Ok, frustration all around. There were so many tehcnical glitches, not the least of which was the pointer was about 1/2 centimeter off, so i had to put it higher on a spot than what would be normal....I couldn't take it anymore..... but, I might have been interested otherwise......
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
ok.... since Pennmom wrote such a scathing review I was intrigued because Pennmom NEVER writes bad reviews. I think her average is 4.5. Given her expertise I tried this game because I could not believe it could be as bad as she said.... Alas, I was wrong. Forgive my sarcasm here, as I am pretty fed up with the lack of quality in games, and have basically moved on, but hope that there will be a return to creativity and challenge as existed in the earlier days when we had Mystery Case Files, Dawn, Lost Lands and some other games that one could wake up on a Sunday morning and look forward to playing. This is NOT it. Of course, as you get to the circus, in your car, (which does not crash) that was a surprise. There is clown who tell you that you MUST have a ticket .. which of course you don't and there begins the most dull and boring quest through an empty circus for your ticket.... the storyline is beyond ridiculous... people stole a little baby fire dragon, for whatever reason.... we don't know.... they don't do magic... so you have to get it back before it wreaks havok, and everyone dies......IDK.... I agree with Pennmom on this one....they need to create a game called loserville....where older gamers go to find interesting games with new ideas, and end up pulling their hair out when they have to open zippers with paper clips, smoke out bee hives, and wrap napkins around glass shards to cut burlap bags of rice to absorb moisture from a cell phone to obtain the battery for another cell phone... sorry... I am so done....... I would not spend your time on this one unless you are new to this game genre.... even then it would be worth your while to go back to some old game platforms....they also really need to fix the technical glitches that continue with MACs..I would have thought with COVID, they could have developed some pretty cool new ideas. IDK... artificial intelligence.... vaccine issues.. medical stories of some sort ..... that the gamer gas to choose some outcomes .. that impact the games outcome.... whatever.... I vote with my money... and this game does not get any of mine.
It's been a long time since I wrote a review, but I felt I had to warn people, lest some poor sap come along and just consider getting this for a X-mas game. OMG, I'm not exactly sure of all the reasons I despised this game. Perhaps it starts with the story line: "Inga's" mother went x-mas shopping last year and never came back. Her poor father has been sad ever since. Yup...an uplifting and sophisticated plot. The Graphics look like they were technologically developed about 8 years ago; and I think the games and HO scenes are for little kids. I cannot believe anyone thinks this is a 5 rated game. Save your money and wait for a decent holiday game. Sometimes I am amazed that these creators think people will love their old - dull ideas. This will not bring you a Merry X-mas. There is nothing under this tree worth opening. I could only play 10 minutes ... once I solved the Bell memory puzzle (4 bells...ring once in order).....to get out of the house, I was done with Inga. I must admit, I am still wondering why no one ever called the police to let them know their wife and mother was gone. It looks like a lovely town, that would have an interest in finding her. So sad. Merry X-mas.
Well, I bought it. First one in a long time. Although it started out needing two glass shards, (there has to be a better way to open things), I truly enjoyed it. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to make choices that do have different outcomes, which allows you to play the game again. The level of challenge was perfect for me, in that I never had to use the hint button (which I always turn off), yet I had a bit of a struggle every once in awhile. The story line isn't all that original, but we have never had a plastic surgeon go mad yet. There is no "Magic gadget", which is such a relief, and it kept me engaged. I can't explain why, except to say that I have been fed up with these games lately and for some reason, this brought more to the table for me. I also played the bonus game, and enjoyed that as much, if not more,than the original. It wasn't just a short put together "Must Add"..... I was unable to find 2 morphing objects, and I think there was a technical glitch because I truly looked in the places they said they were.....and had my husband do the same....and my niece...soooo.....overall, much better than previous games.......
I don't Even think this one is Fool's Gold......more like Idiot's Gold
PostedAugust 15, 2019
fromMinneapolis, MN
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
I haven't purchased a Big Fish game in quite some time and now I remember why. I cannot even believe that anyone gave this 5 stars. They were not playing the same game I was. First off, let's talk story line: Alessa's friend wishes she could actually enter the real Leprechaun World because she's been fascinated with Leprechauns she was little.....Yup.......she tells you this during a HO scene.......Lucky for her, she happens to find a piece of Leprechaun Gold while at the Leprechaun museum, and tosses it into a Leprechaun Statue and Voila, she is gone to the magical world of "Leprechaun Land"..... Of course, Alessa has to follow her, but she does not have a piece of Leprechaun Gold.....so your first task is to find that magical coin.....I did find that valuable gold piece, and then stopped at that point......because I guess, I don't care about the Leprechaun World....Furthermore, Alessa's voice was totally annoying......I am sure that Alessa has wonderful adventures on her way to finding her friend; but I just could not seem to care because the premise was so poor....if you like this sort of benign....non-sensical game, go for it, but.......I could not ........ I'd rather eat a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal.....
Pennmom is the most positive rater......so when she is not happy, I don't expect much.......which in this case was a good thing. It is clear to me that Developers are not reading our reviews; or if they are, they are not paying attention. Ok, so if you have played this series previously, you are going to be bored. It's the exact same game and exact same stories. The mini games are tedious. You will find yourself opening up cabinet after cabinet looking for items you have looked for a million times. The characters are not interesting either. In previous versions, I wanted to save the spirits. Perhaps, I am less compassionate now, but I truly did not care. If you have never played this series, you might like it, but I suspect if you are a gamer with any experience you will be bored and mosty unable to really get into it. Sorry.
