the Game Cut the Rope is one of the best apps games you can play.know the game is on Big fish games. at first this game looks easy but its knot took me 2 hours just to work out the first box of 10 this is a great game for the mind you really have to think when playing this game the game its self is simple but dose take time to work it out and when you do you have that great felling of pleasure that you have completed that box only 9 more boxes to go if you looking for some thing different from all the rest of hiding games then is one to go for highly recommended.
Child of the Forest This is a good game I played 1 hour and bought the game as a lot of you said there's a lot of fun for every body from collecting acorns and finding HO good storie line the makers went all out in this game plenty for you to do it you like this then there's another part coming soon the games just keep getting better some of you say that it knot all that Scary your right but the games that we do in big fish are for every age there's a line that we cant cross.
Well i did play 10 Min of this Game this is for kids of all ages as they all say it starts of easy but get a bit harder as you go into it.just hope the poeple that make Angery Birds dont see this it pretty they same sort of game. any way try it and buy the game for your kids for a bit of peace.
what i like about this game is you have to play all of it untill you can play any extras. the graphics are nice they go with the style of the game.some one says it loads slow must be there pc.on mine its fine , theres plenty of H.O , theres quite hard mini games well i thought they where i just skiped them.this game if your good with games like this then wait till it come out with no extras but if you need lots of help then get this part where you get an extra game and gettng this one.the ony think i found the graphics are a wee bit small.but i all ways say it knot up to me if you like it with all the extras then buy it.if knot then wait till it comes with out any extras the choice is up to you.please dont let otheres put you off with out trying it for your self.
well if i was a Clairvoyant i would tell you that you will get a mixed bag. you love this game or hate it. me i like the game the graphics are big and bright set in a fair ground you have to find some one just like all the other games but if you just wont a game that you can enjoy then this is for you.but if you wont something more brains in it look at another game big fish games has all kinds to pick from.but this is a very good game for the i all was say you have 1 hour to try it out give it ago you got nothing to loss.
I recommend this game!
2of7voted this as helpful.
Amazing Adventures Riddle of the Two Knights
Follow a curious trail through crowded bazaars and snow-swept summits to find what is missing!
I started getting this when part 1 came out the Graphics are a bit better when i played the 1st part if you like finding thing youll like this if knot look for another game.i bought this becouse ive have the other 4 parts knot the best game in the world but saying that its knot the worst.give it i try you may like it.
This is a very hot game very good Graphics and sound. i like the way they do the HO wee bit diffrent to the normal way.Am going to buy this one ive got part 1 so better get part 2.
yes ive got all of the parts of this game. as always the Graphics and sound are top notch.realy good intro if you buy this and havent bought the other parts then i would ask you to try them out as they are all meant to be played in parts 1 to 4.but thats up to is a great set of games to have.
ive just played this game theres alot of Puzzles in the game and nice HO.if you looking for a good game then try this out. I played this in Expert mode.
at first i didnt like this game becouse i could knot get any where fast.But once i got the hang of it i played it to the end of they demo.i had to buy it becouse it took me that mutch time just to get out of the train.the game it self is good with Fantistic Graphics and good fist i thought the man was Irish but no he comes from france.I cant tell you mutch more about this game as it took me 1 hour just to find a Camera.any way i let you download it and try it out for your self.I would Recommend this game it is good once you get the hang of it.