This game delivers exactly what it promises- hidden objects. No story line, no dialogue, nothing but very pretty fantasy scenes of hidden objects and various puzzles. If your brain is tired of sleuthing through HOPAs or straight-up adventure games and you enjoy HOPS at it's most basic and relaxing, then this is your game. Personally, I'm loving it. It deserves better ratings.
I usually buy games without checking the demo because I know what I like and who I like. We have all witnessed Domini's decline over the recent years, so I was concerned enough to wonder if this particular offering was just a Domini game in a new dress...again. So based on the demo, these are things that I'd rather do than play this game: listen to Yoko Ono sing for seven straight hours, pour Tabasco sauce in my eye, take a vacation in Somalia. There you go.
Where to start? I have the entire Dark City series- all are fantastic, some more than others. Dark City Paris and Dark City Budapest were the best- up until now. There are some "indie" developers that I really like. But Friendly Fox is at the top of the heavy-hitter-heap, no debate there. They've come such a long way and it shows. The artwork in this particular game -graphics, color palette and saturation, the characters themselves -OUTSTANDING. The story is very engaging and absolutely original. The voice acting is very good. Friendly Fox has taken us all over Europe and the UK. And, for whatever reason, regional accents are never employed. The accents are always straight-up American. Once in a great while you might catch a hint of a character's accent. This has always bothered me as it doesn't allow me to completely immerse myself into the story. However, in this game the voice acting is good enough that I don't even mind. The attention given to Ukranian tradition is wonderful. Some of the puzzles were definitely harder than others and the collectibles are not obvious- you have to look. Thank you, Friendly Fox for a completely enjoyable experience!
Well, well, well...look what happened... the Pachyderm wasn't the only one to up their game. I've always had a beef with Domini games. The tasks and storylines were absurd, monotonous and lacking any imagination at all: every game included the broken key, dig-up dirt, broken glass shards, my house keys found in a random USPS mailbox for absolutely no reason, and the toenail clippers in the mailbox to name a few done-to-death ridiculous tasks. Oh, and let's not forget that retina-searing purple that saturated each and every game. I was done with Domini-forever and their California Valley-speak bimbos. A boring, tedious waste of money. Then, I was tricked when I saw a game created by a developer called "DO". Domini got me by changing up their name because they knew their boat was sinking due to the sub-par quality of their games and gamers' reviews. And that "DO" game's smell was leaking out of the monitor!! I was really angry. Fast forward- this game was offered to me at a member discount before its release- so I thought what the heck. Give "DO" one more try even though the definition of insanity was running through my head: doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. Well, color me anything but purple! Cuz there is none! A terrific realistic palette colors this game- great artwork comparing it to the graphics of present day. People over the age of 20 exist in a realistic world and they are also here in this game. Speaking of people, very well rendered here and improved fluidity of movement. And great storyline- who doesn't love a murder on a train whodunnit? No looking for lost family members, no elves or fairies, no saving the world- just a good old-fashioned mystery...not enough of those. I'm really enjoying the collectibles, of which there is a nice variety. Domini introduced some new tactics here, such as your colleagues. And I love the fact they include a match three if the HOPs get too repetitive or difficult. The only negative is that some of the same ol' tasks exist (but not too many) and some aspects are just silly: I am a detective arriving at a murder scene that has to be solved as soon as possible because the murderer is still on the train...but I have to water a plant hanging on the station platform. Makes no sense at all- the result of this task could have been written in differently and should have been. That's why 4 stars instead of 5. But- I am enjoying this Domini offering and I appreciate them raising the bar and ridding themselves of that tired paradigm. A definite 'yes'.
We all know that the new games over a period of time are not going well save for a few developers. I'm sure there are various reasons for this. The monotony of most of the new games over the past four years has been stultifying. That's why I searched for games created between 2011-2015 and, I'll tell you what, I found some gems! So, keeping this in mind, I took a chance and purchased this game. The Pachyderm and I have not gotten along sometimes due to the rehashing of the same themes/puzzles/HOPS in each and every game. So, this is the first Elephant game I've purchased in a long time and I'm not disappointed. True, the graphics don't hold a candle to the incredible hand-drawn worlds of yesteryear. But still, they are very good. And the main character is not some Valley-speak-bimbo. She's a boomer- just like me!! Thank you, Elephant, for recognizing your demographic! And thank you for not starting the game immediately with some of the oldest chores out there, namely the broken key and the pot of dirt...which sadly, in the past, you relied on to our frustration. Great story! Love the puzzles- they ain't easy! Just had to jump in and say 'thanks' for upping the bar and giving your old format the "heave-ho" (see? only boomers would know that phrase lol)!
...and that's where it ends, pretty much, although Grandma does almost as good a job as Friendly Fox. The game play is fairly typical as it is these days. I have to say, I really don't like Big Fish's new website. It's full of bugs, allowing me to purchase games I've already purchased. The one thing I really do like-a lot!- is the fact you can look up adventure games and HOPAs by date!! That is great because the older games are so much more fun than the cookie-cutters of today. So, yes, this game is very pretty to look at- same puzzles, same emblems, but it's Grandma's house and we all know Grandma's awesome. To those in the US of A: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!
This one will really have you working, folks...took me a week to get through one level. This is tough, so if you're up to the challenge, I highly recommend!!! A very unique and bully match three! Good Luck!!
Yes, the game has gorgeous graphics. It's a short game and has absolutely nothing to do with Samhain. So, play it, pretty much a bore but the graphics are beautiful.
Usually, I avoid Domini and Do games like the plague. For a variety of reasons, I'm sure you're all reasonably well familiar with. So, I'm not going to go into that here. Mom always said, "If you don't have anything positive to say, don't say anything at all." Well, she was wrong. Apparently, Mom wasn't familiar with reviewers. Domini took a big U-Turn and gives us a puzzle heavy game that I love! Now, Faeries and I don't get along, but this is a whole new paradigm for Domini...and I LOVE it! So, I don't care about the faeries- let 'em float around. This is Domini's best game to date! Great job! Other devs, take note!