Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
This game is adorable in the best possible way. You ride a unicorn in your search for a princess. The graphics are pastel perfection, the soundtrack is evocative. It's just a darling little game.
I also appreciate that Elephant is trying to throw in a few new twists - replacing items in an H0 scene offers more challenge than finding them. I like that, although I preferred the mechanism in"Templar" - placing items from my inventory.
I'm less thrilled with taking photos as collectibles. It's a two step process that interrupts the flow of the game and includes too much pixel hunting.
As much as I love the looking at this game, I am less interested in actually playing it. Elephant is shifting the focus from challenge to story and emotion. You really can get invested in the characters who populate the game's world and that's brilliant. But I want to play, not meander through another (admittedly delightful) universe.
These games don't bore me, they are too detailed for that but somehow they just don't satisfy. I'll buy this as an SE but not a CE.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
It's like pizza, even a bad pizza is still pizza. This is not a bad game - it's occasionally challenging, has unique puzzles, good art, a decent story and some interesting game play - it's just not MCF good.
Where are the achievements? Where are the weird little easter eggs? (no, two cassettes of over acting don't count.) Where are the gorgeous door lock puzzles with scattered hints, the lush, fantastical scenery, and the charming detailed journal that didn't hand you the answers?
As a stand alone, this game is as good as most CE's. But MCFs are better because of the details. Ravenheart had amazing door lock puzzles, Dire Grove had chapters longer than this game, 13 Skulls had 20 hidden cards that were so tricky you had to play the game twice to find them, RTR had morphing objects in the journal. Each game felt like the designers were so excited about making it that they sometimes went over board. This game feels like a formula dressed up with a name-brand actress. Even the credits were boring.
It's like finding out my favorite mom and pop pizzeria is under new management. The walls are freshly painted, there's a shiny new sign outside and the pizza isn't horrible, it's just nothing to get excited about.
I've been a little disappointed by the last few Elephant games because they just weren't very challenging. This game wasn't quite as tough as I like but it offered so much that I didn't mind. The graphics are gorgeous, the story is full of gleeful silliness, mini-games were beautifully crafted, H0 scenes were scattered perfectly, and there were fun little extras. Best of all is Elf, your adorable and super-smart canine companion. It all adds up to a really fun game.
I do have a few small quibbles. Inventory items are too often on-the-nose, with an obvious use. The hardest part about them is remembering *where* an item needs to be used, not figuring out *how* it needs to be used. Black bar hints also take away a great part of the challenge and I do wish they would do away with them, at least for the hardcover and detective levels. The detective level (no cursor changes) is more frustrating than fun. Morphing items are one of my faves but these were just too easy, a few of them were huge and even on the harder settings would sparkle.
The in-game bonus content is very nice but the bonus game play felt perfunctory - It's short, (40 minutes on detective level) the mini-games were dolled up versions of the same old stuff, the story is a bit silly, there are only two new "rooms" to explore and the adventure aspect is overly-simple. One of the joys of this game is finding coins to buy toys and treats for Elf (He's such a trooper!) but sadly there are no coins in the bonus level.
Despite these small flaws, this game was a blast to play. I don't regret buying the CE because it is so much better than many of the games to come out recently.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
There were a few tricky bits but overall this felt like a game for beginners - Far too much assistance and no real challenge, even on the hardest mode. Add in massive back-tracking and it's more tedious than fun.
Mini games were simple, ridiculously so at times. (A jigsaw with six pieces? Really?) It was very disappointing, especially because Ers is usually so good at adding a new twist to the classic ones.
The hardest thing about using inventory items was remembering where you needed to backtrack to use them. Even then, the game would randomly open portals to take you there. When that didn't happen, there was much jogging. An interactive map would have been very helpful.
A few scattered H0 scenes would have been nice. It would have been a relaxing break in all the running around, offered a base level of challenge, and gave the game a decent length. (My time was 4 hours for the main game, on hard mode with no hints or walkthrough.)
Art is up to Ers standards which is good because you get repeated views of each scene.
One saving grace are the 25 pages of a diary to find. Those are difficult to spot, tucked away in odd corners and easy to overlook. Probably the hardest part of the game. I thought I had missed one but that didn't stall the ending.
The bonus content is not related to the main story. It is a bit short (45 minutes on hard mode) but the game play is slightly better than the main game. There was one association puzzle that quite good but again, not very difficult. That didn't save it, it isn't worth the extra cost.
This game felt rushed and not very well planned. There were several good concepts that seemed to be leading somewhere but then they just petered out. It felt as if only the artists had made the deadline, everyone else just scrambled to get the game released.
I really can't recommend this game at all. It would be better to replay one of Ers' old games than buy Gothic Fiction.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
A basic HOPA with a decent story, interesting puzzles and moody art but not half as good as the previous game.
