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Win a tournament, defeat a dragon... What other deed should a knight perform? Save a princess in Knight Solitaire 3!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
9 of 9 found this review helpful
Not worth your time
PostedNovember 5, 2015
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Large File, Strategy, Arcade & Action, Card & Board, Family
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
Demo only.
I love solitaire games, match 3 and HOPA`s, so I thought I would try before I buy. Glad I did.
No WOW features at all, no locked cards, no cards on fire, just nothing but plain solitaire (which might be good for those who don`t want any kind of major challenge).
I just played a demo, not the whole game.
It`s your standard high or low cards, no bells or whistles. The best (and only good feature I can brag about) is that if you don`t clear the hidden Special cards (which are trimmed in purple, so that makes it easier to spot). you can play that level over, or if you get tired of trying to get the hidden Special cards, you can just continue on to the next level.
It is just your standard high/low solitaire with several stacks over your special cards, and the section ends when you have played all the special cards, even if there are cards left on the table.
You get several jokers which help you change the card on the discard pile so that helps you make more matches. I don`t know if you get any more or can somehow buy any as I just played the demo, but I didn`t see where you could purchase them with the points you collect.
Sorry, but this just doesn`t excite me, I like at least a little challenge, even the old game of Fairway was way more exciting than this one. I don`t recommend the game, except, again, only for those who just want a standard solitaire game.
I don't recommend this game.
9of 9voted this as helpful.
Travel to a mysterious city and save your love from an ancient curse. Solve perplexing puzzles and explore colorful locations in "Dracula’s Legacy".
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
8 of 11 found this review helpful
Not bad, but not that good
PostedAugust 10, 2015
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Strategy, Arcade & Action, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser, Family
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Story as follows: Haunted by frightening dreams about her forgotten past, Isabella, along with her fiancé, were able to decipher one clue from the depths of her memory that leads them to an old ghost town. While exploring, they encounter a terrifying creature and the pair are separated.
I only played the demo, not impressed.
Pros: cool music
items in inventory will be used pretty quickly, so they don`t dray thru the whole game before using them
Cons: No map
Voiceovers, not quite syncched
Way too much back tracking
Hint button, when trying to figure out where to go (or what to do next) the hint button lights up several directions, which some you can`t go because you haven`t done something in that area, which you are not sure what, which is why you clicked on the hint button to begin with.
All in all, not really a bad game, but after dealing with HOPAs for as long as I have I am not impressed with this game, but that`s just my opinion. I will be deleting this game as soon as I`m done with the review.
I don't recommend this game.
8of 11voted this as helpful.
Uncover the true cause of the disturbances and track down the disappeared townspeople before darkness falls on Middleport forever!
Overall rating 
Hated it.
1 / 5
5 of 13 found this review helpful
Awful Game
PostedJune 14, 2014
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fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Bejeweled 3
4.4 out of 5(100)
Fun Factor 
1 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
Just my opinion: All of this was on the Easy level
this game took too long to load the scenes
couldn`t click outside the characters to skip the scenes or their talking, you had to click on the "continue" button on the bottom of the screen
just a few steps in and tried to use the hint and couldn`t figure out why it was sending me to one place, yes there was something to do there, but the objects that I had in my inventory wasn`t helping
Pros: jumpable map
tells you when an area has been cleared
Cons: as stated above
again the map said there was an available action at some of these spots, but you couldn`t do anything yet until you went to other areas and get the tools/items you needed
way too much jumping around for me
there are collectibles:
11 animals
18 stone busts
44 missing people posters
4 modes to choose
I couldn`t see if there was a penalty click on the hidden objects scene
All in all, not a good game, too slow, I don`t mind the going back and forth if there is something to do or an item to pick up, but when it sends you to an area and you can`t do something there, then it`s just a waste of my time, and there are better games out there to waste my time on.
I don`t recommend this game, but again my opinion
I don't recommend this game.
5of 13voted this as helpful.
