I've played the first level on relaxed mode. It moves at a pretty good clip even on this mode - customers are coming in quickly, and the bad thing is that their patience goes away fast. You can game it by not cleaning off all of the tables, only leaving 2 on one side open.
You do have assistants - a table cleaner and a singer (so far, there are slots for others) which improves customers moods but they don't cycle quickly until you upgrade them.
The upgrades aren't tough to get as you make enough money to do at least 2 each round.
There's no way to remove the wrong items from your tray.
It does get monotonious as you're just prepping the same dishes over and over again.
I think this would be better as a tablet game instead of using a mouse.
I haven't played any of this series and I have no clue how it works. The help isn't explaining anything on game play. If you're a vet of playing this, I guess you'll love it but for first timers its very frustrating to click and click with no results of clearing a level.
I am soooo happy to see Emily back! I love this series and have all of the releases. The story line is a good one, graphics are top notch and the game play definitely does NOT lag! If you're a fan of the series, get this one!
This is the type of food prep game that works great on a tablet, that you can get for free (with ads) but absolutely not for a laptop user with a mouse or trackpad.
I play a lot of these on my tablet and this just isn't translating to desktop as well. I wish they made the upgrade store available prior to each round or at least made it pop up more often. It's an OK TM...probably will be enjoyable for those who don't play TMs a lot.
Favorite Genre(s):Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
It's the same old time management - take orders, fill orders, find the cat, restock...bonuses at the end of the day for cleaning up and restocking.
This one will definitely remind of you a certain wizard movies/books series.
I skipped through the story line so I'm not sure about it.
It's ok...not great..just a rehash of all of the other TM releases. I'll recommend it to new comers to TMs but those of us who have been playing this genre...not so much.
Cute game. However the customer patience is way too short, especially before you can upgrade anything. One of the early levels is to not lose any customers. It's almost impossible to beat with minimum upgrades. Don't want that kind of frustration playing on easy level.
I did the entire demo but I'm not sure if I'll purchase. It's a typical restaurant style TM. The pace is a bit exhausting and the ability to store resources is limited so you have to be on top of remaking things all the time. Customer patience disappears quickly; its not the usual older folks take longer to get impatient than younger folks, etc. Resource renewal is a little faster, especially with the bonus button (which I forget the name).
It's a resource gathering game, not a time management (in the true sense of the word). It takes a while for resources to regenerate (typical), and there's just nothing amazing/spectacular/interesting here. You do get 90 minutes in the demo but beyond that there's nothing here worth the money for a collectors or special edition.