I love the Grim Tales Series. The premise is fabulous, and one could create all kinds of storylines for Anna Gray to explore with her dead grandfather?? The issue I see happening is either: 1. I have played too many games, so this seems dull, or 2. there really isn't anything new. You decide. The graphics are good but the strategy guide seems to have disappeared....not an issue for me as I found the puzzles and tasks to be straitforward; but it could be for some. There was the requisite rust, finding pieces for the globe, a toolkit etc. I read a review earlier from someone from the UK, who said he was going to go through his earlier games and replay them. I think I may do the same thing until something innovative comes out. I thought I was the only one who was getting frustrated, but it appears not to be the case by the recent reviews I've read. I guess I yearn for some new ideas, new puzzles, and some innovation. This game has been done before. As usual, try for yourself. It's a no for me, which is disappointing as I would really love to have a game for the weekend to get lost into. Oh well. Fare thee well fellow gamers. Time to take a break.
The Queen is lost as is the story....no mystery here
PostedJuly 15, 2018
fromMinneapolis, MN
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
Let's start with the good: the graphics. I thought they were clear and I liked the colors. I think that's where it stopped being a positive experience for me. Storyline Character: you are a princess......no other option....if I were a guy, I would be frustrated after awhile with the lack of choice in this matter. Also, it might be nice to play a peasant once in awhile,,,,,something new....Plot: Spirit wolves seek revenge......I know we have never seen a game of any spirit group seeking revenge against royalty, right? Ok, that's sarcasm eeking from my frustration. But for those of us, who have purchased over 500 games, this is a little tedious. Magic Tools: The magic mirror you will need to speak to your husband, the prince. You'll need to activate it by pressing symbols in order....what's weird about that is it takes about a second because the second you grab the mirror, the code appears magically, and you just press the symbols on the side of the mirror. I swear a two year old could do that. I also did not understand why the prince and princess needed a mirror to talk to one another. At this point, a faithful servant of the prince arrives to take you to another castle for safety.....not sure what's wrong with the castle you're in but ok.....and then.....surprise..the wolf spirits attack.......they don't attack you, just the faithful servant...after the brutal attack you revive him with smelling salts that you find right next to him.....hmmmmmm ....then he says "take my magic sword" and dies......that's the end of the spoiling for me.....but I needed to share the simplicity and ridiculousness (in my opinion) of the plot. Level of challenge: The game was too easy. I need some type of feasible plot as well as a challenge in a game. If you are a beginner, this might be a good adventure for you. I lasted 10 minutes.....There has not been a game I liked for quite some time. I would be happier with one great game a week, then this pattern of daily games that demonstrate little innovation or challenge....that's me though.......try for yourself. Hope this was helpful. Thanks for reading....
It was "ok"...which is the definition of 3 stars....not good...not terrible
PostedJuly 12, 2018
fromMinneapolis, MN
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
If you like puppets and dolls......you might like this......there are numerous different doll and puppet characters......You do get to pick who you are......you can be a guy.....you can be a gal....you also choose your profession. I am not sure it matters, but it's nice to have a choice. The story begins when you receive an invitation from an old friend who needs your help....my response to that was, "sigh"..... I have helped so many old friends....I'm kind of tired of my idiot friends getting into trouble. Of course, the instructions tell you not to lose your invitation or you won't get in to the house of your friend. I love that, given this is a computer game, and it's not possible to lose anything as all items are stored in the inventory. You get to the mansion where your friend lives; and you learn that she is conducting secret experiments when you read the town bulletin board. Yup, the old town bulletin board happens to be right outside your friend's mansion. As you walk to your friend's front door, a puppet gets into a fight with a masked man who just disappears. You next look in the window and see another man use a blue crystal on your friend....yup....that's a new idea.....a crystal.....I kind of lost interest at this point. I really had no idea what was going on. The puzzles were easy, and I just need a new story line. I refuse to purchase a game anymore that I truly don't like. I am frustrated by the lack of any originality. I'm wondering if we submit ideas maybe the developers might read them? Have we had any martian stories? What are some of the reviewers ideas. As usual, try it yourself. If you like puppets and dolls, you might like this. I don't.
LOL..I have no idea what to think of this game....
PostedJuly 9, 2018
fromMinneapolis, MN
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Well, it's different. The graphics made me laugh. We start during the Russian revolution and end up in Brazil some 60 years later....not sure why.....or how....did not get that far. Essentially, one moves from a man leaving Russia to some new man with a Russian accent flying in your plane, and making a shaky landing in Brazil. You don't crash land, but you will have to fix your plane. As you try to fix your plane, some new Russian couple shows up and needs a private plane to go somewhere shady, as they are being chased by Interpol...yup, I could not make this up...I stopped at this point as I had no idea what was going on, and the characters were "different" to say the least. There was the requisite oil can.....of course you will have to find gears to fix the plane......I swear I could be a mechanic.....anyway.......the game is different. Not sure how it rates a 5, but since it made me laugh, I gave it a 3. It did not have a glass shard or wasps that needed to be smoked out.....That is a huge plus for me.....the Russian accents are hokey.....if you care about storyline, you might struggle because I have no idea what the story really is. The graphics are kind of old school. I'm not going to buy because I really want to like a game to buy......hoping holding out a little causes developers to do something....better.........