Uncover why Lisa's uncle is hiding information about her father's disappearance and help her discover the truth.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
47 of 51 found this review helpful
PostedMarch 24, 2014
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Bejeweled 3
4.4 out of 5(100)
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
This game is by BLOO BUZZ, a new game creater for me. I have only played the demo, so after writing this review I intend to purchase it.
Story so far: Year is 1901, William White is looking for a mysteries island ( so far objective unknown). He spends so much time with his research he neglects his poor (?) wife, who finds her solitude in the arms of his brother, James. She is found out by their family friend Christopher, and she threatens him with bodily harm if he reveals the secret to her husband.
So William gets the cordinates for the island finally, and Mary thinking she will get to spend more time with her lover, convinces James to finance the mission, but James is suspicious about the venture and sneaks into William`s study and find out what William is up to.
So James and William set for the island on the boat the "Gloria" and it crashes. You don`t find out what happens yet.
You play the part of Lisa White, Mary`s and William`s(?) daughter. You attend the funeral of your mother, when you are approached by Christopher who tells you he has something for you at the house. There you see James. You search the house for a bit and then you find that the foyer has been destroyed and Christopher is missing and you are attacked by a strange man and the house is on fire, James tells you to flee, and after repairing your plane/dirigble you flee, but the man attacks the plane and you crash on the island of your fathers(?) boat.
That`s as far as I got.
There are only 2 modes of play.
Regular: Jumpable map that shows areas of available action
Hint/Skip buttons charge quickly
No penalties for mis-clicks in HO scenes
Expert: Jumpable map but doesn`t show areas of available action
Hint/Skip buttons takes longer to charge
Penalties for Mis-clicks
There are 20 Life Stones to collect
You get a journal
You get a jumpable map of the manor and when you get to the island you must find the island map.
Music wasn`t very intrusive, got so caught in the game didn`t really notice it much
Voice-overs: seemed to match the character`s mouth and also there was writing, so not too bad.
Puzzles: So far a little easy, like opening a lock, turning on the pistons in the right order, etc.
HO scenes: Some interactive, some with pictures, such as find the items pictured and you put it together and viola, there`s the ladder you need. Others were the normal word lists.
Now for the cons: You had to constantly click on the inventory to open it up, just going to the bottom of the screen didn`t open it, that was tiresome.
All in all a cool game.
I recommend this game!
47of 51voted this as helpful.
 Jewel Legends: Magical Kingdom
Jewel Legends: Magical Kingdom
Rebuild the Magical Kingdom, erect magnificent buildings and restore the kingdom’s former glory!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
38 of 40 found this review helpful
Cute Not so Challenging Game
PostedOctober 9, 2013
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Marble Popper, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Bejeweled 3
4.4 out of 5(100)
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
This was a cool "match 3" game
Has140 levels, I got to level 10 before trial ended
Has an 'Adventure' and 'tournament' modes. I played the adventure mode for the trial.
Can play in timed or Zen mode. I played the timed mode.
Story goes: Village destroyed by evil and you must collect these 'gems' and rebuild the village.
The object of the game is to match items (look a lot like gems and rocks). Get 4 in a row you get a potion that is a bomb., get 5 or more in a row you get a potion that turns the surrounding area into coins, which is good.
When you clear the colored tiles of these 'gems' you get a brick that you must bring all the way down to the bottom, this brick helps to build your buildings. After you build your building, you must then collect more bricks to 'upgrade' your building. When that is done you get new buildings to build and upgrade.
As to the coins: everytime you builda building you will also get an item that helps you collect 'gems'. I only obtained 2 items in the demo. First was a hammer that destroyed 1 tile, the upgrade lets you destroy several tiles in a surrounding area. The second item was an hourglass which allowed you more time for destroying the tiles ( which I needed several times). The bad part was everytime you used an item it deducted a certain amount from your coins. You would get the free item (because you built the building) but using it cost you. I don`t know what the other items are as trial ran out.
You also get coins along with the 'gems' and you collect as many of them as you can as you need these to pay for using your 'free items'.
