The pictures are nice but not quite the same caliber as "Glass Masquerade".
Mechanics are simple, despite the lack of ANY instructions, but are annoying to me as you have to hold down the LMB in order to move/drag a piece; if this worked like most jigsaw puzzles, I might consider buying this. I want to click, move the piece, click again to release/place it.
The "animation" when snapping a piece into place is interesting at first, but "gets old" quickly. The ribbon at the bottom is rather clunky to scroll in either direction, just like wanting to release it back onto it is graphically confusing.
Sorry, it's not terrible, but the user interface makes it a "no buy" for me.
... and this game scratches my itch, despite being released only a couple of months after the prior one in the series (called "Hello Summer".)
Some people love jigsaws, others prefer TMs, or match-3s, or HOPAS; personally, I'm "all over the place!" This series is quite different from other coloring games, especially because of the "needlework" look (which, I know, has advantages and disadvantages).
I just had to try it because BFG posted that image of the kitten next to a pumpkin, so having designs in time for Halloween is perfect timing (as a bonus, it's a cute kitten LOL.)
Also, dragging the needle (yes, I use the custom cursor) over cells of a different value does NOT color them inappropriately, so you don't have to get into a clicking frenzy to color the image... just start by clicking (and holding) in a cell of the PROPER color, and you're in business.
The images are not very big (I play a different game that has images of 250,000 pixels each!), and I would like to see the completed artwork in its entirety (zoomed-out automatically) once done, without having to go to the gallery (a new feature!)
All in all, something nice to relax to, with soothing music, where brain cells can take a break.
Try it... you too might become a victim of the haunting.
I played a few hands and I admit I was attracted by the "investigation" mechanics that make the game more than a series of solitaire hands that doesn't seem to lead anywhere.
You earn coins, mostly when you make series as each card is worth 1 coin more than the previous, until you need to take a card from the draw pile... when it resets to 1 coin.
I voluntarily missed removing a card from the table to see what would happen; I can use an "undo" to reset my latest move, but once I emptied the draw pile, the level stopped... no "level ended" or "do you want to replay" prompt, or even a button.
I had to use the "Options" button to restart the level; because you only earn a star if you remove ALL cards from the table, I couldn't continue my investigation (each step requires spending 1 star, which you earn when completing the level without leaving ANY card on the table.)
I try every game on BFG, but because this one might cause me to get "stuck" at some point, it's a "no buy" for me.
Another "fail" is not having the ability to adjust the volume... it's either "on", or "off".
As with previous installments of the game, this gem will provide hours of entertainment.
Worth it: beautiful scenes, fun and simple to understand mini-games, and highly replayable.
Keep in mind that the hardcore mode will require more finds than in relaxed mode. Will buy this on BFG as it's not available elsewhere, as far as I know, at the time I'm writing this.
Contrarily to the "label" on this website's product page, this is not a HOPA.
BIG CITY LAB has created quite a portfolio of games in the ALICE IN WONDERLAND universe.
As with previous games, the graphics are fabulous and the gameplay/tasks somewhat unusual (despite the typical concept of food, materials and buildings); you can enable/disable hints, there's a walkthrough, and some extra levels.
I bought the game after only playing a few levels because the theme was attractive and the flow very well implemented.
Try the demo... if you liked the earlier Wonderland releases (including Cheshire, White Rabbit), this release should hit the spot with the innovations of ideas they included.
What makes/breaks a jigsaw game for me is the selection of pictures.
This one, as with every game from GRAPHIUM STUDIO, revolves around the beauty of the pictures.
It doesn't matter too much what the versatility of the options are as long as the mechanics work smoothly. Here, they do. Do I need a ghost image? Do I need drawers to temporarily store pieces? Do I want rotation? What about cutout shapes? What about puzzle types? Number of pieces?
I admit some other games have more features, but the pictures aren't as inspiring to me. I don't need a game that allows me to import my pictures because, if I put myself in the developer's shoes, I wouldn't NEVER sell another game... I'd basically be buying a "puzzle making" game.
What I love here are the images; do I LOVE all of them? No. As games get released, each one has a "name" (instead of Tales #1, Tales #2, Tales #3, etc.) Is the subject matter obvious? No... it often leaves it up to the player to "decide" how a picture relates to the theme; for example, a horse running in an open field evokes various possibilities if you have some imagination... freedom, power, speed, grace, summer, nature... need I go on?
It's not about what I don't like in a game... it's about what I did like because, in the end, I can complain about "this" and/or about "that", just like anybody about anything.
This game, to me, has a great ratio of beauty, amount of content and price. It targets everybody (some people like food, some don't; some like flowers, some don't; some like cats, some don't; some like horses, some don't)
So... 3 CEs for the price of 3 SEs... no idea what the extra content (if of any significance?) of this compilation of the first 3 games in this series is about... it's "locked out".
Maybe if there was another release with the next 3 games of the series I would be attracted to buy them together in a BOGO? Well, I have ALL those games already, the first going back to 2018. So this has a dashboard where you can choose which of the 3 you want to play; they're not sowed together in 1 long thread or blended together.
Don't misunderstand me: those are great games! I just cannot figure out why buy this game unless you don't have any of the 3, and unless it's on a good sale!
I recommend each of the games (check the reviews for each of them), but not as this bundle, unless you don't have ANY of them AND the bundle is with discount.
The game has the added feature of being to mark any cell with a '?' so we can remember that we're not 100% sure about the value in that cell; that's a much needed feature as, once you've reached the medium and high difficulty modes, assumptions must be made so we can test if the level can be completed. I do wish we could place "notes" in the cell, similarly to what is often found in Sudoku games.
I like that we can play ANY puzzle... we don't have to unlock/complete any that we don't want to... so that, for example, I can skip all the "easy" levels and jump in the medium levels. Further along, boards grow larger and/or harder.
I do wish there'd be a little 'blurb' about the images used in the interludes; I think it would add some personality to the content, and it also allows people to read about them if they want to.
Overall, this game looks quite interesting and challenging; it's a nice distraction from Sudoku but will probably only attract fans of that category. It's nice to see these on BFG, not just jigsaws (I personally think there are too many "ordinary" ones in that genre).
I recommend you try this; no math skills required, but you do need to be able to count to 10, but not necessarily in order.
This dev always uses great photos for their jigsaw puzzles... but this time around, we're taken on journey through Ukraine using swap puzzles.
The various regions are "unlocked" as you spend in-game currency; most games use "build a castle" or "construct buildings" or "decorate your garden"; here, we get to find out about culture and landmarks.
In-game currency is earned by playing Match-3 levels, which have 3 levels of difficulty, depending on how hard you want to punish yourself. The tiles are clear, the items easy to differentiate while the entire game has a Ukranian theme.
Personally, I find this one to be their best Match-3 yet, and we get to see/learn about a country, through educational text and beautiful pictures that, before this, I knew little about .
I wish there was a photo album that gathered all the pictures, which could be revisited; instead, you can click on the various areas that have been unlocked.