It includes a new twist that is interesting but under-used. During the game there are some interactive moments with the detective'. The first time this happens, you are being chased and need to choose whether to go over or under a wall. It's a very tense and gives that moment drama. It really worked. After that, there is no choice. You are simply telling the detective what to do. It's pretty pointless.
There is quite a bit of running back and forth during the first half. The map shows which areas have something to do which helps keep the backtracking to a minimum. By the second half, the game is more linear. - Find the thing that needs a piece, play an HO or look around the scenery, find piece, use piece to unlock a mini-game. Fairly standard stuff. Nothing very inspired but a decent mix.
And then you get to the last two chapters which are the reason this game gets 2, not 3, stars. There are very few mini-games. After you find whatever piece, you put it into something that looks as if it was supposed to be a mini-game but is just decoration. You just run between H0 scenes and overly-simply inventory items. It was so tedious that I only finished it to see if it would get worse.
This game is very formulaic. It feels as if the developers were very excited at first but then got bored or ran out of time.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
The previous Surface game was excellent - An inventive story, really imaginative puzzles, gorgeous environments, tricky inventory use, random H0 scenes, and everything else that goes into making a fun and challenging game.
This game is a snoozefest. It's far too easy, there are far too many H0 scenes, inventory items are obvious and the collectibles sparkle! Except for a few new and very interesting puzzles, there is no challenge. You're just wandering through the story filling in the blanks.
I don't think I'll be buying many more Elephant games.
It's so nice to have an SE that's better than most CE's lately.
This game is a near-perfect HOPA. The pacing is excellent - not too many H0's, plenty of puzzles, and a several different side-stories that unfold throughout. There is some back-tracking but it is only excessive if you've overlooked something and a quick travel map takes away most frustration.
Best of all, there is a range of challenge. There are very tricky puzzles and very simple ones (although the simple ones are usually connected to a more complex task.) many of the puzzles are unique and rely on logic more than just flipping levers or sliding boxes. Inventory items make sense without being too obvious. H0 scenes are challenging but there are not too many of them and they very rarely repeat, so they aren't boring.
It's also very long. I played on hard mode with no hints or walk-through. The game took me nearly eight hours over three days. (YMMV) I was stuck a few times but a careful review of the environment would sort it out.
After the last Surface game, I was ready to give up on HOPA's all together. This game made me glad that I didn't.
Reveal the twisted plan of a deranged magician who has his own Vendetta against the world! And uncover a secretive world of magicians and discover the power they have held and passed down through the centuries!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
So this nutty magician is running around stealing famous monuments and I, world renowned detective, must stop him! Fortunately I have a potato, a cat puppet, some random bits of paper, and a chair leg...
Finally, a game with inventory items that don't have an obvious use! Plus some original puzzles, some very nice reworking of older mini-games, interactive H0 scenes, a story that is ridiculous but amusing, and great art. Each chapter has its own area so there isn't too much running around. Voice overs are well done.
Cons: Some of the inventory items need precise clicking. Because it's not always obvious which item to use, this can be frustrating. This game is a little short, it took me about 4 hours with no hints or walkthough. Even on hardcover, there are black bar hints, but it's possible to ignore them. The last chapter had the best puzzles but the rest was a bit sloppy. No interactive map.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
You're trapped on an island that was too creepy for the army, surrounded my howling winds and many ghosts. 40 of those ghosts are merely flickers in the corner of your eye, a crack in the wall or a face? (Actually, they're morphing objects.) The other ghosts need your help, only a memory of their past lives will let them move on...
It's a decent story and the morphing ghost faces make it even more eerie. Gameplay is solid. Mini-games are well thought out and a few are original. The instructions are very simple, you'll often need to figure out what needs doing. I like that, it makes them more challenging.
Inventory items are fairly straightforward with very few surprises. There are a few too many H0 scenes for my taste.
All and all, a solid game with enough challenge in the puzzles to keep you thinking and enough drama in the story to keep you involved.
In a fading world devoid of color, the ghost of Nikola Tesla reaches through the Ether and invites you on an incredible adventure through time and space.
I have been waiting for a great standard game and here it is.
The story grabbed me from the beginning. I'm a huge Tesla fan and I appreciate that the devs went with a fantasy version instead of trying to follow his often sad but brilliant life. This is Tesla as we wish he could have been. (Also keeps me from having to point out biographical errors.
Game play leans a little more towards adventure than H0 which is perfect for me. The pace is great, a nice mix of inventory items, mini-games and the occasional H0. There's a lot to do but it doesn't feel like busywork.
I'm not thrilled with the sparkles but they're the most subtle I've ever seen in a game. They don't distract too much and provide a teeny nudge not a push. This brings the challenge down a little for me, but others may find it welcome.
The art is terrific and I loved the scenery. It's so nice to be in a laboratory without having some madman chasing me. This game has some tense moments but it isn't creepy, occult or spooky.
All in all, a solid game that kept me entertained throughout and was longer than I expected. Good job devs!