You also have 3 items on the side that you must collect enough of to obtain stars, which at the end of each level gives you "coins'., such as you must collect a certain amount of red, blue or green objects in one level and completely different ones in the next level. I didn`t always collect them all, but didn`t have to die either.
I don`t know if time runs out if you have to replay the level or game over or what, as I just barely made it on some of the levels.
The music wasn`t that bad, I had it on low but was a nice background sound, clicking on the tiles also gave a thumping sound and when you destroyed the tiles with the potions, sound not too bad. When bricks appeared made a cool noise like placing bricks on top of each other.
Over all a nice relaxing(?) game. Really cool for kids and adults who are tired of the HOPAs games. I am off to purchase this as soon as I`ve finished the review.
Good Gaming
I recommend this game!
38of 40voted this as helpful.
A long-forgotten artifact has just resurfaced, and the race to claim it will cause a devastating war. The only thing strong enough to stop it is one woman’s promise to the man she loves.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
31 of 46 found this review helpful
Good HOPA game
PostedJuly 27, 2013
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Strategy, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Bejeweled 3
4.4 out of 5(100)
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
The story so far:
You are playing Catherine, your fiance, Daniel, has gone missing. He is obsessed with finding out what happened to his ancestor who was a first mate on the 'Santiago' and was presumed to be a traitor, who absconded with the jewel "the Cobra`s Eye" and the ship, the Santiago. So you have gone looking for Daniel and the Cobra`s Eye.
I haven`t played all the way thru just the demo, but will buy as soon as I am done with the review. I have played many HOPA games and this is ok so far, not the best but has enough features that makes it a good game.
Has a jump map that shows where you are and allows you to proceed to another area. I`m so tired of the back and forth that just makes the game longer and adds nothing to the game, I don`t buy games anymore without a jump map.
Hint works both in HO scenes and out, arrow points where you need to go.
Characters are drawn and you can click out their voices if you read as fast as I do, but even so doesn`t drag on like some games. Nice bloody accents.
Music, not too obtrusive
Cons: not sure yet, seems to be a little too easy for those who are experts
Only 2 modes to choose from, Casual and Advanced
Casual: hint recharges quickly and as stated works outside of hidden object scenes. HO scenes has sparkles.
Advanced: unknown, didn`t try that yet, but no sparkles for HO scenes and hint takes long time to recharge.
I`ve only tried one puzzle so don`t know how long it takes to charge the skip button, puzzle was different but not hard.
Has a Cryptic Disk that when it glows lets you know that there is 4 symbols in that one scene, when you find the 4 symbols it reveals another page (info) for your journal.
Has a journal, hint button, jump map. Not sure how long game is yet, just started on the demo.
I recommend this game!
31of 46voted this as helpful.
Someone in the Order has turned traitor, murdering one of the Secret Five! Only Sarah can prevent the Order’s destruction!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
10 of 11 found this review helpful
Not a bad game
PostedApril 25, 2013
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Strategy, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Bejeweled 3
4.4 out of 5(100)
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
Not too bad for a HO game.
Object is for you to obtain a scepter to defeat the Order of the Griffins and a guy named Nathan, you get to go back in time and dress up for the ride
Has 3 modes to play, the easy one no penalty for over clicking in the HO scenes, but there is a penalty in hard and hard no sparkles for HO scenes
6 chapters,backtracking only in that chapter
Map, is not interactive, but do have a diary
Now on to the pros and cons
Hidden objects, not too many, but good as you can play Majongg instead of finding the HO
Majonng was ok, if and when you run out of moves it will shuffle the tiles by itself
Hint button: takes less than 60 seconds to recharge, and works outside the HO scenes, tells you where to go and shows what you need to do/use
Sparkles for HO scenes, and also sparkles for items to pick up and certain areas
Backtracking:yes, but not too bad, you only backtrack within the chapter you are in
Has at least 6 chapters, each pretty long
Has a diary, used it once
Skip button charges rapidly in the puzzles
has a map but not interactive, never used it as hint button was better
puzzles, not too bad did skip some, hate dealing with rings, you move one and others move as well, but that`s just me.
