I like games of this nature when I have nothing to do..It is a game of strategy and common sense.I like that you can continue playing even when your time runs out because I am not that fast towards the end of the game. The graphics are pretty good for a game like this and the background music is not annoying.The characters are fun and there is a lot to do to keep them busy.There are bonus chapters at the end where you play as the "bad guys" instead.
This is a wonderful series that has never left me disappointed.This is a top notch game with beautifully done graphics.The storyline seems to have been done before..but what the hey... There is a transport map that will save you from walking...and it is full of tips so you will know what to do as well as where to go..The hidden object scenes are crisp and well done and interactive..It is a very long game and the gameplay is fun.
I just finished this game and I have to say this is on my top ten list now. This game excels some other game by means of doing the same thing a bit differently.The voice overs are perfectly done as well as the cut scenes.The mini-games are do-able without stress and there is a skip button if you do get stuck and want to pass.Some are quite different than the usual mini-games I am used to seeing andt is always nice when the Devs go the extra mile for us die-hard gamers.I like that the HO scenes are interactive.That always gives the game a bonus quality especially if the scenes are well-drawn...The graphics in the HO scenes are very good ,could have been a bit clearer but sill very nice.I just got so spoiled by other games.I really had fun playing this in the stress free atmosphere this game provides.
This is a sequel that is as good as the first in this series.The graphics are spectacular and the main characters you interact with are almost like your friends. I have to say this is by far my favorite along with Syberia I. It is a very challenging game to say the least.A game in which you have no map or other hint system.You must rely on your common sense.It is a very long game with many places to visit to locate what you need to complete tasks.I recommend this game after you have played the first one..Truly a gamers game!.
I recommend this game!
1of1voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
This is the kind of game you wait for.A game that is so visually different from the rest.The graphically creative and interactive hidden object scenes can be switched out for a majong game instead. There are maps to show you the layouts.The hint button will take you where you need to go if you need this.They thought of all the important elements of making this game interestingly beautiful and fun to play and interact with.You get so caught up in the euphoria of intensely beauriful graphics,the story and the characters.I have been playing this game all day and am nearing the end..and feel like I do everytime a great game ends...wahhh...
In a fading world devoid of color, the ghost of Nikola Tesla reaches through the Ether and invites you on an incredible adventure through time and space.
This is a nice unique game that will not need a walkthrough.It is nicely managed and the graphics are good but not great.There was too much dialogue for me and some annoying sounds also. Overall,the gameplay was fun and interesting and included time travel.I did not enjoy the frustrating mini-games and am glad to have been able to skip quite a few.This was a good long game ..
I enjoyed this as much as the first two in this series.Although the graphics lacked luster as compared with other new games.There is a map which is of great help when going back and forth between scenes..The fragmented object scenes were dark and not very well outlined.Some mini-games were frustrating.There is a hint button that comes in handy in the HO scenes.There are morphing objects to find and there is plenty to do in this lengthly game. The music fit the game and this one has a good storyline behind it.The voice-overs were well done.A good game without the gory details.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Just what I like..a nice easy going game in which I do not need any help.From the thrilling cutscenes to the easy goin' music theme,this game rocks! The voice overs are nicely done and there is a map to identify where you are and helps you to go where you need to go.Yes,there are 46 morphing objects of which I have not been able to find them all,..maybe next time around. Great entry into this continuing saga...
I recommend this game!
31of41voted this as helpful.
Amazing Adventures Riddle of the Two Knights
Follow a curious trail through crowded bazaars and snow-swept summits to find what is missing!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Strategy
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I enjoyed this series.A good old fashioned game to relax and enjoy without time constraints.There is plenty to do with puzzles and various mini-games.But to be honest,having these included to try to make up for the redundance of having to complete about 25 missions and looking for the 60 crowns so you can then unlock the unlimited but by that time you are so leveled out of seeing the same levels (but with different objects to find) can you imagine the insanity of this but yes,I must be insane but its all about finishing the game.. The graphics are always well done and nice to look at..I will always be a die hard Hidden Object gamer and hope there will always by some company willing to make them for others who feel the same way.To improve such games like this one, because these games are so lengthly,the soundtrack gets redundant,.. I would recommend that a better variety of soundtracks are offered or some way in which we, as the end users, get to choose which kind of music we want to hear while we play the game and have a list offered that we can choose from...
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Developers have to start keeping up with the times.Although I did like the level of things to keep you from boredom,the game was old-hat.I bought this because I have the first game and wanted to continue ..There are beautifully drawn graphics and many things to do to stay busy.In order to assemble your tools,you will need to find the fragmented pieces in the hidden object scenes and the mini games,which were fun overall.There is no map to help you but the journal can. The hints recharge really quick.I can't say how long this game is as I rarely play a game in one sitting but it was a fairly longer game.