Sweet Holiday Jigsaws: Halloween Night is a jigsaw puzzle lover's delight! The seasonal pictures are lovely to look at and there are 5 chapters, each with 36 pictures to choose from, plus a bonus (which I have not unlocked yet) and a random, perhaps timed? extra.
There is also the option of using your own photos or art to create puzzles.
Once you have chosen your puzzle, you can customize your experience with a number of options, such as number of pieces, background, cutouts (very seasonal - think “skulls”) and more.
The tutorial is well written and easy to understand and can be accessed without leaving your puzzle.
If you do leave, your progress is saved automatically and, when you return, you will see a window in the lower left hand corner, showing your last saved level and the percentage completed. Click on this window and you will be taken to your puzzle. If you're like me and have more than one started, you can find your other saved games in the chapters.
I have completed five puzzles so far and am loving this game. Thanks Graphium!