't even close.
Sure wish developers would start putting a variety of modes like expert, casual, and untimed. They would sell more.
Favorite Genre(s):Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Legends of Atlantis: Exodus
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Storyline is awesome. It is a great continuation from previous games. Em is happily married with a daughter. Emily is getting back into the restaurant business.
As with the other Delicious games, Emily has to be the cook, server, and cashier for her customers. Every level, there is a hidden mouse that peeps out. Finding it will give you points toward your goal. If you meet your target goal, you get $100 spending money. Getting expert will give you $200. You can then use the money to decorate\expand your restaurant.
The game is very fun and very challenging. I usually play on normal for Delicious but had to change to beginner to get expert. Finding that mouse is key.
You will get side challenges ex finding tools. Paige (daughter) can influence the mood of the customers. Positively and negatively.
No comment on the music since I always turn it off.
Cons: 1. Entire game takes 60 to 90 minutes. 2. Easily achieve expert w\o using power ups. 3. Nothing gets upgraded. 4. No variables. Everyone does step a,b,c then d. 5. Less than 30 levels in the game. 6. Nothing fun about it. 7. Can't exit from the map. Must go into a level and exit from there.
Basically, it is a very simple minded game that holds your hands throughout the game. This game would be the equivalent of every kid on the baseball team getting a trophy. Even the ones that didn't show up. Elementary school kids might be okay with this. Adults will be bored.
Princesses have a tendency to be kidnapped, and a service for lost royals is in high demand. Start your own Lost Princesses Agency and find your one and only!
I like the game but I don't love it. It will do. Visually and graphically the game is beautiful and colorful like previous versions. With MKFTP 1,2 and 3, I could play for hours at a time. I've finished each of those at least 3 or 4 times. With this one, I play a few levels and stop.
The dragons are massively annoying. You can't work or pick up items if one is on the screen. They came in hoards. This is bad if you have a powerup activated. Instead of picking up a piece of wood to clear the path, you have to do it 3 times. Pick up the fruit 3 times. Chop the wood three times. Everything comes in threes.
This game will do or suffice for now.
They've practically revamped everything and not for the better. I've played about 20 or so levels and so far I haven't come across a storage area or a warehouse. =(
I should have seen it by now. I guess that was removed.
I purchased this nice little game after about 20 minutes or so of demo time.
The game offers 2 styles of play: Adventure (timed) and Relaxing (untimed).
In each level there is one hidden object item ( Island tribe) which glimmers . If you find it (optional) you will get either a resource bonus or a financial bonus. I don't like HO but the bonuses came in handy.
One positive is that you can upgrade and collect rent at the same time. Other games make you choose or wait.
You also have an unlimited amount of workers so you don't have to wait provided you have the necessary resources.
My favorite thing about this game is that it is not ridiculously difficult like Gnomes Crusade or Druid Kingdom.
9 achievements are up for grab. I thought there should have been more such as finding all the secret bonuses.
Instead of waiting for a power up or perk to reload, your workers gain experience. Once they hit 100% they get permanent perk such as walking faster.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
Druid Kingdom had a potential to be a great game but it went astray.
1. Someone thought it would be an excellent idea to make the gold time the same as the developers' time. There is zero leeway for gold and only one way to beat the level.
2. You can't get gold without the power ups. Not a big thing but power ups cost coins.
3. You have to use your coins to unlock the next chapter. Shouldn't everything be unlocked to me with the exception of bonus levels? If you didn't realize you had to pay to unlock the next chapter and you spent all your coins in the store then have fun replaying levels.
4. Dialog is drawn out and blocks out part of the screen. My timer started but two folks at the top were having the SLOWEST conversation ever. Ex.I need to find my sawmill and upgrade but I can't see the sawmill because it is behind the speech bubbles.
5. Tasks are not on the screen. If you forget what the tasks are you have to click on the exclamation point which pauses the game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
I am no stranger to TM and builder or strategy games. Those are my favorite genres.
With that said, I found myself rather lost and annoyed in this game.
Some instructions would have been AWESOME. This game has some differences from regular builder games. I missed gold on most of the levels and had to replay them because instructions were nonexistent.
One sentence here and one sentence there does not equal instructions.
Is it better than the first Weather Lord? Ubetcha! That doesn't mean much since the first one was AWFUL. Ugh!
Would I recommend buying this? No way. I wouldn't waste a credit on this game. I would only buy this as a daily deal and that is questionable.
Every game should have some basic instructions. Is that too much to ask?
Absolutely loved Trade Mania 1. It never got old. Replayability was through the roof. Was overjoyed when I saw part 2. It is even better than the first. They have added some features to the game such as being able to build items (factory, supermarket, hotel) on your property. Being able to unmortgage your problem without landing on it is a PLUS. Thank you developers! =) The only thing I didn't care for was the casino spot. I don't like Roulette. Hopefully in part 3, they will give you an option to pick between a few casino games like 21, high or low, etc. I played for all but 18 minutes in the demo before closing it so I could buy it and write this review. =)