I`ve played this off and on for several days, and several hours each day so game is pretty long for me at least over 4hrs.
I love HO scenes but really enjoyed that I could play Majongg instead
I recommend this game!
10of 11voted this as helpful.
 Gems Quest
Gems Quest
Travel with Sasha to collect gold and gems to awake ancient powerful totems in this dazzling match-3 puzzler.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
5 of 5 found this review helpful
No Good
PostedApril 5, 2013
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
Has the same beginning as Gems Legend, not sure which came first, but seems like one of them should have a different beginning.
The game is "Sasha" has to fing a curable flower for the uncureable.
You have gems with arrows in them and you have to make a match of 3 or more, this has a twist, as you have to move them in the direction of the arrows, such as up or down or sideways such as right or left.
You must clear the gold tiles underneath by making matches with the gems, which in turns fill up your gold jar.
At the end of the level the gold will partial cover an idol, and you have several levels to complete for the gold, which then you can cover the idol completely.
You will also get power-ups to use such as a hammer(which will break one tile) or a sun which breaks several tiles.
You also get jewels, that will change the directions of the gems arrows, and matching them will fill up your jewel jars which after your idol is covered in gold, will then add jewels to your idol.
I wouldn`t pay full price for this game, maybe if it was offered as a DD, maybe then.
I don't recommend this game.
5of 5voted this as helpful.
 Gems Legend
Gems Legend
Sasha`s mother is sick, and you must join her in an adventure through fields of flowers and ancient temples in order to find a cure.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
11 of 12 found this review helpful
OK game
PostedApril 5, 2013
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle, Mahjong
Current Favorite:
Bejeweled 3
4.4 out of 5(100)
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
Different kind of "Match 3" game.
The object is to match 3 or more gems, the difference is the gems have arrows in them and they will move in the directions of the arrows, such as up or down or sideways either right or left.
You can change the directions of the arrows by right clicking the gem, but it will cost you time.
You will also get jewels that helps change the directions of the gems and when you match them it will fill up your Jewel jars and the matched gems fill up your Gem jar with gold.
Once your Gem jar is filled with gold(doesn`t matter if the jewel jar is filled) the level is done and the gold covers an idol. The Jewels at the end of the level, will then add to your idol when it is finally covered with gold.
It`s an ok game, just wouldn`t pay full price for it, I would wait for a DD
I recommend this game!
11of 12voted this as helpful.
Dupin needs your help solving the mystery of the gold bug. Crack the codes and follow the clues to one man's obsession with an old legend.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
39 of 47 found this review helpful
Excellent game
PostedFebruary 8, 2013
Customer avatar
fromSnellville, GA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Well they did it again, another excellent game.
You are travelling with Inspector Dupin(again), and going to see a friend of his who thinks he`s discovered Captain Kidd`s treasures.
HO scenes" different than others, as you will have silhouettes of the object you must find and then sometimes will have to interact with other HO such as you might find a shovel handle and then have to blend it with the shovel part to make a whole shovel that you have to find and maybe use to find another object.
There are even puzzles in the HO scenes that you have to solve to find hidden objects.
You get to use a Newfoundland (dog) that aides you on your quest. When he barks, check your inventory items and see which has a 'paw print', that`s the item you will need and use.
Hint charges slowly (for me), and I`m playing on the easy part.
There is 3 levels that you can play on, and can be changed in the game at any time.
Over-all a very, very easy game so far, I`m not sure how long the game is, as I`ve enjoyed the demo, so I bought it(with a free game) and am now downloading the rest of the game.
Puzzles are some of the usual, such as turn one thing and several things move and you have to line them up(Gecko tails), frogs jumping over one another on lily pads(to get to the other side), and Majhongg tiles, etc. But the HO scenes are what sold me, like I stated above, not your usual hidden object scenes.
Those who are experts at these types of games may say it`s too easy for them(which it is),as there is a lot of hand-holding involved, but so far a very relaxing game for me.
I have all of the Dark Tales games and this is the easiest.
I recommend this game!
39of 47voted this as helpful.