Very poor, almost nothing to this game but hos after hos. This nonsense starts 1/2-hour *past* free trial time & goes on to the end. Thus, demo tricks buyers into thinking there is some balance among adventure, story & other worthy tasks besides hos.
A lie: instead it is visit all of the 6-million hos THREE times each. After suffering that, go 3 steps to use a key, get a bucket of water, or stick a medallion into a slot. Hardly any mini-games & those given are so easy. Repeat!
Yes, hos are attractive, great graphics, but graphics are all that make this game any different from the early-days hos of 4-5 years ago, where pretty much all we got was hos after hos.
Even the ghosts here, poorly drawn too, do not give us any more story, just another key or medallion.
I deeply regret buying this hos-infestation. Obvioulsy I do not recommend it for anyone looking for adventure, puzzles or even story.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
Not a worthy MCF game IMHO. It lacks creativity, is very formulaic: get instructions & map pieces from psychic, go do some hos, find a few items, fit map pieces into the scenes, return to psychic, watch cutscene... repeat. Hardly any real puzzles either (though I liked the unique block puzzle btwn chapters).
Too much handholding even on hard mode. Cutscenes & psychic's comments provide unwanted help. Story does not have vibrant ending. In short, despite excellent graphics, seamless integration of live actors, & great voiceovers, the game becomes boring--nowhere near the fun & challenge of previous MCF entires for me.
Worse, Bonus Content is poor/unworthy. A 15-minute play section (seriously!) & the 50 morphs to find. Since no counter to show "x/50" morphs found, nor any per-scene indicator to let us know a morph is there, finding them is tedious.
I'm retiring my MCF Detective badge after this game... at least per CEs... wish I did not buy this CE.
Based on FULL game: Despite nice graphics, art & sound; some interesting challenges & puzzles; & a good story effort, this game lacks immersion element IMHO necessary to make the questing exciting. Here, somehow thrill of the adventure is weakish?
Way too many hos for me too, though some have a few neat tweaks. Game is standard length (5-6 hours for most). While story delivery & tasks are solid enough, some stretches I was actually quite bored. A couple quite good puzzles nonetheless.
Game is thus ok/solid yet for me nothing special.
Bonus content: all happens on the sub & concerns preparing sub for its journey home. Tasks are repair equipment etc. It's short & has 1 tedious puzzle that pads length because any mistake requires puzzle to be restarted. Yuck! Without this, bonus would only be maybe 35-40 minutes.
Overall, I'm somewhat disappointed by game & was sometimes bored playing. Since SE ends perfectly, I strongly recommend SE over CE.
Based on FULL game: A compelling adventure, better than many CEs IMO, took @ 7 hrs straight (hardcore), no handholding, yay!
Some very nice puzzles. Rather a lot of straight hos but made fun by added challenge that, on hardcore anyhow, we must pay attention to what we see since we'll later need some extra items *never on the list*. Loved that. Hos are pretty too. Devs cared to make like setups we might find in real life (vs junkpiles full of nonsense items).
Besides terrific graphics, there's something more mature-feeling or realistic in how this story's been written & in our tasks. Adored the underground labs, crawling through ducts, etc. Heroine says some ninny-ish things yet she's gutsy & smart. Using tools to repair equipment & playacting an engineer to tinker my way past obstacles in ways the devs strived to make semi-realistic was such fun!
Some scenes have live actor yet primarily storyboard comics advance the plot. A far cheaper method than cutscenes, so instead devs pumped extra effort & love into delivering a solid story & especially good game *design*: contextual puzzles & some nice twists; eerie atmosphere; exciting adventuring; good voice & sound. I'd trade fancy cutscenes for this kind of immersive quality & challenge any day!
Some might be upset there's no map, never mind transport; but I prefer walking & not much backtracking is necessary anyhow.
Plot comes to a sensible conclusion with a nice wrap-up. Overall, game's a blast to play. Plus, hardcore mode is hard but fun-hard, made me think! A great way to spend my Saturday; I hope this dev has more games in production.
A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
A good adventure but falls short on puzzles. Storyline is fresh & intense; never boring. Tasks give solid challenge without being brain-twisting.
Voice acting is outstanding, best I've heard in ages & cutscenes are excellent. Graphics blend real-life photos & actors with digitization, giving a nearly perfect uniform art effect. I love this; other devs should take note.
Game's weakness is lack of real puzzles. The puzzles are mostly far too easy, e.g. collect 6 of this, or colour that red/blue as per diagram given, or insert coins, etc. Main game hos are amazing, though. The many lost real-puzzle opportunities left me feeling devs used puzzles as filler more than as core game content.
CE BONUS: huge disappointment. Short @35 minutes, no new settings, weak story, no real puzzles at all; seems thrown together? Worse, despite main game highlight is clever Step-puzzle hos, Bonus has zero of these! Just same-old no-action junkpile hos we've already done in main game. And bonus graphics are too sharply realsitic, do not blend with main game's. Also, game is quite easy, no matter set on hardest mode, so SG is not really necessary IMHO.
Game is short @4 hours but good story so length is ok to me. Poor CE bonus content is not ok. Definitely recommend SE as entertaining adventure. Do NOT recommend CE.
Well-designed gameplay, cheerful artwork/graphics with a ton of layouts, power-ups, obstacles, plus wildcard spots, giving many ways to get the goals our team needs to win matches.
