Nothing new here! Collect resources and then run to get the next one. The graphics look like they came out of a time capsule! Rather dull and slow. Not my cup of tea. Kids might like it.
Sam and Frank are back and this time they are commentating on the Solitaire Football League! Can you take the Solitaire City Juggernauts to the Ultrabowl?
I have to agree with ttomm46...what does Earnt mean? It's Solitaire and while the commentators try to hard to be cutsey and funny, the game itself is ok. A great way to kill time waiting for a good TM game to come out!
Very average and typical run around and collect resources and build. I wish a new and well thought out TM game would come out. When you're playing a game and can actually close your eyes for a minute or two while the characters are doing boring repetitive actions, THAT'S a dull game. Not worthy of a CE price!
Yet another addition to a really great and well executed series! Only difference I can see that is not great is the addition of curvier roads to slow down gameplay. These guys move like their wearing lead shoes anyway and adding more curves seems to make them drag. There aren't as many bonuses offered for speed as the older ones and it's almost imperative to have the wood shop the first thing you build and immediately upgrade as you WILL run out of lumber on every level. Love the series though! Keep 'em coming!
This series has always been awesome and it's great to see the original creepy music being brought back. Does anyone know what Frankenstein says when he's assigned a task? It sounds like "I am Frenchy" but that makes no sense.
I love this series and this one didn't disappoint. It's challenging right from Level 1 but not too challenging that it's frustrating. I definitely suggest leaving the hints on as there are many new things in this game that weren't in the others!