Core gameplay involves filling a score/goal meter by making runs & pairs, etc. When it hits 3500, our team gets a goal. Chains give a big multiplier & levels have no time limits.
Luck factor of RL sports is added by occasional mystery cards that set up little mini-games (non-intrusive, brief), e.g., points bonus for a great pass, or worse, fumble & the other team scores.
Game's structure follows perfectly the real World Cup soccer match system, a joy! Many customisations possible. Music is real soundtracks & it's wonderful as is Commentator's voice. All can be turned off.
Note: *play demo all the way through* because though easy to learn, it can take a bit to catch on to how to make Good Progress. Action ramps up somewhat as matches go forward, yet it's never unfair & we can skip ahead or replay any level.
Many features, lively gameplay, unlimited re-playability, I highly recommend the game.
A lively pure adventure, the game is about figuring out how to use inventory to solve tasks at hand. Thus, few traditional puzzles & zero hogs (yay!).
Thinking outside the box to solve quests is a fun & rewarding challenge. The game is not easy. It bursts with creativity, from the tasks we do to the magical creatures we meet. There may be a learning curve. Some tasks are kind of crazy: animals need our help, odd things need repairing, secrets need uncovering & so on.
It's such fun! Though the main story hardly makes any sense, each chapter is compelling on its own. Music & graphics are good & the jigsaw paintings are beyond gorgeous.
While to some it may seem short at 4+ hours IF no SG usage, it's a 1st-class escape into a fantastic dream world that I'd take any day over longer same-old. More like this, please.
I recommend this game!
38of41voted this as helpful.
The Inquisitor
Take on the role of Tobias, a young and inquisitive monk, as you search for the truth in order to save a remote village!
Based on a good novel this should've been a winner but is not. 7 chapters each the same design: Start with long cutscene, quite some reading (no voiceover). Then many HOS & they're unattractive, faded, miniscule: hard! Next some Spot-the-Differences, also hard. E.g. find tiny crack in wood or a blade of grass--seriously. Finally, do 2 or 3 inventory tasks or assemble a torn note. Repeat...
Hardly any puzzles, although the ending one is quite fine but tricky. *No skips allowed on anything!* And, a punitive misclick penalty & super slow hint recharge.
Positives are the nice main graphics & lovely music.
At chapter 5, I gave up & used walkthrough to finish, just to find out how story ends (good ending). Don't know what the devs were thinking? For me, the game was not fun.
Breath-takingly beautiful graphics & artwork. High-quality cutscenes, voice & hos. Puzzles are many with good mix of types, something for everyone, & the collectible postcards are adorable.
Good effort made to deliver interesting storyline with characters' abilities & items they need nicely related.
Game's downfall IMO is despite 2 difficulty levels, toughest mode remains far too easy. Items can't be collected without being told outright what they're needed for, & it's tragic how all challenge to use special abilities is wrecked because where they need to be used is outlined in bright colour!
CEs come with Strategy Guide, so why does advanced mode need hints? I'm deeply disappointed, especially as 1st game in series (AofA: Mystic Hospital) is one of the most memorable, clever i-hogs I've ever played--far more challenging than this sequel.
Lack of hardcore mode is serious drawback for players who enjoy figuring things out on their own; hence, I'm waiting for SE.
4 stars for this authentic adventure game built in classic point & click style, no HOS at all, ever.
A decent story drives us forward. Hunted for a murder we don't remember doing, we try to evade whoever's after us & learn who we? killed & why? Conspiracy theories & intrigue. From sleazy motel room to underground military base to our L.A. studio, we need to figure out how to use objects available in the rooms/areas to solve tasks, mini-games & some outright puzzles. We also get some help from the characters we meet.
The brightly-colored cartoony art style, special effects & sounds are well done & gameplay mechanics are smooth. Story does not rely on long dialogues or cutscenes: hardly any reading in fact, just lots of exploring.
A decent tutorial & 3 difficulty levels (changeable in-game too# allow perfect match for one's preferred challenge-level. No sparkles & a good hint system. Difficulty ramps up as game progresses.
Puzzles range from old-familiars, e.g. key/lock combo, jigsaws, short memory-play games, to using a jackhammer, dynamite & computer punchcard system. Some fresh twists & some outright unique puzzles, e.g. a "scientific formula" puzzle that reappears is quite fun & requires fitting letters/shapes inside outlines. The game's finale puzzle is a clever video-sequencing task.
We have numerous quests like break-ins, equipment assembling, getting gas with no $, etc. It's rewarding to overcome difficulties & solve puzzles by use of a more common-sense, real-life logics approach instead of simply being magically given that much-needed crowbar etc as result of finishing some HOS scene!
As with most true adventure games, half the fun is figuring out "how" to solve the puzzles, thus instructions are not in-depth. BFG offers a great walkthrough, though.
Clocking in at @ 5 hours on expert if no puzzle skips & light strategy guide usage, the game's last 2 #of 7# chapters have quite some puzzles & are a blast. The only letdown is the ending: a setup for a sequel #yahoo!# that sadly leaves too many questions unanswered here #boo--a big no-no IMO for any true adventure game#. I deduct a star for this.
Players who love adventure, get excited to "think" their way through a game, or are tired of same-old same-old HOS should really enjoy solving this old-school adventure game.
#It's grand to see a traditional HOS dev tackle the more "pure" adventure genre--kudos!#